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Chika Ilang: You Need A Clearly Defined Life Vision

Chika Ilang is a civil servant during the day and the founder of Chika Ilang International; a personal development hub, with an interest in helping women build a life and career they truly love.  A lot of young people feel dissatisfied when working with government agencies. What is your winning tip to stay motivated? Most young people may not like it here. But if you have a clearly defined life vision, I believe you can succeed in any type of job. For instance,some people might not like their current job, but cannot make the move as yet, for financial or other reasons. I would advise that, you have no choice but to try love that job, because it brings in the money ( resources), so you can use it to fund your dream. Now, not liking your job doesn’t mean that you should do shabby work, no, you should be your best at it, gather experience, and move when the time is right. So for me, I’d say my winning tip is, my clearly defined life vision. I don’t see my job as a setback, because through it, I’m moving forward to where I want to be in life.   [bctt tweet=”if you have a clearly defined life vision, I believe you can succeed in any type of job” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What would you suggest to a young woman who wants to build a viable business while still holding down this career path? Entrepreneurship isn’t a fashion trend. Don’t jump on it because everyone seems to be on it. Have a clearly defined vision.  Set a target for yourself; a business target you can meet, before you can comfortably take a bow out of your job, if you’d ever want to. It’s dangerous to get a business idea and “sack your boss” tomorrow, because of this idea. Test it, ensure it’s profitable, then create a game plan that you’ll follow through as you progress. Don’t move blindly.   There are certain perceived limitations about working in government agencies. How can young career women strive to get quality work done? I believe in giving my best wherever I am. If you’re there, be all there. I wouldn’t do this because of XYZ, I’d rather do it so it represents Chika, because that’s all that matters to me. So, be intentional about being an awesome employee.  What you wouldn’t want another to do with your own business, don’t do it to your boss as an employee.   [bctt tweet=”Be unforgettable. Be the light in that space. It is the era of woman rising.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What can women who want to work for government agencies do to stand out? Be unforgettable. Be the light in that space. It is the era of woman rising. Remember, you’re already expected to perform poorly at work because you’re a woman- disappoint everyone and be exceptional, just because you are a woman!     What would you like to be remembered for in your work? At work, I’d like to be remembered as that Chika that led others to do right. The one that shone her light on everyone. That one that led a good life, which inspired others directly or indirectly to do good. The game changer that always asks others the way forward. The bubbly foodie that doesn’t joke with her lunch. Are you a civil servant? We’d love to hear your story and career tips. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more  here.

How to land a job in the (Kenyan) public sector

[bctt tweet=”It’s easy to get a job in the public sector, provided you’re is confident, a go-getter and have experience ” via=”no”] When it comes to landing a job with the government, many people think it is a tall order that can’t be achieved by common citizens. According to Aziza Said, a communication professional working under the presidency, it is easy to get a job in the public sector, provided one is confident, has a go-getter mentality and experience in a related field. Here’s a summary of what the young Kenyan lady believes propelled her into getting a job in the public sector and keeping it so far. Confidence and immeasurable experience Working in the public sector is like working in any other job. As such, an interested candidate should have the common and necessary qualities such as relevant education and experience in the field. Above all, one needs confidence and a belief in self- qualities that push one to seek opportunities that will help them to grow in that field. Prior to working with the government, Aziza was a radio program host for two local stations. Here, she had an opportunity to put into practice her acquired skills. She expanded on people skills, a quality that is crucial, especially, while working in a government office. Excellent communication skills It is Aziza’s duty to ensure that information from the government reaches the public. Information is important in improving the lives of the citizens. “I am also keen on informing Kenyans about the country’s performance in the global market,” she adds. Communication skills are vital when it comes to performing these duties, as well as interacting with the public. This does not apply to communication professionals alone. All public servants should be able to communicate and interact well with colleagues and the general public at large. [bctt tweet=”All public servants should be able to communicate and interact with their colleagues & the public” via=”no”] Know what the Constitution says about your duties as a public servant The Constitution stipulates what public servants should and shouldn’t do. It is therefore important for government officers to know what the Constitution says about their field of work. As a media practitioner, the constitution has separate clauses that inform us how information should be collected, reviewed and shared with the public. Articles 31, 33, 34, and 35 of the Kenyan Constitution give a guideline on how to handle and disseminate information. [bctt tweet=”The good thing about the government is that there are training opportunities for every employee” via=”no”] Be on the lookout for opportunities to advance self The good thing about the government is that there are training opportunities for each and every employee. It is the duty of the particular public servant to identify and attend such training opportunities to increase their knowledge on a specific area. Public servants are also encouraged to go back to school for higher education. The good thing is when there are promotions; those with more experience and education are considered and rewarded. Aziza believes she’s grown immensely in the past two years since joining the government. She advises citizens to be on the lookout for job adverts in the Kenya Gazette, local dailies, and relevant websites, as well as keep tabs with those working in such offices, also known as networking. “Look at the requirements for every posting and avail all the necessary documents, as this is where the initial short-listing process starts,” Aziza advises.