Whether you’re staying at Hotel las Torres or just passing through, one of the coolest aspects of Las Torres Reserve is a chance to sample authentic Chilean food at Coirón Restaurant.

Dining on traditional, signature dishes with a panoramic view of the Torres del Paine mountains really adds a unique aspect to your experience in Patagonia.

Coirón Restaurant specializes in unique flavors from the end of the world, creatively blending modern international gastronomy with traditional dishes from Chilean Patagonia. The chef uses fresh products that go literally from the garden to plate.

The hotel’s large kitchen garden produces a solid portion of the food served at Coirón including 25 types of vegetables, nine different fruits, and a growing number of culinary herbs. The menu includes tender meats, creamy risottos, grilled fish and delectable desserts with presentations that make each dish a work of art.

With a location in the heart of the national park, the restaurant features huge windows to observe not just the mountains but also endemic birds and other animals. At any given time, you might see horses grazing, foxes running and — if you’re really lucky — maybe even a puma strolling by!

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