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7 things to do when you’re in a career limbo

[bctt tweet=”Here are 7 things you can do when you’re in a career limbo and are this close to giving up” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Too many people feel like they’re in a dead-end job or that their career is just not taking off like they expected. Feeling stuck, unfulfilled and unmotivated has to really suck. The good news is there’s always a solution to every problem out there. Here are seven things you can do when you’re in a career limbo and feel like giving up: 1. Do something out of the ordinary Try out new things and discover new interests. You need a different head space to realign yourself with your professional goals. Have these changed? Taking a breather can help you decide if you need a different strategy or simply want to try something different like switching to a new company or even a new career. 2. Improve on your skill set Perhaps, the reason why you feel like your career isn’t really moving forward is because you haven’t actually put in the effort to improve on yourself. Put in the time and effort to build your skills via online courses, training, self-study, workshops etc. Working on yourself is always an advantage. Sometime soon, someone will be sure to take notice. And if they don’t, tell them. 3. Be prepared to take risks This could mean taking a risk by changing your method of working. Perhaps, you have refused to move with the times whilst everyone else is finding advanced ways of getting their work done and moving up the corporate ladder. 4. Go to your mentor At this stage, if you already have a mentor that you reach out to from time to time, be prepared to hear some hard truths. There are certain things you should be doing to stand out which may be lacking that your mentor will point out to you. If you don’t have one, you know what to do. Look for someone you admire for their professional ethic and successful career in a field related to yours. There must be things that you can emulate from their story and apply to your own career to get you out of the rut. 5. Take on leadership responsibility One way to get a promotion is through leadership. Can colleagues look up to you for guidance and maturity in dealing with challenges? Are you one to look out for the team as a whole? Leadership is about putting yourself out there and motivating others to do their best. If you’re seen as a leader, you’ll eventually be given additional responsibility which can move you into new assignments, opportunities and promotion. [bctt tweet=”You have the power to modify your professional game” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 6. Re-invent yourself Social media can be a great tool to help you achieve this. You have the power to modify your professional game. Through channels like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter you can sell yourself by highlighting your interests and aspirations. In the workplace as well, you can re-invent yourself by getting involved in things that will expose you to new areas. 7. Express your concerns to your manager or supervisor The thought of approaching your superior about your feeling stagnant within the organization might be a bit awkward or scary. However, they could help you figure out what opportunities exist, what areas you need to put more effort in or simply tell you why things just aren’t moving at the moment. After giving some of these your best shot, something’s gotta give. Good luck in getting your career back on track. We have faith in you.

How to be a teen coach when you have no money

If you want to be a teen coach and you’re not sure where to start, you may want to pay attention to this. Nomveliso Mbanga is a teen coach and mentor. She is also a youth public speaker & facilitator, storyteller and the founder and managing director at Mayine Development Institute, a start-up based in South Africa. “I can identify with poverty but I identify more with defying the odds and creating your own legacy through hard work and patience.” Nomveliso says. SLA contributor Goistemang asked Nomveliso what advice she’d give to young women looking to start a business as a coach/mentor with little money and this is what Nomveliso had to say. Understand your skills First you need to know what you can do and what you are good at, plus any natural gifts. Choose an area that is of your passion and that you know very well. Build good relationships with people and follow good ethical practices. Don’t be afraid to learn new things What worked in starting Nomveliso’s own business was learning past experiences. She was willing to make mistakes. Personal development is key when you keep learning and trying out different methods. Easy and comfortable will usually give normal results and won’t give anything worth applauding. You need to know what you want to achieve. I want to create full transformation spaces for teenagers who will learn to understand that they are responsible for their personal growth and success in life. That made me come up with out of the ordinary methods to give me my desired results. I wanted to set up my business differently from other coaches. I didn’t exist before and I manage to create my own niche in the field. Cherish your network In my case, I started with no money only because I had already built a following in youth development work. Through them, I tested a few models that gave me results. So, it was easy to trust that I could do it on my own as I have done it all in corporate and community space before. Family and friends are also very important, they will uplift you in tough times. The biggest challenges come from self Self-doubt kicks a lot harder than challenges from others. One rejection can set you back and make you scared to approach new potential clients or partners. You need to know how to snap out of discouragement quickly. Know how to manage competition in a healthy way so you can keep improving your work instead of getting discouraged. Be true to yourself. Don’t try compete with anyone. Work in your own pace as long as you give your all. Keep learning and reading. Save, save, save! Another challenge is cash flow. You must always keep and save what you get as you’ll never know for sure when the next payments will come in.