Amazon Rainforest Highs and Lows

October 16, 2018 - 2 minutes read

Jungle Experiences cruises in the Peruvian Amazon are spectacular at any time of year. But before you book, check out the distinct differences between rainy and dry seasons in the region — and how that impacts both the water level and the excursions that are offered aboard the riverboats La Perla and Zafiro.

High Water

While it is true that it can rain on any given day in the Peruvian Amazon, the actual rainy season spans November to May.

That corresponds to the southern hemisphere’s summer and autumn, when temperature’s average around 86°F and about 60% of annual rainfall occurs in the region.

During this time, rivers and streams in the Amazon Basin often rise more than 20 feet. That means that in addition to spectacular scenery, just about every watercourse is navigable.

Being able to penetrate deeper into the rainforest means you’re even further off the grid and the chance of seeing Amazonian wildlife like monkeys, turtles and caiman crocodiles is greatly increased.

It also means a less walking . . . and more sitting in boats.

 Low Water

The dry season between June and October coincides with the southern hemisphere’s winter. Temperatures are hotter — averaging around 98°F in the daytime.

The water in the Amazon’s river, streams and lakes slowly recedes. That allows for foot access to the jungle trails that are flooded at other times of year.

Spotting migratory birds in flight is especially good at this time of year, and the lower water level facilitates better fishing.

But remember, despite its “ dry season” name, about 40% of annual rain falls during this time. And you’ll spend more time hiking the jungle if you cruise during the low water.

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