No way is a little rain going to limit your adventures in Costa Rica. If anything, the rainy season that falls between May and November will likely enhance your encounters with Costa Rican nature.

Of course, it all relies on what you want to see or do.

If you’re into attaining a beautiful tan and relaxing under the sun on a beach palapa. Well, the rainy period is not your best time to visit.

But if you are into wildlife, rainforests, breathtaking landscapes and outdoor adventures, you’ll love the rainy season.

Travel Pioneers invites you to discover eight reasons why the rainy season is such a fantastic time to vacation in Costa Rica.

Everything is Green
No matter where you are in Costa Rica, the rainy season makes the landscape bright and so luscious! It’s like life is out and ready to dance!

Here and Gone
Quite often rain lasts only a couple of hours. Even in the rainiest months and the wettest days, you often get sunny mornings and starry nights.

Fewer People
Because the rainy season overlaps with summer in North America and Europe, there are fewer tourists and not nearly as many cruises calling on Costa Rica.

Awesome Rafting
Flush with extra water, Costa Rica’s rivers and their mighty rapids at their best.

Nature’s Refresher
Unless you’re way up in the mountains where the air is always chilly, getting rained on is actually a welcome experience because it takes the edge off the tropical heat and humidity. So get wet and enjoy it!

The Rainforests Glow
As soon as the rainy season starts, trees recover their leaves and start to bloom, and wildlife relishes this sudden abundance of food.

Volcano Visibility
As strange as it may seem, it’s easier to observe and photograph volcanoes after a good downpour, because the clouds often clear away to reveal their towering summits.

Turtles & Whales
Although the months vary, sea turtles and humpback whales migrate to the Costa Rican coast during the rainy season rather than the dry.
