Focus on the Skeleton Coast

January 22, 2017 - 1 minute read

For a completely different take on Namibia, check out the latest issue of Travel News Namibia magazine, which features a photo essay on the Skeleton Coast by Xenia Ivanoff-Erb, a locally based graphic designer, brand consultant and photographer. Swakopmund Through A Different Lens turns simple, everyday objects and landscapes found along the Namibian shore into works of photographer art.

“With my photographs,” Xenia declares in the story that accompanies her photos. “I want to portray a different view of Swakopmund in the media than the images I found online which depict the town as dated, old and grungy. Almost every article harps on about a history of war and colonial times. Swakop is struggling to establish a new character for itself as an African town. I love the sense of unity and the diverse community. My husband Georg and I spend many hours exploring nature and the environment in and around Swakopmund. It feeds my soul, it makes me feel alive.”

View the Skeleton Coast for yourself by booking a ground or aerial journey with African Profile Safaris.