The Real Magic of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve

October 29, 2019 - 3 minutes read

The real Magic of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve is in the biodiversity that flourishes within a park that protects one of the richest areas for wildlife in all of the Amazon.

Located at the confluence of several waterways that form the main branch of the Amazon River, the largest protected area in Peru (and the fourth largest in South America) offers visitors a true insight into the immensity of Mother Nature.

The incredible diversity and denseness of fauna — colossal trees, infinite bushes and shrubs, medicinal plants, and so much more — makes wildlife spotting challenging.

It’s a good thing that the naturalist guides who accompany every Jungle Experiences journey into Pacaya-Samiria are experts at spotting animals amid the foliage, pointing out sloths and their ever-so-gentle movements, brightly colored macaws, surly caymans, cheeky monkeys at play, and even the stillest of reptiles. Looking skyward, swallows, tanagers and hundreds of bird species soar through the Amazon sky.

When night falls, the scenery is transformed. The stars shine brighter over the Amazon and their twinkling reflection in the water paints a panoramic view on the water surface. You’ll be able to make out the eyes of the fearsome cayman crocodiles lurking along the riverbanks. Every Jungle Experiences voyage features nighttime expeditions in skiffs for those who dare to get a close-up view of caymans,  anacondas, tree frogs and other creatures that come out after dark.

Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve changes through the seasons. During rainy or high-water season, runoff pours down from the Andes and the rivers swell with water, submerging a significant portion of the forest below the dark water.

It’s during this time that black lagoons appear throughout the park, serving as mirrors to offer a second view of the remarkable Amazon sky. During the high-water season, the reserve can be accessed only by boat.

During dry or low-water season, when the excess water has receded, the flora and fauna of the Amazon return to their full glory. Now is the time to step off the boat and explore the nature trails of the Amazon rainforest on foot.

Exploring the Amazon isn’t just for the eyes — the rainforest also provides a fascinating experience for the ears. Through the vines, monkeys swing from tree to tree, noisily howling. Beyond the river there’s a nightly concert performed by frogs, insects and more. Some travelers say they even hear the magical chants of Amerindian shaman from deep within the rainforest.

In short, Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve is a paradise of plant and animal life. It’s an experience of discovering the immensity of the Amazon – and the immensity of our planet.

To take you on this magical journey, Jungle Experiences offers Amazon cruises. For those who wish to contemplate the world from the majesty of the rainforest, check out their next departures and get ready to discover the real Mother Earth.

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