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Are you that person who does many different unrelated things and you are criticized for not being focused on one? Do you feel lost when people you know have a particular thing they are pursuing, while you juggle different hats without a possibility of finding a job title that contains all your passions? You are multi-passionate. It is alright to change your mind every now and then. Don’t beat yourself up for going in different directions; be open to trying new things. If you embrace it, you will find new systems to help you do all things you are interested in, while remaining focused and productive. A multi-passionate individual is a person who has various passions and often finds answering the question, “what do you want to become in the future (or when you grow up)” difficult as they feel they have to settle down to one thing only. Such an individual is also known as a renaissance person, multi-potentiality, polymath, or scanner. In today’s business environment, Steve Jobs, Tim Ferris, and Richard Branson are good examples of multi-passionate people. Other historical examples include Maya Angelou, Aristotle, and Sir Isaac Newton among others. Wondering how to be okay with being multi-passionate? Here are the steps to take: 1. Accept who, and where you are As with some many other things in life, you have to accept who you are, then devise a strategy or strategies that will help you through the journey. Speaking about his own journey of finding self, Nick Maccarone observed that by not limiting himself or attempting to dupe his heart into some “conventional path it knew better than to follow” he allowed himself to “take a little bit from each experience and lean into the intricacies of my being”. “I am not defined by one thing or by anything,” He wrote on Medium. “I follow where my heart and curiosity beg me to consider. I pursue each path as wholly as I can while not exhausting the possibility of doing the same for another.” he continued. [bctt tweet=”Clarity comes from engagement, not thought. – @marieforleo” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 2. Keep a record of all your ideas Often, an idea will pop in your mind and sometimes it feels like the calling that you have been waiting for. However, it changes and you are back to the drawing board. Without a doubt, it will be difficult to be knee-deep in one project for too long. As such, keep a record of all interests and ideas that come up. In addition to writing, reviewing the ideas is also important. Assign yourself time to go through the ideas to track what you have tried, and what you will try in the future. Keep a small book with you to write random thoughts. Establish a day in a week or month when you can sit down to review them. Stephanie Medford an artist, designer, writer, and traveler notes that she keeps a ‘for later’ list of books she wants to read in the future. “On the rare occasion when I have nothing to read, I turn to that list,” she adds in her article called ‘the joys of being multi-passionate’. [bctt tweet=”The best way to go about unveiling your ideas is by acting on them. Pick something on the list, anything- and jump right into it.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 3. Act on decisions, don’t just think about them When uncertain about an idea, don’t wait until when the choices seem clearer in your mind.”Clarity comes from engagement, not thought,” says Marie Forleo, an entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist. The best way to go about unveiling your ideas is by acting on them. Pick something on the list, anything- and jump right into it. It is by doing that you discover if the idea is something you want to put your energy into or move to the next thing. All in all, you don’t have to feel bad for not having one specific passion that you follow. Franchesca Ramsey, an artist, comedian, activist, TV and YouTube personality and actress advises other renaissance people to keep a calendar. Additionally, she tries to stick to the schedule and also keeps a personal day to explore things that she was not able to do during that week or work on personal projects. “My team knows that if it is on the calendar, that’s the time that is blocked off.” “You kinda have to set those boundaries for yourself,” she adds. Below is a link to the 31-minute interview Ms. Franchesca did a while back to help you get started and re-discover yourself as a multi-passionate individual.   Interested in contributing for She Leads Africa? Click here.

9 Business Lessons from My First Year of Business

Like many people, I was faced with the dilemma of deciding whether or not I needed to attend business school to start my business as I had no experience. However, I finally decided to be brave and start my business without any experience. In my one year since starting, I have learned the following lessons. 1. Never take things too personally. When operating with people, it’s often very easy to make arguments, criticism and other relations personal. However, if you want to succeed in the business world, you need to remember that at the end of the day, how you deal with your customers and partners is strictly business and not personal. 2. Separate your business life from your personal life. When you have a friendly relationship with your clients, it is very easy for the lines to get blurred. Sometimes, this can end up in sticky situations where one party does not fulfill their end of the deal. To avoid these situations, it is important to set the lines clear between your business and your personal life. You need to maintain a work-life balance. 3. Be clear about your job description. As a service based business, one of my ethos is going beyond and above for my clients. Sometimes, this results in taking up certain duties (aka unpaid labor) that are not part of my job description. This can get overwhelming. Therefore, it is important to be clear about ALL the services that your offer from the onset. If necessary, you should draw up contracts that reflect your services and your limits. 4. Review your prices regularly. You might be doing yourself a great disservice if in a bid to come across as affordable you under-price yourself. It is important to review your prices as often as possible. Especially when you’re in an industry like social media where your responsibilities are flexible and subject to change. 5. Be accountable. In the absence of a business partner or a co-founder, you need to learn how to hold yourself accountable. This can be as easy as setting small, medium and long-term goals and working toward them. These goals are important to give you a sense of direction and to keep you in check. 6. Toot your horn. One of the few things I still struggle with is putting myself out there as I’d like for my business to speak for itself. But the game has changed and the internet is over saturated. The only way for you to be noticed or to come across as a thought-leader or an expert in your field is if you put yourself out there. There are no two ways about it. Do you want to be the go-to person for a particular service? Put yourself out there and let people know. 7. Have confidence in yourself. When you are running a business, you’re gonna need all the confidence you can muster for the tough days ahead. You will face people who don’t believe in your dreams and your plans may even fail. It is important to keep believing in yourself even when others don’t. 8. Find time to improve your skills. Work/Life can be overwhelming sometimes and before you know it, three months have gone by without you learning anything new. In this ever-changing world, there’s a need to constantly improve your skills. Thankfully we have the internet at our disposal but finding the time can be a challenge. To fix this, make a schedule maybe during the public holidays and learn something that would directly improve your daily activities. 9. Customer service is key. Just because you’re not selling a product to a consumer doesn’t mean customer service is any less important. You’re selling services. Treat your clients with courtesy. Referrals are still king. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.  

