Read All About It: Hong Kong Bans Ivory in Landslide Vote

February 27, 2018 - 1 minute read

The South China Morning Post newspaper reported on how the world’s largest ivory market (Hong Kong) will phase out sales of elephant tusks by 2021 under a three-step plan supported by lawmakers from across the political spectrum. The bill passed by a vote of 49-4 just one month after Beijing shut down markets on the Chinese mainland.

Quotable quote: “Bert Wander, campaign director for Avaaz, a US-based civic organization, described the vote as ‘a referendum on the future of elephants.’ Since China announced its ban, the price of ivory has collapsed from US$2,100 per kilogram in 2014 to a low of US$383 per kilogram, he said. ‘But there have been fears that unless Hong Kong follows, the trade could re-establish itself in the city,’ Wander added.”

Read the rest of the story by Emily Tsang here: