Read All About It: Iceland Approves Seven New Baby Names

February 3, 2018 - 1 minute read

Páll Stefánsson.

Iceland Review, an English-language newspaper in Reykjavik, recently reported that the Icelandic Naming Committee has approved seven new names for Icelandic newborns. Yes, you heard right — parents can’t create their own willy-nilly baby names in Iceland. Anything you want to call your children must have the official government stamp of approval.

Quotable quote: “For boys, the newly approved first names are Geimar and Brimþór; for girls, the first names Ljóney, Íselín, and Guðna. Two names that have not been previously used as first names for girls or boys were approved as middle names: Rokk and Hörgdal.”

Browse the rest of the story by Larissa Kyzer here: