Cruce Andino offers the option of stopping over in Puerto Blest for one or more nights. The rustic resort is immersed in the dense vegetation of the Valdivian forest and surrounded by the imposing Andes and waterbodies like Lago Frías with its peculiar emerald green color.

The rustic and thoroughly charming Hotel Puerto Blest was founded in 1904 to provide travelers on the route across the Andes between Chile and Argentina with a comfy place to spend the night and great meals in the wilderness.

In addition to a restaurant and bar open to overnight guests or those passing straight through on the Cruce Andino route, the resort offers a number of activities in surrounding Nahuel Huapi National Park.

Multiple trails ranging from easy to strenuous lead into the Patagonian wilderness. Among the more noteworthy routes are trails along the shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi, to the Cascada de los Cantaros waterfall, and the Sendero Paso de las Nubes along the edge of snowcapped Tronador volcano.

Puerto Blest also offers yoga and fly fishing, as well as a “Romantic Escapade” that includes champagne, chocolates and hot tub.

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