Elewana Collection goes to War with the Straw

January 31, 2018 - 2 minutes read

A year ago Elewana Collection joined the initiative ‘Ban the Bottle’ and introduced stainless steel water bottles to help reduce Elewana’s carbon footprint by providing a sustainable alternative to bottled water without sacrificing taste, quality or convenience. In our continued efforts to reduce plastic waste we have taken a stand and no longer use plastic straws in our camps, lodges and hotels.

As worldwide awareness grows, large corporates are taking bold steps to reduce plastic waste. From Sky News promoting Ocean Rescue to the pub chain, Wetherspoons, who are replacing plastic straws with biodegradable paper straws, followed by restaurant chain Wagamama – all making it their goal to reduce plastic waste.

When reading the distressing impact of single-use plastic on wildlife and the environment we must all recognise that plastic never goes away. Plastic is a durable material made to last forever, yet 33 percent of it is used once and then discarded. Plastic cannot biodegrade; it only breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces – Elewana is proud to have taken such a stand and joined the many organisations around the world to eliminate its plastic waste.

In a ground breaking initiative, we are happy to announce that we no longer use plastic straws in our properties and have replaced these with biodegradable ones that decompose in 90-120 days” announced by Elewana’s Sales & Marketing Director James Haigh.

We are giving guests at all our properties a choice;


Be the change – be part of our War with the Straw movement across Elewana.