February is carnival time in northern Portugal. Which means the diabolical “Caretos” figures will soon be haunting the streets of Podence and other towns in the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro regions.

A tradition that’s thought to pre-date Roman times when Celtic people inhabited much of the Iberian Peninsula, the Caretos are young men clad in flamboyant red, green and yellow costumes made from fringes of dyed wool, leather and bells or rattles, who run through town shouting and making lots of noise to hasten the end of winter.

In 2019, the “Caretos de Podence” was declared an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, the cultural equivalent of world heritage designation.

Even if you’re not in northern Portugal during festival time, the Casa do Careto in Macedo de Cavaleiros illuminates the history and mysticism of the loud merrimarkers through permanent exhibitions of the colorful costumes, bells, masks, paintings and other artefacts.

Learn more about the region and this outrageous custom at https://feelthecall.pt or www.caretosdepodence.pt/.