Amazon Mystery: The Iron House by Gustave Eiffel

March 15, 2019 - 2 minutes read

Who would have guessed that in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon there’s an architectural masterpiece by the man who created the Eiffel Tower in Paris — Gustave Eiffel?

Located in the heart of Iquitos on the Plaza de Armas, the incredible Casa de Fierro remains a testimony to the prosperous industrial past of this gateway to the Amazon.

No one knows for sure how this building wound up in Iquitos. There are those who say that a Peruvian rubber baron bought the unusual iron house to flaunt his success. And that is perhaps the case. Some of the 1890’s rubber producers became very wealthy, very quickly as a result of great demand for the material. Iquitos flourished — its most prosperous period economically.

How the house was transported from Paris to Iquitos is another intriguing part of the mystery: Iquitos was not accessible by road, so the transport of such a heavy and immense structure would not have been a simple task. Most likely hundreds of men carried the large iron plates that make up the house across the Amazon jungle to reach the city.

The building — with its wrought iron, square shape and large balconies — was assembled in the center of Iquitos city where it still stands today. With magnificent views of the Plaza de Armas, the Casa de Fierro is considered a national cultural and historical landmark. Even after all these years visitors are still surprised when they come across this architectural jewel in the middle of the jungle.

All Jungle Experiences trips include the option of touring Iquitos — including a glimpse of the Casa de Fierro — before or after embarking on one of their luxury or adventure cruises that navigate the Amazon.

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