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Kasa Fie


How Our Programs Work

Our programs are founded on the belief that self-expression through creative arts holds therapeutic value. Trained therapists facilitate the process, of understanding the roles of colour, texture, and various art media in revealing an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and psychological disposition. Participants are encouraged to explore, express, and heal through these expressive therapies.

Targeted Conditions/Disorders
  • Addiction
  • Trauma
  • Autism
  • Eating Disorders
  • Adoption and Attachment Issues

Experience Empowerment

Psychodrama Therapy

Psychodrama offers a powerful, real-time therapeutic experience, making it an
empowering alternative to traditional talk therapy. Through psychodrama, individuals can:

  • Improve relationships and communication skills
  • Overcome grief and lossRestore confidence and well-being
  • Enhance learning and life skills
  • Express their feelings in a safe, supportive environmentExperiment with new ways of thinking and behaving
  • Experiment with new ways of thinking and behaving
Psychodrama is effectively used to treat various conditions, including:
  • Addiction
  • Trauma
  • Autism
  • Eating Disorders
  • Adoption and Attachment Issues

Drama Therapy

Drama therapy is designed to achieve significant behavioural changes and improvements in interpersonal relationships, integrating physical and emotional well-being. It aims to:

  • Promote positive behavioural changes
  • Enhance interpersonal relationship skills
  • Encourage personal growth and self-awareness
  • Improve overall quality of life
In addition to the primary goals, drama therapy provides participants with the opportunity to:
  • Express their feelings
  • Tell their story
  • Act out and work through issues and problems
  • Relive their symptoms
  • Achieve emotional and physical integration
  • Experience catharsis
  • Expand their depth of inner experiences
  • Boost self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Increase their sense of play and spontaneity
  • Develop trust and work out relationship issues
  • Improve interpersonal and social skills
  • Strengthen or expand their personal life roles
  • Enhance mental and emotional flexibility

Experiential Therapy

Unlock Healing Through Experience:
Experiential therapy employs expressive tools and activities, like role-playing, arts and crafts, music, and more, to re-enact and re-experience emotional situations from past and recent relationships. Under the guidance of a trained experiential therapist, individuals can:

  • Release and explore negative feelings
  • Work through past experiences and traumas
  • Achieve emotional and physical healing

Experiential therapy is often utilized in the treatment of various conditions, including trauma, eating disorders, behavior disorders, anger management, grief and loss recovery, substance abuse, and behavioral addictions.


Art Therapy

Art therapy utilizes creative techniques like drawing, painting, collage, and sculpting to help individuals express themselves artistically. Guided by a credentialed art therapist, participants can:
  • Decode nonverbal messages, symbols, and metaphors in their art
  • Understand their feelings and behavior better
  • Resolve deeper issues through artistic expression

When to Use:
Art therapy is beneficial for children, adolescents, and adults dealing with emotions, addiction, stress, anxiety, depression, or coping with a physical illness or disability. It’s not about artistic talent but about using the creative process to reveal and understand one’s thoughts, feelings, and psychological disposition.

Art therapy acts as a springboard for reawakening memories, telling stories, and revealing unconscious beliefs and messages.