Adventure Canada started as a dream when brothers Matthew and Bill Swan, and friend David Freeze, began taking travelers to “off the map” destinations. Over 30 years later, they’re still doing it.

Matthew, Bill and David were enjoying an adventurous life as whitewater rafting guides on Canada’s Ottawa River when they came up with the idea of getting a bit farther a field.

What if adventure could be more than a summer job for students and more than a pastime for tourists seeking an afternoon of excitement, but also a way of life? 

Soon, the three had taken their enthusiasm to the next level: poring over a map of Canada, they searched for the biggest patch without roads and said, “Let’s go there!”

By 1988, the young entrepreneurs were taking travelers from the south on backpacking and camping trips to what is now Nunavut. For several years, they learned on the fly — losing money, but learning how to build relationships in the North, how to handle logistics, and especially, how to appeal to adventure-seeking travelers.

As it turned out, there were plenty of folks eager to get off the beaten trail: life-learners who wanted authentic experiences in less-traveled places. The trio also sought out adventure in western Canada, leading expeditions by horseback in the Rockies.

Adventure Canada’s first-ever trip was hiking in Auyuittuq National Park, out of Pangnirtung. Then a request came in from the Art Gallery of Ontario, seeking a company that could bring a group of 40 art lovers to Kinngait (Cape Dorset). Could Adventure Canada handle it?

Of course, they said yes — despite knowing there weren’t enough hotel rooms in Cape Dorset to handle the crowd! That’s when they hit on the brilliant solution that has been Adventure Canada’s stock-in-trade ever since: ships.

Aboard ships, travelers could eat and sleep in relative comfort without straining the resources of Arctic communities. Aboard ships, passengers could go from place to place in those vast areas unserved by roads. Aboard ships, the collaboration and bonding among the staff created energy and enthusiasm that made for a very special team atmosphere. And aboard ships, learning, exploring, and creating together became Adventure Canada’s signature style.

Adventure Canada remains a family operation at heart. And they remain committed to the mission that first inspired our founders: Engage, entertain, and educate by connecting people to each other and the land through innovative travel experiences.

They cultivate connection and community. They celebrate culture. They are driven by heart, humanity, and hope.

Check out Adventure Canada’s upcoming itineraries here: