Three Reasons Why Biking the Andes is a Bucket List Experience

September 26, 2019 - 3 minutes read

The Andes crossing between Puerto Varas and Bariloche is the kind of adventure depicted in books or movies. But you can actually do it yourself! Here’s three reasons why you should travel the route at least once in your life:

1) Sail Across 3 Lakes

This is the only way through the Andes that allows you to sail across three lakes: Todos los Santos, Frías and Nahuel Huapi. Starting from the Chilean side, the trip starts with a cruise across Lago Todos los Santos. Arriving at the border post at Port Frías, you say goodbye to Chile and give a big welcome to Argentina. You’ll then navigate Lago Frías in the middle of the Andes. The third and last ferry crosses Lago Nahuel Huapi. Throughout the trip, you travel the land connections between each lake by bike.

2) Explore Pristine Nature

The Cruce Andino route features some of South America’s most treasured nature areas — Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park in Chile and Nahuel Huapi National Park in Argentina. National parks always add that special something to any journey. But they can present distinct challenges for those traveling by bike to the point where it might not be feasible to explore the park that way. So when you come across a national park route like Cruce Andino that’s perfect for cycling, you shouldn’t miss out on the opportunity to ride and discover. In this case, wild, unspoiled bike trails surrounded by snow-capped peaks, deep-blue lakes, glacier-fed waterfalls and lush Patagonian forest.

3) Discover Patagonia Best Cities

Puerto Varas in Chile and Bariloche in Argentina are two of Patagonia’s most historic and beautiful cities.

Perched along the shore of Lake Llanquihue, Puerto Varas it renowned for its German-influenced architecture, gastronomy and spectacular views of the nearby Andes. Over on the other side of the mountains, Bariloche is surrounded by forest and grassland, lakes, rivers and waterfalls. Make time at both ends of your Cruce Andino journey to wander both cities — and visit their famed chocolatiers and artisanal breweries — before continuing your journey through Patagonia.

If you’re Bike & Boat trip ends in Bariloche you can continue onwards to:

  • South into Argentine Patagonia.
  • North towards Villa La Angostura, traveling along the edge of Lake Nahuel Huapi to San Martín de los Andes before crossing back into Chile at Cardenal Samoré.

If you’re Bike & Boat trip ends in Puerto Varas you can continue onwards to:

  • South along Chile’s Astral Highway.
  • North to the international crossing at Cardenal Samoré and then back to Bariloche.
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