Reaching the Heart of the Amazon

December 6, 2018 - 3 minutes read

Travelers often ponder the best way to discover the Amazon. One of the most authentic ways is a riverboat journey with Jungle Experiences along the waterways that flow through Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in northeastern Peru.

Wedged between the Marañón and Ucayali rivers, this sprawling rain-forest park is the most extensive national reserve in Peru — 8,031 square miles of pristine Amazonian forest.

Among the reserve’s thick vegetation, visitors discover a surprising explosion of life: a diverse ecosystem formed by thousands of animal and plant species. Species that, in many cases, can only be observed in the Peruvian jungle.

The same environment allows the park’s indigenous communities that live according to ancestral customs and beliefs to keep their connections with nature and spirituality alive.

Jungle Experiences offers the following tips on how to explore the Amazon rain-forest:

Navigate rivers and streams

Cruising the Marañón and Ucayali rivers, as well as their tributaries, is the best way to discover the many unexplored corners of this natural paradise. Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve also boasts more than 80 lakes. All Jungle Experiences cruises have scheduled excursions in expedition boats that can reach hidden places.

Walk the jungle

One of the best ways to discover Amazonian biodiversity is walking among the trees, along the jungle paths and over the hanging bridges of the forest. These hikes afford an opportunity to look for new species, admire the plants, and breathe the pure air of the tropical forest. Each Jungle Experiences cruise features daily walks and excursions through the rain-forest, accompanied by our naturalist guides.

Get into the water

Swimming in the one of the park’s many waterways make brings you even closer to the Amazon and allows you to feel the energy of the world’s largest river — if you dare.

Visit authentic indigenous cultures

Participating in local customs and ways of life is another way to discover the variety and richness of Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve. Jungle Experiences itineraries always include a chance to visit to local villages, participate in shaman rituals, and discover typical local cuisine.The expedition boats of Jungle Experiences allow for access to the hidden corners of this immense landscape. The luxury riverboat Zafiro and adventure ship La Perla were specially built to allow for exploration of areas of the park that were previously difficult to access, taking you on an adventure to discover virgin and unexplored corners in the depths of the jungle.

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