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Tell us more about your book “Fresh Start”. What made you decide to write a book? Without giving too much away, what is the book about? Why should everyone reading this article pause right now and go buy a copy?

Hmmm…what made me decide to write a book? Well, the simple answer to that question is this —my struggles. After facing and overcoming several challenges and setbacks at different points in my life, I felt inspired to share my story in my own way and in my own voice.

People often see you at the end of a tunnel but never really hear of the dark side of the journey through that tunnel. Writing my book “Fresh Start”, was a way for me to warmly and sincerely share how I overcame the many challenges life has brought my way.

I had somehow lost myself to life and quickly became a woman who stopped investing in her dreams. Life had happened, and I lost all maps providing any form of direction and plan for my future. I desired the opportunity to simply start over and leave my struggles behind. This book is a result of my personal journey to find my way, rebuild my life, get back on track, and move forward.

It is a book about dreams coming to pass. “Fresh Start” is a book about reaching for your potential. It is full of simple, practical and everyday strategies to help you win in life. If you want to know how another young woman just like you overcame the odds to live out her potential, then you need to grab a copy of the book right now!

[bctt tweet=”Remember that proverb, “curiosity killed the cat”? @jokotadeshow says, “curiosity feeds the cat”. ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

What would you say you learnt about yourself through this process? Is this something you would be willing to take on again?

Oh my goodness, the process of writing a book is like being pregnant…no joke. It was a lot of hard work as I penned each chapter all by myself. I learned that I have more inside of me than I actually realize.

From my childhood, I loved to write and tell stories to impact people’s lives. I dreamt of becoming an author “someday”. Now, you and I know that there is no such day as “someday”, so that “someday” never came to pass.

As you may imagine, I began the journey of pursuing that dream of becoming an author, but I never followed through on that.  As I write in the book, I am so glad I discovered what I needed to do and I did it…and now it’s history.

I am on to my next books now, take note of the plural…books.

[bctt tweet=”Jokotade’s vision for @JokotadeShow is bigger than Jokotade” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

In a way it sounds like you are gearing up to be the next Oprah. Do you see yourself going in that direction? What is your vision for Jokotade?

You know, it would be great to be my own unique me “Jokotade” —a next generation African born and raised Oprah.  My vision for Jokotade is bigger than Jokotade. I see The Jokotade Organization leveraging the power of social media and technology to establish and equip a global community of women committed to living out their potential.

In 2017, I am establishing what I am calling the world’s first life school for women.  It’s an online university that women can access from any part of the world. Women like you and me will have an opportunity to learn everyday skills to succeed in life.

It’s also an opportunity for me to share, teach and mentor other women on what is possible. With this online university, I dream of women becoming more than they can imagine.

Jokotade. Photo credit:

What would you say is the secret to your success?

There are several secrets I wish I could share within the short time we have. The three I want to scream from the rooftop are; authenticity, simplicity and curiosity.

By authenticity, I mean staying true to who you are as a woman. When I established my design business here in the United States, I didn’t have funding like my industry peers. I couldn’t build massive structures to display my product offerings and very importantly, I found myself in an industry heavily dominated by men. I focused on each customer that came my way and gave each of them my undivided attention. Also, I kept my language and communication very simple and clear to my customers. I didn’t try to speak or act like my customers, I was simply me —a young African woman.

Then, I learned to be diligent with what I have. I learned to seize every opportunity. Also, I took the time to ask questions. I like to say, “I asked my way out of zero.” When a customer hired me, I asked why and how they came to that decision. When I wasn’t hired, I still asked why. I kept asking until I discovered what worked and what didn’t work.

It helped me rise above my competition until my firm became one of the top 3 in my city. Do you remember that proverb, “curiosity killed the cat”? Well I have improved that to say, “curiosity feeds the cat”. If the cat doesn’t ask, the cat doesn’t eat.

[bctt tweet=”Jokotade’s three secrets to success are authenticity, simplicity and curiosity. ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

Where do you see Jokotade 5 years from now?

My passion is first for the next-generation woman. Five years from now, I dream of equipping and developing visionary women in every nation of the world —starting with the woman of African descent.

Like I mentioned earlier, I hope to harness the power of technology to help women bridge the gap of where they are and where they want to be in life. I haven’t met any woman that doesn’t want to thrive in life, love and business.

[bctt tweet=”Jokotade likes to say, “I asked my way out of zero.” Here’s why she asks so many questions” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

If you could give any advice to the young women reading this article, what words of wisdom would you share with them?

You are the only limitation to your potential, no one can stop you unless you permit them. It’s time to rise up to your potential, today not tomorrow but today —in fact right now. Rise up and go live your own life and not anyone else’s.


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