Day 7 begins in the wee hours with my first ever NORTHERN LIGHTS! I had put my name on a wake-up call list, no matter the time, in case of an appearance. Wow! Spectacular! Amazing! I could go on although those aren’t really proper descriptions to describe this heavenly phenomenon. It was truly an awe-inspiring event that makes one marvel at the Universe – angels dancing in the sky as a fellow passengerNL said. Sadly my photos are horrible, as I don’t have my good camera with me.

An interesting lecture on modern day Greenland included America building military bases here during the WWII after Denmark was occupied. We built roads, airstrips, housing, introduced bubble gum, fast food and alcohol. Greenland has gold, silver, uranium and other minerals plus is believed to have large pockets of oil and natural gas.

After sailing all morning, we arrived in Arsuk and boarded Zodiacs to see the world’s only underwater limestone stalagmites. They are formed by the area’s many waterfalls that dump fresh water minerals into the sea in perfestalagmitect climate conditions. Fresh water is lighter so the minerals crystallize in the seawater and grow in an upward formation. The stalagmites continue to grow but are broken off when the bay freezes over every year.

My last new experience of the day was getting to see Greenland’s indigenous large, wooly muskox. These small-brained beasts are more closely related to the goat family than oxen and are widely hunted by the Inuit.  mo   Quite the day! (kiki)

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