Sure, you’re taking that Adventure Canada cruise for the landscapes, wildlife and cultural experiences. But let’s not forget food — awesome meals served in some of the world’s most remote locations thanks to AC’s skilled kitchen staff and partnerships with organizations like Slow Food USA, Food Day Canada and the Culinary tourism Alliance.

Slow Food USA & Canada

Slow Food is committed to inspiring individuals and communities to change the world through food that is good, clean, and fair for all. The organization has a foothold in one hundred and sixty countries and directly impacts over a million people.

Adventure Canada and Slow Food share a desire to preserve biodiversity and local food traditions that have become marginalized by our industrial food system. They partner through Adventure Canada’s Taste of Place Program, which kicked off in 2018 with the Newfoundland Circumnavigation cruise.

The onboard program embraces the Slow Food balance between pleasure and responsibility on the high seas. In port, Adventure Canada works with Slow Food to make real the promise of slow travel: to tread lightly and respectfully upon fragile lands and fragile water and to forge trust and understanding with communities more often overlooked by the dominant food grid.

Food Day Canada/Journée des terroirs

Food Day Canada is a chef-led national celebration of local food that celebrates Canadian farmers and fishers, chefs and researchers, and above all, home cooks.

Food Day Canada/Journée des terroirs is a massive, chef-led national celebration of local food, celebrated on Canada’s long weekend in August. Although FDC began as a response to the 2003 beef crisis, it evolved quickly when it became clear that during summer there is locally-harvested, fabulous food in every single region of Canada. 

In 2019, Adventure Canada was pleased to welcome Anita Stewart — culinary author, food activist, and founder of Food Day Canada — aboard the Newfoundland Circumnavigation expedition.

Culinary Tourism Alliance

As experts in food tourism development, the Culinary Tourism Alliance believes that food is a diverse and dynamic channel for sharing stories, forming relationships and building communities.

The Culinary Tourism Association works to actively bridge the gap and strengthen the links between the food, tourism and hospitality industries. Along with their member destinations, they are contributing to Canada’s edible history by creating fruitful relationships in communities across the country — from the farm up. 

Though their roots are firmly planted in Ontario soil, their work now spans beyond our borders, minimizing the distance between field and fork in destinations across the globe.