Mark Willuhn, executive director of Explore Mesoamerica, experienced the transformational power of Ecuador nature during a tour with Enchanted Expeditions.

“During the midst of the pandemic . . . my wife and I decided that we needed to travel in 2022,” writes Mark in his blog about the journey. “When we learned that Hawaii was being overwhelmed by tourists, my wife suggested taking a trip to the Galapagos. We also decided to research including a trip to the Amazon to complement the Galapagos.

“Since I’ve worked in ecotourism in Central America since the 90s, I was tasked with all logistics — airfare, arrival/overnights in Quito, and in-country transfers. For a new destination country, this is can be quite overwhelming. While the internet and our connected world brings many benefits, there is what I call “over information” in the travel sector.

“I reached out to some travel industry contacts and Enchanted Expeditions was recommended by a long-term marine ecotourism client for our trip to the Galapagos . . . The entire trip logistics were seamless . . . Some people like this consistency, I prefer local charm and cultural connectivity which Enchanted Expeditions delivered.

“I highly recommend Enchanted Expeditions [for a] combination of both the Galapagos and Amazon. A trip of a lifetime, and probably more important in these times of COVID, both my wife and I returned rejuvenated and inspired with a strong feeling of optimism for the future, something we really needed.

Read all of Mark’s blog here: