Read All About It! Read All About It! | Kenya Tops Africa in Migratory Bird Sightings

November 2, 2020 - Less than a minute read

The Standard (Nairobi) offers a story on how Kenya is now the best place in Africa — and sixth globally behind Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia — when it comes to watching migratory birds.

During the recent eBird Global Big Day, Kenya birders sighted 817 species, primarily along the coast, the eastern regions around Lake Victoria and the Rift Valley, where Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge offers an excellent base for observing and photographing feathered friends.

Quotable quote: “Top hotspots where migratory birds prefer to land following their long migratory journeys . . . include Lake Nakuru National Park, which has since recorded 506 species, followed by Amboseli National Park and Nairobi National Park.”

Read the rest of the story by Caroline Chebet here.