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Joy Eneghalu: Using Strategy to Conquer Social Media

Joy Eneghalu is a social media strategist. She helps businesses and teaches individuals how to leverage social media to boost their brand awareness, increase their sphere of influence and make a profit. She is also the founder of the Influencer Marketing platform called Influensah. Can one thrive in today’s marketplace without social media? Social media has taken over and has the potential to expose one’s business to a larger audience. It is highly important to have your business on social media so you don’t lose out on the goodness. However, there is the offline part that people also have to maintain. Social media has become a must-have tool for every business to thrive in today’s marketplace. So, if social media is here to stay, what are the career opportunities open to young people? There are tons of career opportunities open to young people and the beautiful thing is that some of them are largely untapped and it costs almost nothing to get started. Young people can now go ahead and become some of the following professionals: Online TV Hosts Online OAPs Social media and community managers Online event planners Influencers Data specialists and Facebook ad experts Funnel experts Website designers and social media graphic designers Content creators  All you basically need is a phone, internet, knowledge, skill, and visibility. If you are wondering if people do these as actual jobs and cash out, there are many of them and they aren’t even enough for the market. What were the mistakes you made when you started out? How can others avoid them? When I started out, it was basically trial and error. Eventually, I invested in courses that helped sharpen my skills. The number one mistake I made was not documenting an agreement with a client and that cost me lots of money because of the lacking proof. This lesson was very important for my success.   Before discovering the essence of a community, I played a lone game for a while. However, I now belong to about 6 communities that have provided me with immense support and knowledge. With many people coming on to the social media space, what would you advise to stand out amidst the noisy marketplace? This may sound cliché but nothing beats being authentic, genuinely caring about people and adding value. These have been my own sauce and it works pretty much for everyone you see doing great things. If you are fake, people will find out. Let your style of delivery on social media speak for you.   [bctt tweet=”Overnight success doesn’t exist as a social media strategist or manager; you have to put it in the work – @joyeneghalu” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What are the myths in your line of business? Overnight success!! It beats my imagination when many say to me ‘Joy, I want to blog or I want to start managing an account. They said this thing is like oil money. If I do it like this now, by xxx time, I will have xxx amount of money’.  It baffles me a lot. Overnight success doesn’t exist as a social media strategist or manager; you have to put it in the work. Some people even take 10 years! Money doesn’t grow on trees in the online world.  Secondly, just because one is visible and popular online doesn’t mean the person has billions sited in their account. It can be very annoying to have people asking you for money because of your online fame. If one is being visible on social media, please understand that it is part of the journey and not the destination.   Could you briefly share with our Motherland moguls on WhatsApp for business? WhatsApp for Business is a highly innovative tool that businesses can use to offer fast and efficient customer care services to their customers. With a range of different features such as analytics and labels for pending payments; WhatsApp for Business is a highly effective tool for online business.  I personally advice having the ‘Click to Chat’ feature on your website or social media platform. This feature enables people to easily chat you up and maintain a human relationship with your business.  Final Words You can do this. You can achieve anything you want with the right mindset. [bctt tweet=”Hone the skill of recognizing opportunities and jump on it before the crowd does – @joyeneghalu” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] I look forward to having lots of young ladies kicking butts in the social media/online space.   If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.

Edirin Edewor: When failure gives you wings, fly higher

Edirin Edewor is a two-time Amazon Bestselling Author, a Mindset and Author’s Coach, and an Entrepreneur. She works with three types of entrepreneurs to help them publish their books and establish their brands.  Through Edirin’s Process Publishing System, entrepreneurs are helped to write their books with ease in record time get published on Amazon and become bestsellers.  She also caters to the AUTHORPRENUERS who want to sell their books profitably as well as create extra streams of income through their writing.  Finally, Edirin’s 5-Step Process Blueprint helps unknown and underpaid entrepreneurs in the service industry become highly influential and highly paid personal brands.    How do you think your past failures set you up for success? In 2011 when I was 20, I attempted suicide.  After that, I have had 502  of my job applications rejected in 4 years.  I failed in 9 out of 11 business in 5 years. I battled with depression and a diagnosis of Early Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 25. With all this suffering, I felt like a failure and thought my life was over. After much reflection, I began developing a growth mindset which helped me overcome all of these difficult times. I eventually wrote two books; The Productivity Checklist which became an Amazon Bestseller in 2016 and You and Your Mindset. Understanding that my failures were only learning processes, helped me eventually succeed in life and business. These lessons have helped me effectively start, scale and sustain my business in no time. So, now I help others too. [bctt tweet=”Understanding that my failures were only learning processes, helped me eventually succeed in life and business. – Edirin Edewor” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] You do a lot of great work with authors. How important is writing to establishing one’s authority in any given field? A lot of influential business people today have written books to establish themselves as authorities in their fields. From Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, to Steve Harris, Arese Ugwu, Nimi Akinkugbe and myself. Sharing your knowledge with the public shows that you know what you’re doing. It also helps you reach a lot more people with valuable information and grows your value perception.   What tips would you give our young Motherland Moguls who are trying to gain influence in business? Everyone has to start from the bottom. No one gets to the top of the mountain by falling there. Getting to the top of the mountain of success requires you to climb. It will take some time, dedication, commitment and keeping a positive attitude in the face of obstacles. One great way to growing influence is getting published and growing your own community. There are many skills and tools to help with this. Social media platforms have made it easy to grow your influence and build a community of a loyal following today. [bctt tweet=”I’d like people to understand that life is in processes and you need to master one level to get to the next one. – Edirin Edewor” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] From your experience what are the difficult aspects of being an entrepreneur in Africa? First of all, being an entrepreneur anywhere, male or female, is difficult. However, Africa presents some unique challenges. The continent is not as technologically and industrially advanced as first world nations. Therefore, there are limited opportunities available to us. This forces us Africans to be creative and create unique solutions to solve our challenges. Secondly, the African market is still not largely globalized and the ease of doing business on a global scale is still being stifled by the political and economic environment. What advice would you give other entrepreneurs on handling this?  As stated earlier, we have to create unique solutions to our challenges. While we wait for certain technologies to become available to us, we should maximize on what we have. This also includes constantly seeking opportunities to partner with global businesses to create more favorable conditions to do business. Here is where building trust and fostering good relationships become vitally important. From your past failures, what would you advise a young African woman getting set to start a business or career?   Being patient and intentional about learning the lessons even when you fail, helps you learn faster, fail less and fly higher. Today I have built a multi-million naira business sharing this message and helping entrepreneurs build influence so they can share their stories and impact others.  If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.

Joyce Daniels: Stay in your lane, Enjoy your journey, and Raise others

Joyce Daniels is a professional Master of Ceremonies, a senior trainer at the prestigious Dale Carnegie and Associates, and a budding entrepreneur at her own “TAKADEMY” – Africa’s Premiere Training School for Masters of Ceremonies.  With all these accomplishments under her belt, Joyce is a force to reckon with. Through her passion for speaking, Joyce has turned her skills into a profitable business hosting events and training others in the field.  Despite a degree in Human Anatomy, she has excellent skills in communication and event planning. These skills have enabled her to work with clients from multiple industries and high net-worth individuals.  Through her work, Joyce hopes to inspire others to stay in their line and develop their passions and skills. In this interview, Joyce Daniels talks about her passion and how she’s managed to build her brand. What led to you becoming a Master of Ceremonies? I believe I’ve been talkative from my mother’s womb. So, I decided to capitalize on my natural talent and gift of the gab. I wanted to explore a career in a field which requires no inventory, no start-up costs, and no rent. With this in mind, I found a career I enjoy, I love and I fit into PERFECTLY. How can young women refine their gift of gab as a source of income? Young women can self-train or be trained by professionals to serve in various ‘speaking’ capacities, such as TV/radio personalities, broadcasters, voice-over artists, voice actors or join my line of work, as event host MCs (Red Carpet or Main Event). Some of these can be experienced on a full time or part-time basis, in tandem with other interests or full-time job. In your opinion, how can young African women stand out in the marketplace? In my experience, my clients keep coming back and making referrals, because I ALWAYS deliver and on several occasions, surpass their expectations. For young African women, standing out requires understanding and meeting what the client wants and needs. On top of impeccable delivery, the following values can also help young women stand out in the African and global marketplace: Ensure you have top quality wrapped in unquestionable and undeniable excellence in service delivery When quality and excellence are in place, a healthy campaign of branding and marketing should be pursued. If you are top notch, yet unknown, attracting clients and income could be a problem. Therefore, strive to build your brand and make it known. [bctt tweet=”I strongly believe in raising and supporting other women as best as I can – @iamjoycedaniels ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What support did you get from other women when you started?   The support I have gotten from women has helped me grow and succeed. My support base included women such as Chiaku Ekwueme of AZ4Kids, Ndidi Obioha of Enthyst Events, the Ugochukwu sisters of Sleek, Amie Georgewill of Kolor Kraft and Madam Josephine Anenih. These women believed in me and highly recommended me to other clients, some of whom hired me based on my exemplary work and because I am a woman – they support women too! Why do you always advocate for business owners to ‘Stay in their lane’ on social media?  To explain my ‘Stay-In-Your-Lane’ philosophy, I’d like to use a few examples. Bill Gates stayed in his Software lane until he became an enigma. Serena Williams stayed in her Tennis lane until she became an unquestionable force. Mother Theresa stayed in her Charity lane until she became a saint. Oprah Winfrey stayed in her TV Show lane until she became a global phenomenon. Ibukun Awosika stayed in her corporate furniture lane until she gained enough credibility to become the Chairman of Nigeria’s oldest and biggest bank. Alibaba Akpobome stayed in his Comedy lane and made standup comedy a notable profession in Nigeria. Chimamanda Adichie stayed in her literary lane until she has become an international icon and multiple prize winner. The list is inexhaustible. Many people get distracted from their lane for many reasons. These factors include finance (or lack of it), fame (or craving for it), instant gratification and popularity (or non-popularity). I have taken it upon myself to remind people, especially those like me in ‘unpopular’ lanes, to remember despite the challenges, we are unique and different. With the same amount of time, commitment, self-development and optimism, we would reach great heights. [bctt tweet=”Don’t ditch your lane just because it is hard or unpopular! Stay in your lane and enjoy your journey. – @iamjoycedaniels” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Final words to young ladies Whatever your profession or career path, try your best to leave a good trail for others to follow and make conscious and deliberate efforts to contribute positively to your community and society at large.

Positioning Your Brand Strategy for The Nigerian Market

Brand strategy is the process of positioning your brand in the mind of your target market. The goal of every brand should be to be top of mind in their customers’ heads – that is whenever a customer thinks of your product, your brand should be the first name that pops in their head. For instance, whenever you think of ordering a cab, the first name that comes to mind is usually Uber, or, if you want a cold, non-alcoholic drink, Coca-Cola comes straight to mind. The aim is to be the top of the market niche of your brand, the customer needs to specifically identify your brand as distinct from others in the market. Brand positioning occurs whether or not a company develops a brand strategy, for every market, there is a market leader and less recognized brands. Every company has to craft a brilliant and progressive approach to positively position its brand to grab the attention of its target audience constantly. Basics of Brand Positioning The basic four elements of brand positioning are: Target market: Who are your customers? What is the major demographic constitution of consumers that your brand appeals to? Market definition: What level is your brand competing for? How is your brand relevant to customers? Brand promise: What is the most convincing, logical or emotional benefit to your target market that your brand has over your competitors? Legitimacy: What is the most credible evidence you can present to confirm that your brand would deliver on its promise? Brand strategy styles There are four branding styles prevalent in Nigeria, choose the ideal strategy for your brand and implement. The big bosses battle This branding style is usually for brands that are in a prominent market category with the market leadership margins within fringes of each other. Examples of these are Coca-Cola versus Pepsi and Jumia versus Konga. These two categories of brands are very similar and are constantly competing to gain market share. It is honestly a battle for the big bosses due to the amount of money and time it takes to successfully attempt this strategy. Big Fish, Smaller Pond This idea is the basis of most specialist and personalized brands. It is based on the idea of creating a niche within an underserved market, which is basically identifying a sector of an existing market whose needs have not been met by market leaders and positioning your brand as the solution to this market gap. For instance, there are several platforms that cater to needs of career women and female professionals, however not a lot are youth-focused, which is where She Leads Africa comes in. Fundamentally, this style avoids going head-on with the market leader but focuses on a specific niche. Game changer This brand positioning reframes an existing market in new ways. It gives customers new and innovative benefits that make market leaders and your competitors so irrelevant that your brand becomes the new market leader. If the needs or expectations of your customers change, you differentiate your brand from competitors by highlighting its distinctiveness or marketing your brand in a revolutionary way. Take Jameson’s foray into the Nigerian market, for instance, other drink companies brand their product as aspirational lifestyle brands or luxury brands, to be honest, aspirational branding is the de-factor brand strategy for products similar to Jameson. However, Jameson took the alternative route and branded as an artsy, cool kids brand, which has sporadically fast-tracked its market penetration in Nigeria. Another example is Wanneka Hair, the hair extension retailer that achieved Instagram fame by using unique brand storytelling, unique content, influencer marketing and several other techniques to achieve market leader status in a saturated market. This branding strategy will highlight your distinctiveness and help you beat the market leader, however, your strength must be backed by good quality product and service. This style gives a feel of exclusivity, community and a unique experience for its customers. First mover When there is no other product or service like yours and you are the first of your kind, you have first mover advantage and you get to invent your market. This strategy is for brands that do not fit into any existing market. Examples of this strategy are Uber and Printivo. The taxi-hailing app market did not exist before Uber created it, so also a Nigerian online DIY print provider had not been invented before Printivo. The benefit of this strategy is that your brand would be the default market leader because you literally created this market. However, this strategy can be risky because you might not find the right product-market fit simply because the market does not exist because there is no need for it. There are several brands that flopped in an attempt to fill a need that doesn’t exist, don’t join them. This strategy comes with several copy-cats, nonetheless, patents and trademarking might help, but if your product can be easily imitated, ensure you get enough head start to gain as much market share as possible. Got an article you’d like to share with us? Share your story with us here.

MALEBOGO MARUMOAGAE: It is not about being your own boss, it is about finding a solution to a problem

This is a woman rooted in love. Love for her mother, work and for others. She is love. She is Malebogo  Marumoagae. We were first introduced to Malebogo as a beauty queen when she was crowned Miss Botswana in 2006. Today, she still wears that crown, now as the belle of Belle Larissa. A consultancy company she founded in 2009 and went on to win a Woman in Business Award for, under the category of Young Female Entrepreneur of The Year in 2016. Belle Larissa slayed at the end of 2017 when it hosted what would become the inaugural International Women in Mining conference (IWiM).   Malebogo not only has a good business and a few awards to her name, she holds a degree in Economics and Population Studies, and an MBA from the University of Botswana. I had a chat with her and this is her inspirational story. Tell us about yourself. I am Malebogo Marumoagae. I was born and bred in Tonota by one of the strongest women I know, Diteko Marumoagae. My mother has taught me how to be confident in my own skin, to respect others and myself and most importantly to know that I am nothing without God. I believe in the law of attraction. That whatever you think, eventually becomes your reality. Even the Bible says in the book of Proverbs ‘above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”. I love reading, in fact, I have learned so much from the books I read and I am always encouraging anyone who wants to be a leader to make reading a habit and not a hobby. Tell us more about Belle Larissa. Belle Larissa is a BQA registered and accredited institution providing training on personal branding, professional image, and etiquette. Our main aim is to assist individuals, young and old to be the best that they can possibly be especially in today’s world where there is competition in almost every opportunity that arises. For organizations, we assist their employees to align their personal brands with their corporate brand. How would you define etiquette? Are we a people that care for it, especially locally? Etiquette is simply a set of rules that govern socially accepted behavior. It is about showing respect and making others feel comfortable and at ease when they are around you. The word may be new to some, however, etiquette is not a new thing. In our Setswana culture, we call it Botho. It is behaving graciously in any given situation. It is not an issue of whether people care for it or not, Etiquette is a requirement for civilization. I wish I could confidently say our services have gained the attention they deserve. We have done our bit, but I still believe there is still much to be done. Winning the Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year, how significant was that moment for you? That was a very surreal moment. I felt really proud of my team and I. As you may know, our business is relatively new in Botswana so to have that recognition was a great confidence booster.   However, we also understand that it means we need to keep working hard to ensure that we stay on top of our game. In 2017, Belle Larissa hosted the first ever International Women in Mining (IWiN) Conference in Botswana. What inspired the initiative? Yes, together with Brandneue Media, we hosted the first-ever Women in Mining Conference in Botswana in 2017.  This initiative was inspired by the need to promote greater participation of women in the mining industry. The numbers show that the mining industry is one of the most male-dominated industries in the world and Botswana is no exception. We wanted to play our part by bringing together women, who are already in the mining industry, those with aspirations of getting in the industry, policymakers, and financial institutions under one roof, to discuss the challenges as well as come up with solutions to increase the participation of women in this industry. What does it mean for you as an African woman being in business? African women have from time been in business to feed, educate and take care of their children. It means so much to me that I am part of a group of phenomenal women who have either by choice or default found themselves in business.   Being a woman and in business has never been an easy thing.  I hope I am able to inspire other upcoming business women to follow their dreams the same way I have been inspired by hard-working, women who came before me. How do you suppose one can recognize themselves as an empowered woman? For me, an empowered woman is one who has a choice to be whatever she wants to be.  She knows her worth, is confident in her own skin and is not intimidated by the success of other women. An empowered woman stands for herself, speaks for herself and is the voice to the voiceless.  As she goes up, she pulls others with her. What three principles would you say drives your business? Our business is driven by the love to see other people excel and become the best versions of themselves. We believe in team-work as everyone has their own unique abilities which can contribute towards ensuring that our clients get quality service.   What advice would you give to young women who want to be their own boss? For me, it is not about being your own boss, it is about finding a solution to a problem or problems facing our society and then putting together a team that shares your vision and working together towards achieving that vision.   For anyone who wants to take that path, I would say, it is not an easy road to take but if you want it so bad, you need to put in the effort, develop yourself, read extensively and have a never-give-up attitude.

Patricia Majule: Saving the Environment With Beautiful Paper Gifts

Patricia Majule started the business of manufacturing and supplying of custom party supplies, box packages, favors & gifts in 2014 and has recorded tremendous growth since then. Her idea was born when she noticed that most people in Tanzania were importing paper supplies from abroad, instead of investing in machines becoming manufacturers. Through her business, she has been able to provide quality products made in Tanzania, at lower prices. She takes us through her journey so far and how she’s changing the face of the Tanzanian manufacturing industry, whilst protecting the environment. Tell us about your business and the idea behind it My business trades as Unique Favors Tz,; we make products and provide services ranging from décor ware, gifting and gift supplies. Our products are used for parties, functions, events and can be customized for non- celebration uses, such as, business advertising and branding. The company began in 2013 as Unique Gifts Tz, and at the time we were specialising in gifts. But, we  expanded our product line and changed the name officially, and registered as “Unique Favors Tz” in 2014.   What ways are you contributing to the protection of the environment through your product type? One of the products we make at Unique Favors Tz is uniquely designed cardboard, made by using the leftover egg shells from chicken eggs (maganda ya mayai in Kiswahili language). Egg shells help curb environmental waste by reducing the waste that would have probably been increased by throwing away eggshells right after usage. In Tanzania , eggs are consumed in large quantities due to the existence of many small scale entrepreneurs selling them in kiosks and bars, and also due to the fact that chicken livestock farming is popular in Tanzania. Secondly, we use paper products to package gifts, as opposed to plastic. Plastic bags are known to be a form of waste which cannot decay; which is why there has been a movement by the government to reduce and completely ban the use of plastic packaging in Tanzania. In five to ten years, my products will have contributed significantly to curbing environmental pollution. What strategies have helped your business grow these past few years? Very good & friendly customer care. Continuous research and product quality improvement. Customer feedback and follow up’s. Great staff and business partner training. The uniqueness of our products. Those are just few of our strategies. [bctt tweet=”I’ve always believed that Africa is full of opportunities”. username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What opportunities lie in Africa and how much are young people tapping into them? I’ve always believed that Africa is full of opportunities and many of them are hidden in industrial operations. Firstly the industrial sector is one of the most untapped sectors in Africa, especially by local natives, yet the most rewarding sector. Majority of the youth dare to start a business with a focus on the retail phase, but they lack the courage and resilience to grow their businesses to an industrial level. Many other youth reach the idea level and fail to proceed to the implementation level.   Tell us the setbacks you’ve faced in the course of establishing your business and your survival method(s)   Most of our product line and service offering is very new and unique to our community. Therefore, we have spent a lot of our time educating them in order to get buy-in. At times raw materials which are needed for production are scarce; coupled with price fluctuations, this tends to be a challenge. In our society it is not normal for people to see you developing a product and being in industrial, especially at a young age like mine, so there is a belief that somebody else could do my job better, and hence there is little support and a lot of bad-mouthing. But ,at the end of the day our survival methods are to: be courageous, patient, and resilient and know that as long as we are being ethical and legal, everything is fine. Society will catch-up later.   [bctt tweet=”Be courageous, patient, and resilient ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What great success has your business recorded in the past few years? Our business has been successful in so many ways. Firstly, by introducing new unique products to the market, we got a very positive response from customers, which lead to significant company growth. Also we have been able to create temporary and permanent jobs to majority of the natives in Tanzania.   What makes your business unique? The products we manufacture in- country, the paper party supplies and the egg shell cardboards, are customised and very unique because everything is made from scratch. Most of the party supplies in our country are fully imported from China, so they tend to have common styles and lack that unique style. [bctt tweet=”Have clear and positive priorities, be consistent in pursuing your goals” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What are your top 3 books? Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin graham Getting Things Done by David Allen  What’s the one business mantra you’d want every business owner to know? Have clear and positive priorities and stick to them, be consistent in pursuing your goals. What is your company doing to protect the environment? Let us know more  here.

Sharon Moatshe: A PR Business Must Not Over-Promise and Under-Deliver

From the dusty streets of Kagiso township in Gauteng, South Africa, Sharon Moatshe has  tapped into the world of entrepreneurship at a young age, and believes that she can create whatever door she wants to open. After many months of looking for a job after graduating, the solution was simple, start a business with the limited resources that she had and survive. Currently, she is the Director and Co-founder( along with Unathi Dingiswayo) at PR House of Creatives, a motivational speaker, wife and mother. In her words: she didn’t believe she would end up so great; but here we are. Take a walk with us in this interview as we look into Sharon’s amazing work, and how she’s helping startups thrive in South Africa. Take us on a walk through PR House of Creatives PR House Of Creatives was co-founded by Sharon Moatshe and Unathi Dingiswayo after a long time spent job searching, and the resultant unhappiness of not seeing the change we wanted to see in our lives for ourselves. We were then able to identify the necessity of PR and marketing, pertaining to brand management for SME’s within our community.   What support systems are critical to companies like yours? Financial backing to ensure that costs are covered for: the technology used in ensuring we deliver real-time results, keeping up with current news & trends, graphics for content. As well as for our PR travels. Another important thing is mentorship from big PR Firms and structures. PR is not an easy industry for businesses to remain sustainable, your business many come and go because of lack of mentorship.     What innovations have helped your business stand out from competitors? For a previous client of ours, Distinkt Vodka, we made media kits with vodka bottles and we had packaged these in potato bags, because the primary ingredient of vodka is potatoes. We draw our inspiration from client products/ services, and conceptualise from that point.   What challenges have helped your company grow over the years? We have had challenges with regards to what we charge our clients. We have had to learn that SME’s are still growing and not making much money, but ,we must still charge a price that allows us to grow and sustain our business.   [bctt tweet=”Know your WHY, your business exists as a solution to a problem ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What values are critical for success in the PR business? Intergrity. A PR business must not over promise and under deliver! Always be a person of your word. Execute and do your very best to match the concept you sold your client.     What is your greatest success story thus far? Our greatest success story has to be TG Foods and Events! We started with the team in the township when they were starting out, we poured our hearts into our work with TG. After a few months of working together the team got their own shop which they cater food from in an uptown busy market! The place is big and beautiful. The teams understands the importance of their brand, even when they keep growing they continued using our services! It’s been beautiful watching them grow from strength to strength and knowing our creative team is a part of this journey.   [bctt tweet=”Always be a person of your word” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What’s the next step for your company? Any plans to help small businesses outside the shores of South Africa? We would love to first help small businesses in South Africa grow and sustain that growth, then certainly the rest of Africa will have a piece of our goodness! The first thing businesses cut-out when they sinking/struggling is marketing and PR, which is more like stopping the clock to save time. We want to re-introduce to Africa what amazing impact PR can have for a business.   [bctt tweet=”We want to re-introduce to Africa what amazing impact PR can have for a business.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]     One phrase that resonates with your business strategy? Creative team of all trades and master of all! Do you run a PR company? Let us know more about you and your story here.

Personal branding takeaways from Adenike Oyetunde

[bctt tweet=”We share lessons from Adenike Oyetunde’s successful personal brand story, which is inspiring audiences.” via=”no”] Personal branding expert, and Forbes contributor Glenn Llopis says; “A personal brand is the total experience of someone having a relationship with who you are and what you represent as an individual”. The boom of social media has also come in handy for personal branding. This is seen by individuals taking over the social media space (thankfully social media can afford us all our mini reality show) for self-promotion. Individuals may be as inauthentic, but their pages are curated to take on a persona. This goes by the Dramaturgy Theory by Goffman, where personal branding is regarded as a self-presentation. It is an act or drama in itself classified into the ‘front stage’; a premeditated image for everybody, and a backstage; the authentic self (not for everybody). Goffman’s theory seemed to have paid off a lot more at the onset of social media, when social media tended to be only for solidifying public image. Now social media content that get the most engagement are those of pages that have the ability to be vulnerable. Rather than centered on a premeditated image, they have a human face, add value, and connect genuinely with the audience. [bctt tweet=”The social media content that get the most engagement have a human face and add value” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Let’s talk about a successful personal brand story, Adenike Oyetunde, who has been up and about her authentic self and is inspiring audiences. Introducing Adenike Oyetunde Adenike Oyetunde is a spirited lawyer and on-air-personality. She was diagnosed with Osteogenic Sarcoma (cancer of the bone) at age 20 when she was in her second year in University. Adenike eventually had to accept the Doctor’s diagnosis and go for a limb amputation, after refusing to admit that she would live without one of her limbs for the rest of her life. Adenike’s personal brand message: Inspiration It’s rather a sad one to have your limb amputated but Adenike is such an energetic, happy, and inspiring soul. I like this statement she once made: “I, my name is Adenike Oyetunde, and I am living my life like it’s golden.” Adenike admits to the news of amputating her limb dropping like a bombshell, as the Doctor was as direct as possible. She had to even be the rock for her family because her parents didn’t take this so well. “I actually saw my dad crying… I would have to not cry before my mum because she was going psychotic.” Adenike’s is a case of courage and radiating so much positive energy. Yes, this was her source of strength, to pull through those times. Adenike survived it and now uplifts the world. Her message is such an inspiring, and uplifting one. She takes to social media every day to radiate light. Here is what I love about her -she’s a fun, free-spirited, warm and a good-natured soul. Brand authencity: Her social media is such a fun and relatable place The soul of Adenike’s social media page is in its spontaneity. It is not curated and comes with a ‘random’ vibe. Every Wednesday on her page, she shares funny witty randomly curated words from social media on ‘Wordy Wednesday’. Adenike sounds so relatable on social media, you would think that you have met her in person (and yes you have). Adenike also shares stories of upliftment. ‘Miracle Mondays’ are Mondays where she shares stories of people who have had miraculous interventions on social media. The warmth of her personality shines through all the time. And therein lies the authenticity of her brand. [bctt tweet=”The authenticity of Adenike’s brand lies in the warmth of her social media personality” via=”no”] Impact This is Adenike’s watchword, I think. She is like somebody who lives for everybody else; selfless. One of my initial encounters of Ms. Adenike was during one of her social impact causes, when she was raising funds for a cancer patient on world cancer day. Adenike is so passionate about spreading the word on cancer and other social causes. She recently launched Amputees United for amputee-activism, and January this year she began the gratitude jar challenge for people to tell their gratitude stories on social media for the 365 days of the year.

