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Don’t have a career growth plan? Well, girl, you need one! When we were younger, our career plans were much more exciting! We wanted to be so many things. Now that we’re older, are we really focused on our career goals with as much excitement? Or are we just all about the Benjamins? Sometimes, we get so busy on the job and running the businesses that we don’t take the time to focus on our personal development. But remember, you owe it to yourself. The smarter you get; the more skills and valuable contacts you have, the more your company will benefit and the more schmoney will come in!!! [bctt tweet=”Tired of your current career status? Join us for a webinar with @vumilemsweli on Wed, October 31st at 3 pm WAT to get all the tips you need to take your career to the next level.” via=”no”] Join us on Wednesday, October 31st, for a Webinar with Vumile Msweli, founder of Hesed Consulting, who will be giving advice on how to reach the next level in your career. Vumile has had experience working with individuals and entrepreneurs to accelerate their careers and businesses, and she’ll be helping you too! Some of the topics we’ll cover How to design your career Positioning yourself for your career Finding your Ikigai (the source of value in your life) Re-discovering your career passion How to maximize your career for success Register below to access this opportunity and submit questions that you would like Vumile to answer. Webinar Details: Date: Wednesday, October 31st, 2018 Time: 3pm Lagos // 4pm Joburg // 5pm Nairobi Location: We’ll send you the link to watch once you register Watch the webinar here: About Vumile Vumile Msweli is an international speaker, renowned career coach, columnist, and the Chief Executive officer for Hesed Consulting. Hesed is a consulting firm specializing in commerce acceleration; career coaching; women empowerment; facilitation and training on the African continent with a presence in Nigeria and South Africa. Vumile has worked in Europe; Asia and across the African continent for reputable multinational institutions including Barclays, Investec, Nedbank, First National Bank, and Vodafone. Vumi is a regular contributor to the Guardian Nigeria and Destiny South Africa, she has spoken at the African Union, Women’s Economic Forum and USAID to mention a few. She is an award-winning businesswoman who has received honours such as the Women’s’ Economic Forum’s Woman of Excellence Award, being named 34th Most Influential Young South African by Avance Media, the Mail and Guardian Top 200 most influential Young South Africans and awarded the Elle Boss of the Year in the Corporate Category and the Black Management Forum’s Young Professional of the Year.

5 Ways To Utilize Social Media For Career Development

In the last decade, social media has become increasingly pivotal to our daily lives. From staying in touch with family and friends; to catching up with happenings around the world; and keeping up with the latest trends. Social media is indeed here to stay. Depending how you have been utilizing social media, you might have hit the jackpot. Your life might have been changed by a stroke of luck. But for the rest of us, how have we tapped into the power of social media particularly in our personal lives? It’s so easy to get carried away with the glitz, glamor and the perfectly curated Instagram feeds that we forget to improve our daily lives. Career wise, how has social media made a difference? We’re quick to relegate career discussions to LinkedIn, but ask yourself, when was the last time you checked your LinkedIn feed or even updated your account?  Has social media made any significant improvement in your career? Has a tweet inspired you to take a major career decision lately? While you’re mulling over those questions, here are 5 ways you can actually utilize social media for career development: Stay informed and keep up with industry trends The best thing about social media is real time information. Search engines are generally flooded with tons of information from a million websites. But with social media, you can decide the kind of relevant and valuable content you want to see. If you are lucky, your industry has a consistent social media presence that you can keep up with to stay informed.   Connect with virtual and potential mentors The importance of having mentors at different stages of our careers cannot be overemphasized. Some of us still don’t have one for various reasons. But the beauty of social media is that we don’t have any excuse anymore. We can connect with them virtually until we’re ready to approach them.   Get inspiration and motivation on a daily basis I don’t know about you, but there are times when I wake with zero motivation to work, but then I log into my Instagram and a quote jumps at me and changes the course of my morning. So, anytime you’re feeling generally unmotivated or lethargic, social media can be the perfect pick-me-up.   Network with thought-leaders This is probably a no-brainer, but if you are a solo worker/entrepreneur or you have a very demanding job which takes literally all your time, social media can be a good place to network with your peers in and outside your industry. Just decide to strategically follow people you would like you cultivate a relationship with, and engage them. You never know where it might lead. PRO TIP: Most people tend to remember the most engaging handles on their feed. So, if you meet them offline, chances are, they will remember you and you can kick off right where you stopped. Get ideas and identify business opportunities I cannot count how many ideas I’ve had since I became fully active on social media. On a daily basis there are ideas flowing right, left and center. It takes a lot of courage, determination and foresight to identify the idea, act on it and execute it. If you are lucky, that idea might become a profitable business. How has social media helped your career development? Let us know more here.