Webinar with Nene Mboweni: How to balance your business & your studies (Nov. 1)

studies and your business

Missed this event? Make sure you don’t miss the next one by joining our community today. A lot of you Motherland Moguls out there are busy chasing that diploma, but you still have entrepreneurial dreams floating in your head between classes and exams. You’re wondering how to leverage your school network to get your business started and how you will balance it with your studies. Introducing: Nene Mboweni who has started two businesses, Mkweni Groundworks and Nnua Cakes, all while forging ahead in her biomedical science studies. On top of this, Nene volunteers her time and is actively involved on her campus and around her community. Did she clone herself? How does she juggle it all and what are her future plans for marrying all these interests? We’re about to find out. Join us for a 30-minute (don’t be late, o) webinar with Nene Mboweni on November 1st, 2016. We’ll be discussing what it takes to be a student with a side hustle and answering your burning questions about the entrepreneurship/student life. Register below to get the exclusive link to the webinar. Some of the topics we’ll cover: Turning your side hustle into a business Networking on campus and beyond & leveraging your connections Balancing your business, your studies & other responsibilities Preparing for post-grad life when your studies don’t match your business Webinar Details: Date: Tuesday November 1, 2016 Time: 8:00am NYC // 1:00pm Lagos // 2:00pm Johannesburg Watch this webinar: Don’t miss another inspiring webinar! Join our community today! Click here.  About Nene  Mboweni Nene Mboweni (21), matriculated in 2013 from Crawford College, in Sandton. She is currently enrolled at Wits University studying Biomedical science and to complete her final 3 years in Medicine at Wits. Nene works part-time at the Natalspruit hospital in Vosloorus on weekends and during her vacation. She is an avid baker and founder of Nnüa cakes an online virtual patisserie and decadent catering company. Not only has she done work for reputable companies such as Transnet, Vodacom and Primedia, she has collaborated with Jimmy Choo and Luminance on a luxury line of cupcakes and also worked with various high-profile clients and governmental organisations, having recently just done the 80th celebratory cakes for the late former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela’s wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela She is also the co-founder of Mkweni Groundworks, a women owned construction company providing services in civil engineering, Rail and other sectors. Nene has been featured in Forbes Woman Africa, Destiny Woman,  Cosmopolitan for a lot of the work she has done . She is a part time tutor in science and Mathematics at Bophelo Impilo School. Nene is extremely passionate about education and contributes all of her profits towards providing bursaries for students on campus. She has incubated several community initiatives including but not limited to the Courageous Ladies and the AfriSun Trust.    

Twitter Chat with Evelyn Namara: Why we need women in tech

women in tech evelyn namara

Missed this event? Make sure you don’t miss the next one by joining our community today. There is no reason for all of this emphasis on women in tech. If women aren’t good at math then they should study ‘easy’ subjects.  If you’ve ever heard any of these disparaging statements and thought “that simply isn’t true,” then you don’t want to miss our upcoming twitter chat on Thursday Oct. 6th. We’ll be discussing ways to support young women in tech, looking past stereotypes and how to prepare for a career in tech. Technology isn’t just for men so let’s make sure women have access to the industry as well. Join us Thursday Oct. 6th for a twitter chat with Ugandan entrepreneur, Evelyn Namara, who is the founder and CTO of !nnovate Uganda. !nnovate Uganda uses technology to solve social problems and makes it easier to get development projects done. If you are a woman interested in the tech industry, then you don’t want to miss this chat. If you think the tech industry isn’t for women, then you DEFINITELY shouldn’t miss this chat. We need to set you straight. Follow She Leads Africa on twitter and use the hashtag #SLAChats to ask your questions and participate in the discussion. Topics that we’ll cover: What the tech industry is like for women in Africa Why the tech industry needs more women What you can do to support African women in technology How to prepare for a career in technology The steps you should take to start your technology business Twitter chat details Date: Thursday Oct. 6, 2016 Time: 12pm NYC // 5pm Lagos // 7pm Kampala Location: Follow She Leads Africa on twitter and use the hashtag #SLAChats About Evelyn Namara Evelyn is the Founder and CTO of !nnovate Uganda, a technology start-up that is implementing technology interventions for social and humanitarian programs. Their flagship product, an electronic voucher system has been used by over fifteen thousand small holder farmers to redeem seed crops under a USAID program implemented by MercyCorps. She’s also the vice chair of the ICT Association of Uganda. Evelyn has previously worked as Regional Manager – East Africa for Beyonic Limited that offers a SaaS platform for organizations to help them move beyond cash to using electronic payments. She’s also held a role of Country Director for Solar Sister, a social enterprise that empowers women with economic opportunity using the breakthrough potential of solar technology. Evelyn is passionate about tech innovations, entrepreneurship and women in technology.