Lorraine Maphala Phiri: A brand for every woman who understands the importance of quality over quantity

[bctt tweet=”We do more than just sell hair we educate our clients on the different types of hair” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Born 33 years ago, Lorraine Maphala Phiri has been nominated Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2016 at the Megafest Business Awards Southern Region. The former model is certainly making a mark in the business sector. Lorraine proves that she is a beauty with brains as she has established herself and booming business well. Lorraine has exhibited exceptional modelling prowess both locally and internationally, distinguishing herself with a unique versatility that has seen her excel during the early stages of her career.  SLA contributor Neo Cheda got to chat with her, however,  about her career and her business venture: Real Hair By Lorraine. Tell us about your modeling career, winning Miss Zimbabwe and going on to represent the country in Miss World. Representing my country at Miss World had always been my dream. Since high school, I always had a desire to speak and be heard. Coming from a dusty suburb of Nketa 6 it was a dream I never imagined would come true. Winning Miss  Zimbabwe 2005 was a life changing moment for me as it opened doors I never thought I could go through. It was fulfilling and rewarding and proved to be a great platform for me to establish my career and brand. Tell us about your business, what product or service you provide and who your target audience is. Since the end of my reign, I have been busy growing Lorraine as a brand. Real Hair by Lorraine (RHL) is a proudly Zimbabwean brand specializing in 100% human hair i.e. Indian hair, Mongolian hair lace wigs, and all things hair. Real Hair by Lorraine Studio was then birthed after the hair brand when I realized the gap in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe for a professional upmarket hair salon. We offer beauty services as well, nails and mail art. Our target market is every woman who desires to look beautiful, feel beautiful and be treated like the Queen they are. It’s a brand for every woman who understands the importance of quality over quantity. We don’t just sell hair it’s a lifestyle. Women have also shown us great support and at the moment we have one branch in Bulawayo and an online shop which helps us supply hair products to customers in Europe, Harare and South Africa. We are different from most people in the hair business because we do more than just sell the hair but we educate our clients on the different types of hair and how to take care of it.” Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place? Being a business owner for me means a lot of sacrifices, being able to change people’s lives through your work and empowering families by providing jobs. The fear of poverty and being ordinary inspired me to be an entrepreneur. I became an entrepreneur because I love starting something totally new and seeing it come to life. I love challenging myself and I have always been a dreamer a big dreamer. From a young age I always knew that I would end up a businesswoman, I just didn’t know what kind of business I would venture into. [bctt tweet=”The fear of poverty and being ordinary inspired me to be an entrepreneur – Lorraine Maphala Phiri” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How do you achieve work-life balance? It’s an art and I’m still learning. However, having a strong support system at home makes it a lot easier and with my ability to prioritize, everything just falls into place. What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why? How did you get where you are today, and who/what helped you along the way? My husband’s work ethic has been my greatest influence  in my business, however, I have always aspired to be a business woman to be reckoned with. I would never be where I am today without the sacrifice of my parents who continued to pick me up even when my businesses hit rock bottom. Their encouragement and faith in my dreams Their encouragement and faith in my dreams are what has kept me going.  I am still work in progress I have not arrived yet lol. Maybe next time we speak I will be Dr. Lorraine. What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date? Being founder and MD of Real Hair By Lorraine Studio. What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers? Start where you are with what you have, the best time to start is now. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here. 

Growing and marketing your brand via social media – The tale of 5 #MotherlandMoguls

[bctt tweet=”When used right, digital media can be harnessed to make a direct impact in the society” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] It is not often that one catches five aspiring women in the same spot. Well, maybe it’s often, but what are the chances of finding them engaged in a fashion project to raise awareness and funds for charity? These five #MotherlandMoguls are part of the ongoing Romperade Campaign, an online fashion charity event to raise funds for Living for the Needy Foundation. SLA contributor Emma Kwenu Smith caught up with the five who have successfully grown their brands online, to ask them quick questions about the impact of social media marketing on their businesses. What’s the role of social media in charity organizations and specifically for your brand? How has social media given you exposure as a brand/charity foundation? Caritas Aryee, Founder, Tatas and Friends Foundation. You would notice that, largely, Ghanaian charity foundations have always run on traditional media. It’s easier to hear a radio ad calling for donations for the Osu Children’s home etc. rather than a social media campaign for funds. This is the exact reason why Tatas and Friends Foundation has been a game changer in the industry. We started with social media and still the story has not changed. It has been a huge boost for us, and we encourage others to do same. First off, our publicity is done via social media. It is easy to get Kenkey for the Needy, (which is our major fundraising project) trending on platforms such as twitter and IG. Since we are a charity organization, we are unable to invest in traditional media for publicity. However, through social media, we receive access to grant interviews on TV and radio. In doing so, we have been profiled alongside other solid brands on platforms such as Starr Woman Project, TedX campus, Reach for Change and many others. And to think this publicity is free! We just had to capitalize. The second bit of using social media is that we are able to reach out to people both locally and internationally to raise money. People we do not even know, reach out to us so that they can donate to the cause. It is amazing! Social media is a powerful tool, it has shaped the Living for the Needy brand and has given us a lot of exposure. How do influencers promote a brand and how rewarding is it to include them when building your brand online? Jessica Naa Adjeley Konney, Fashion Blogger, Trends&Blendsgh. Influencers have become the new voices of brands —they are already largely recognized on social media for carving a niche. At this point, they have grown an audience that is interested in every content they churn out which is great for people who would like to patronize their services. [bctt tweet=”If you’d like to speed up the process of advertising a new brand, influencers are the way to go” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Being an influencer myself and having featured influencers as well, I can say that the exposure they give to a brand is immense. Featuring an influencer takes many forms —you can have them use and review your products and put up posts on social media. They can also be included in events and can feature in huge campaigns so that it gains traction. How do you know which digital audience to engage with for your brand and how do you decide which social media platform to use? Constance Efua Mensah, Creative Director, EfuaStanzz Fashion. It starts with knowing the general audience target for my brand. We are more skewed towards women’s clothing but basically, all our marketing is geared towards the confident woman. In that light, it is important that we build an identity that resonates with our targeted audience. [bctt tweet=”Choosing one social media platform starts with knowing & understanding your audience” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Images are essential for my fashion brand —it helps clients (both potential and existing) know what my brand is capable of providing. After all, to be comfortable enough to purchase a dress, you need to see it and assess it from all angles. As such, I mostly use Instagram and Facebook as a means of communicating to my audience. Facebook has a wider reach, meaning more people see our posts and it also allows for effective picture/video sharing. Instagram also has a beautiful and simple approach to marketing. Content, particularly on Instagram, is simply more shareable, easier to understand, and far more universal than other types of content. Also, it is full of people eager to connect with a brand on a more intimate and tangible level. Does social media directly affect your client base? Lamisi, MakeUp Artist, Lamisi Artistry. Truth is, I do get over 80% of my clients via social media. The rest is through word of mouth. [bctt tweet=”MUAs need social media, people need to see your work before trusting you with their faces” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] I leverage heavily on Instagram particularly so that people see the images —it is an excellent platform for sharing all my works. However, the industry is very competitive, as such, it is important to make sure that your images are of good quality. Else, how will you stand out and win potential clients over? For brands like Coca Cola, Vodafone etc. there may not be a very direct correlation between the sales you make and your social media investment. However, for us in the beauty industry, it’s very plain. [bctt tweet=”Social media dictates our potential client base and ultimately, it is where we get our clients” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] The more posts on your social media pages, the better? Why? Maud Mensah, CEO, WigClub That statement is indisputable. The more you post and engage your audience, the more visible you are. However, you do not want to share too much information that it suffocates them and drives them away, and you also don’t want to share so little that they become disinterested. It is important to find the right balance for your brand. As