For 30 years, EcoTraining has been privileged to operate in many game reserves where they are pioneers of guide training and catalysts for job creation and increased revenues for high-end tourism.

One of their biggest success stories is Mashatu Game Reserve in South Africa.

They started operating along the Motloutse River in Mashatu in 2010, an area that was under pressure from poachers, trespassers, cattle grazing, and people removing artefacts from historic sites. Because the animals were stressed, the wildlife density in this area was lower than elsewhere in the reserve.

Over the following ten years, EcoTraining removed countless snares and displaced poachers, trespassers, and opportunists from the area. The wildlife appreciated their sensitive symbiosis and started to return in numbers.

A few years after their operation began, animals were breeding in that area as their core territories were secure. Brown and spotted hyenas had dens, cheetahs, lions and leopards had cubs, and the region returned to its optimal ecological state, as indicated by a high number of apex predators.

Read more about EcoTraining’s operations in Mashatu here: