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Maajoa Yeboah: I basically started with a Facebook page, a mobile phone camera and my passion

Maajoa Yeboah

[bctt tweet=”Making accessories gives you the flexibility to still have a full time job @Maajoa_Yeboah” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Maajoa Yeboah makes accessories, mentors girls and is one of 30 young achievers in Ghana. Her passion and determination have paved the way as she initially wanted to work in a bank. Maajoa started her brand Asabea Ayisi while still in school, the initiative has since grown to include other projects such as the One Girl One Skill foundation. Through her work, Maajoa Yeboah ensures that she’s giving back to the community and helping other girls become financially independent. Tell us about the steps that lead to launching Asabe Ayisi. I started Asabea Ayisi whilst still a student in the tertiary institute. I basically started with a Facebook page, a mobile phone camera and my passion. Before commercializing the accessories, I was making them for myself and a few friends and family members. This was up until I started getting amazing feedback for the pieces I was creating. So I thought why not start a fashion business? This was however a great battle for myself and my family because I was an studying Accounting with dreams of being a banker like my father. My family equally had these dreams for me, I had started studying business in high school. Eventually my passion won! I built a fashion accessories brand as an accounting student with no knowledge of fashion trends and the fashion business in general. Yet, I made a conscious decision to learn all I needed to learn. Even though I made a huge load of mistakes, eventually I built a fashion accessories brand through hard work and lots of passion. Why did you decide to start the One Girl One Skill Foundation? A few years after I started Asabea Ayisi, I decided to take up a charity project. On the occasion of my birthday, I went into an orphanage and taught young girls how to make basic accessories like hair accessories, earnings and simple necklaces for themselves. I also wanted to mentor these girls. After one successful project in 2015, I started getting training requests from basic schools, churches and some community members who wanted their young girls to learn accessory-making skills. So I started One Girl One Skill foundation to reach out, train and mentor young girls on how to make accessories and also to instil in the them the relevance of following one’s passion. One Girl One Skill has since 2015 trained and mentored over 500 young girls in the eastern, western and greater Accra, as well as the central regions of Ghana. I still receive a great number of requests daily. I am hoping to organize training projects in other regions in the country and hopefully go beyond the boarders of Ghana. [bctt tweet=” @Maajoa_Yeboah has a track record of serving as a mentor to young people” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How did you come to be listed as part of 30 young achievers in Ghana? Why do you think you made that list? I believe my passion, hard work and commitment landed me the honour to be listed as part of 30 young achievers in Ghana. A total of thirty individuals were honoured in the categories of business and leadership, society and education, creative arts, healthcare and food, and technology and media. 2016 marked the third consecutive year of the report. It was the first time ever that an equal number of male and female achievers made the honour list. More than half of these achievers were entrepreneurs like myself. The achievers are selected by a rigorous consultative methodology that ensures honourees have actually achieved something that will be considered outstanding among peers. They also have to have demonstrated potential for greater future impact and I believe I qualified for the spot! Tell us about being selected for the US Global Leadership Coalition’s Entrepreneurial Challenge. The Global Leadership Coalition entrepreneurship challenge was open to young people from across Ghana. Business proposals were sought in the areas of agriculture, sustainable energy, climate change, education, health, and cultural industries. Some 25 budding entrepreneurs were invited to attend a four-day leadership and entrepreneurship boot camp held in Accra in June 2016. At the end, 15 entrepreneurs were selected to participate in a four-month virtual internship run by the Global Leadership Coalition. Over the course of the internship, the entrepreneurs were monitored by carefully selected mentors including myself. We were given the task of monitoring progress over a 3-month period. My role as the youth ambassador was to help each of these participants develop their leadership and entrepreneurship skills. My selection for this role was as a result of hard work and a great track record of serving as a mentor to many young people. As a mentor and a judge, how do you think mentors should effectively manage their mentees? As a mentor, I believe it is your role to help your mentee set realistic expectations. Also, if you know you will be unavailable because of business or personal travel, let them know. Encourage communication and participation and help the mentee create a solid plan of action. Help your mentee set up a system to measure their own achievements. A mentor should also be truthful in evaluations, but also tactful. Also, engage in your own learning while you are mentoring, collaborate on projects, ask questions and experiment. Share your ideas, give advice and be a resource for new ideas. A mentor should also be very much reliable because the more consistent you are, the more you will be trusted. It is also very essential for you as a mentor to stay positive; recognize the work the mentee has done and the progress made. Finally, offer feedback without criticizing. These I believe, will go a long way to help effectively manage mentees. How are you giving girls a chance to earn multiple streams of income? Teaching young girls how to make basic accessories like hair accessories, earrings, necklaces etc isn’t only imparting them a workable

Naa Oyoo Kumodzi: How to survive a lay-off

Naa Oyoo Kumodzi

[bctt tweet=”There is no quick fix to surviving a lay-off, follow these guidelines to prepare for it. ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] “Everyone is dispensable in a workplace. As long as it’s not your company, then yes you are dispensable. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. If the company you work for today, decides that they are bankrupt hence they are shutting down or they are unable to pay you, what can you do? You just move on.” These were the words of Naa Oyoo Kumodzi as she spoke of her lay-off experience at Tullow Oil, Ghana after working with the company for six years. Before the lay-off, Naa Oyoo worked as an officer in the health and safety department where she was training into Occupational Hygiene. Though the layoff had been communicated to all employees worldwide and she had prepared herself for it, it still came as a shock. It is only natural for you to question the company when you realise how dispensable you are. This was what Naa Oyoo did. She was hurt and confused as to why a company would invest so much in her and still choose to let her go. Despite these natural reactions, the lay-off was not hard-hitting for Naa Oyoo compared to others who experienced the same fate. The reason is that Naa Oyoo started blogging five years ago. This job had gradually turned into an income earning source. So when one income source was cut-off, Naa Oyoo knew she had other things going on for her. Today, the lifestyle blogger, entrepreneur and social media marketer uses her experiences to educate others to prepare for the unexpectedness in life. To Naa Oyoo, a lay-off is an experience which some people have to go through. The memory of this incident rises up even after a long period of time, but it does not have to be traumatic. If you’re adequately prepared, you can survive this. There is no quick fix to surviving a lay-off but you can follow the guidelines below to prepare. [bctt tweet=”Naa Oyoo Kumodzi: Anything can happen any time, you should always be prepared financially” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally Preparation is always key. When a lay-off is communicated to you, you just have to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. You have to ask the questions; Is it going to be me? What if it is not? If it is going to be me, what will be my first mode of action? If not, what should I do to prepare myself for any future lay-offs Should I resign soon? These are some of the mental preparations you have to go through in order to be alert and ready for the unexpected. You should also come up with an action plan that you will follow. Have multiple streams of income and never be okay with one stream of income Naa Oyoo Kumodzi may not have been aware of it at the time but starting out in blogging and creating content prepared her for the future. While she was with Tullow Oil, she managed social media accounts for companies, this was also a source of income for her. Due to this, the day after her lay-off, Naa Oyoo was not wallowing in self-pity. Rather it was another day for business as she had to rise up early and work on the accounts she managed. [bctt tweet=”Naa Oyoo Kumodzi: Anything can happen any time, you should always be prepared financially” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Learn about savings and investment and start investing now You cannot go through life without a dime to your name. You have to have some sort of investments and savings, no matter how small it is. As you generate income from pay-check to pay-check, you have to save some somewhere for unexpected circumstances. There are so many banks and investment companies around, it would be advisable to find one that suits you. Anything can happen any time and you should always be prepared financially. [bctt tweet=”Naa Oyoo Kumodzi: Do not be satisfied in staying in your little corner always” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Learn more about yourself and improve on your strengths You will need to be strong to face life’s storms. They can come at you when you least expect it. By learning more about yourself, you are able to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you improve upon them and equip you into reaching your ultimate success goal. Knowing thyself is the first step to success. Given the fact that the world is a learning ground; you should learn to open yourself to explore new opportunities and experiences. Build a strong business network even whilst you have a day job Everyone needs somebody at a point in their life. Who are you going to call if you do not network? You never know when you need to call up someone. Even though you may have a day job that takes all of your time, it is an obligation to go out there. Build strong business networks, they will definitely come in handy one day. Do not be satisfied in staying in your little corner always. Learn to make new friends, go for business seminars, meet your friends’ friends. Just network! Want to see women you know featured on SLA? Tell us what amazing things women are doing in your communities here.

Anita Ottenhof: Bringing world-class luxury to Accra through Villa Monticello

Anita Ottenhof Villa Monticello

[bctt tweet=”We look for the very best talent and often for us that has happened to be a woman” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Villa Monticello is Accra’s premier luxury boutique hotel. It’s run by a team that comprises mainly women in leadership positions. One of them is Anita Ottenhof, she’s the Deputy General Manager at VM with nearly a decade’s worth of experience in the international hospitality and travel industries. Like most other industries, hospitality and travel tend to be male-dominated. Villa Monticello stand out despite never setting out to hire only women. They’ve just found that the best talent aligned with their goal to bring a world-class luxury experience to Ghana are women. Nothing beats that! Was it a conscious decision to have women in key leadership positions at Villa Monticello? Although we have several men on our team that have worked with us since we’ve opened, most of the leadership roles happen to be held by women. The women on our team are also some of the top talent in the world! Take for example our Executive Chef, Ruby Paintsil who has over 25 years’ experience at a number of prestigious companies in the UK, such as Sanctuary Spa, BBC Television Centre and Restaurant Associates a division of Compass UK. It is rare to see a woman as a head chef and in countries such as the US, there are reports that there are less female chefs than female CEOs. We have never said, “We only want to hire women” but we look for the very best talent whose vision is aligned with our mission to be a leader in African hospitality and often for us that has happened to be a woman. Was Accra ready for a luxury business when you launched Villa Monticello? How has Villa Monticello being received since launch? The idea for VM came about through our desire to create an establishment that paralleled some of the international 5-star niche boutique hotels that we loved in cities around the world such as New York, Marrakesh, Johannesburg, and Provence where luxury and service were not mutually exclusive. This sort of hospitality experience appeals to a very unique clientèle. Accra is a very cosmopolitan city and we believed that people who live in and travel here would appreciate our vision. It was a new concept in Accra but we have been very well received by guests and recognized by international hospitality industry vanguards such as World Travel Awards, Conde Nast Johanssens and Trip Advisor. [bctt tweet=”Villa Monticello was the first to introduce the concept of intimate luxury hospitality to Accra” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How has Villa Monticello changed Ghana’s hospitality industry? When we first launched in 2011, we were the first to introduce the concept of an intimate luxury world class experience in hospitality. Over the past few years, the luxury landscape has really begun to develop in Accra —in real estate, hospitality, retail, and dining. It’s still at early stage but we believe we have contributed to its growth. Customer service is another concept that is still growing in Ghanaian business. Impeccable customer service is core to VM’s values. We strive to provide an unforgettable experience for our guests. We are beginning to see a more customer centred service being adopted by others in the hospitality industry and across sectors. How has your “unsaid commitment to women” (mentioned here) translated in running your business? Although we don’t discriminate based on sex in any way, we have attracted a very powerful core group of women leaders who share the same values, international outlook and passion for excellence. The way we approach our customers is the same way we work together as a team. We are constantly meeting, reviewing feedback and making necessary adjustments as a team and as a business. [bctt tweet=”We have attracted a very powerful core group of women leaders who share the same values” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Tell us more about The Lady initiative, why did Villa Monticello start this? We understand that it can be challenging for many young women to get the opportunity or nurturing that they might need to excel. Working in collaboration with Ghanaian businesswoman Isobel Acquah, we launched The Lady in January as an empowerment initiative for young women aged 18 to 25. Through the initiative, young women participate in practical foundational courses covering key topics such as wellness, confidence building, financial awareness, social and business etiquette, and personal grooming. The Lady, is an effort to impart to young women the ethos and values that have driven Villa Monticello to a leading position in the Ghanaian hospitality market. At the end of the program (which ended last month), we granted internships to participants and to one promising young women at the university level, a scholarship to further pursue her education. You offer a number of services including The Koncierge and Bespoke Weddings. How do you ensure that you maintain the same values and quality in everything that you do? Our ultimate goal is to deliver exceptional service and provide an experience for our guests which is second to none. This outlook is applied to all aspects of the VM brand. We are constantly striving to play a significant role in transforming the standards of the hospitality industry in Ghana and the role of women in the industry. We also want to have a positive impact on the next generation of African women business leaders. What are three hidden treasures in Accra that visitors tend to miss? Chapter One Restaurant! Even if you don’t stay at VM, experiencing a meal at our fine dining restaurant is a must. The African fusion inspired menu combines flavors from Africa, Asia, India, and Europe using locally sourced ingredients. Enjoying a traditional tea, classic brunch or an exclusive bottle of wine from our Barrels Wine Club cellar can be a highlight for any visitor’s trip to Accra. Legon Botanical Gardens. There are very few green spaces in the city and this gem provides a necessary respite. Escape the hustle of the city for a picnic

Abena Ofosua Obuba: I left engineering to become a bridal consultant

abena ofosua obuba akatasia brides she leads africa

[bctt tweet=”My interest in chemical engineering was fading. Waking up each day to go to work became a chore” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Abena Ofosua Obuba’s dream has always been to own a business she is passionate about and be her own woman. So, after being in the Ghanaian power industry as a Chemical Engineer for 4 years, she knew it was time to make her dream happen. This led her to start with the necessary preparations by maintaining her position for another year in order to save money. Abena also acquired entrepreneurial skills before starting up on her own. She then resigned after her fifth year with the power industry and started Akatasia Brides, a bridal consultancy business which took off immediately due to her carefully, well thought out plans and preparations. Now, Akatasia Brides is a household name and one of the best bridal consultancies in the country. Tell us a brief history of your career as a chemical engineer before Akatasia Brides? I worked in the power industry for 5 years as a chemical engineer in the business development section. I started my career first off as a Health and Safety Officer. Later, my role changed to business development and I think that was a great stepping stone for me to branch into entrepreneurship because I was meeting high level officials/influencers in Ghana’s power industry. I began to develop a perfect skill set for entrepreneurship. The company I was working with at that time was a start-up, so I learned a great deal of lessons as the company grew and as I took on a managerial role. Why did you switch from chemical engineering to bridal consultancy? I switched from chemical engineering to bridal consultancy because of the following three reasons; [bctt tweet=”I knew if I did not resign, I would never achieve this dream of becoming an employer” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] My interest in chemical engineering was fading. Waking up each day to go to work became a chore. It was a huge task for me. I was unhappy and it felt like I was at the wrong place. I however put in a 100% whenever I was at work though it was unsatisfying. I was planning to have a baby. Having a baby is a full time job and my position as a Chemical Engineer required total commitment. This means, I had to work from 7am to 6pm and this would have taken a toll on me and my family My passion to own my own company. It had always been my dream to run my own business; to be the controller of my own ship. I knew if I did not resign from my position as an employee at some point, I would never achieve this dream of becoming an employer. What preparations did you make towards your resignation? I planned for a whole year on how to smoothly transition from my previous job to the bridal consultancy business. I planned out how much money I needed; the exact time I will be leaving my previous employer and the work that was required to start a new business. That planning period was also my trial period so that meant I saved all I could for that one year and lived on the new business. Since that worked, I knew the business was going to work if I were to resign from my previous job. Walk us through the process it’s taken you to get Akatasia Brides to where it is now? Akatasia Brides started out as an online business on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms where I worked as a freelance bridal make-up artist. After sometime however, I thought of sourcing for gowns for brides. This was to add value to my work by providing the complete packages for brides. So I researched and gained experience in dressing up brides. I added on my personal style and helped dress up brides for their big day. After the great feedback I had from my customers, I opened a bridal salon with a make-up studio in Tema, Ghana. There I sell ready-to-wear wedding gowns; assist brides to select customized wedding dresses with all their specifications and provide beauty services. [bctt tweet=”I started @Akatasiabrides as a freelance bridal make-up artist – Abena Ofosua Obuba” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What are some surprising lessons you learned along the way? You need support from your business team and your family to make your business work. You should be reinvesting your profits into the business at least for the first two years. Time management is of the greatest essence when you start your own business. What were the biggest things you struggled with when you started Akatasia Brides? I did not have any financial background so I struggled with keeping tab on the finances until I hired a professional to take over this part of the business. I have started taking accounting lessons also. I need to know where all the money is going. What’s your most memorable experience as a bridal consultant? The first time a bride kissed my cheeks and hugged me after trying on her gown and said “thank you so much Akatasia”. Everyone calls me Akatasia now —it means lady in our local dialect, Twi. I do not think I can get any better experience and satisfaction than this. [bctt tweet=”#MotherlandMoguls looking to resign to start their businesses should PLAN” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] If you could offer one piece of advice to a person considering resignation, what would it be? I would say they should PLAN. If they can put out some sort of plan on paper, then they can draft a business plan from that. From that plan you can have a better view of what you will be getting yourself into. How do you think pursuing your passion has turned you into a better person? I have become very enthusiastic, optimistic and strong. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted because you do not know what the market/environment is going to hit

5 life lessons we can learn from Becca

[bctt tweet=”One failed option does not mean all is lost! Lesson learned from @beccafrica and her career” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Becca’s first appearance into the spotlight was on the second season of the TV3 annual singing competition, Mentor, where she was selected to represent the Ashanti Region, Ghana. The music mogul who barely had fame then, however had to pull out of the contest. This was after discovering that participants had been secretly tested and cleared of HIV/AIDS without their knowledge and consent. Also, because the terms of contract were not up for discussion and rather was a ‘take it or leave it’ affair. Upon quitting the show, Kiki Banson, under EKB records signed her and released her first debut studio album “Sugar” which got five nominations at the 2008 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards. Today Becca is a multiple award winner (Kora Award, one National Youth Achievers Award, four Ghana Music Awards, and three 4Syte TV Music Video Awards) and one of the most influential women in the country; a status she may not have acquired if she had not been bold and daring enough to stand her grounds. Here are five life lessons we can learn from Becca; 1. Know your rights and fight the system to do the right thing Many people are being taken advantage of and have had their rights infringed upon because they themselves are not aware of their civil and human rights. Becca knew her rights and knew they were being trampled upon when her consent was not sought before the HIV test was conducted. If you do not speak up against infringements and injustices, the world will assume you are okay with whatever treatment given to you. [bctt tweet=”Know what you are about and never accept just anything” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 2. Know what you are about and never accept just anything People who usually say “anything goes” are seen as indecisive, unfocused and complete pushovers. They are also often taken for granted. Knowing and expressing explicitly what you want and deserve will convey the message that you are not a pushover or easy prey to sleazy commitments. 3. Never be afraid to pull out of a negative environment When Becca found out that the contract she was given was not going to help her reach her goal, she pulled out. As humans, we sometimes adapt to a toxic place or an unhealthy environment not due to the lack of options but mostly due to fear of the unknown. Eventually, we end up paying dire consequences for our actions and choices. You need to learn how to let go of things, people and situations that can be a breeding ground for retrogression. 4. There are other ways to succeed There isn’t one formula for success so if going one way doesn’t help, try the other. Identify and if need be, create avenues to thrive; what matters is reaching your destination. Becca left a reality show and ended up with a record company which guided her to success and catapulted her to 5 nominations in the 2008 VGMAs. One failed option does not mean all is lost. In fact, it could be for a greater good or just the boost you need to get to your green land. [bctt tweet=” Resolve issues amicably and in the best and most healthy way possible” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 5. Always be the bigger person Life will always kick your butt; that is something we cannot control. What we can put a rheostat on however, is how we react to difficulties and problems we face. Don’t dwell too much on the past that you lose focus on the future. Resolve issues amicably and in the best and most healthy way possible so you can move on without any demons of the past.

Charlotte & Sheila Addison: Fulfilling the language needs of businesses

[bctt tweet=”Enlaza Global plays a pivotal rote in helping businesses transition to the global stage” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Sometimes, not getting to study what you’d like in university can be blessing in disguise. When the Addison sisters were offered a language course at university —a course that was not considered prestigious— they soldiered on. Today, Charlotte and Sheila are co-founders of Enlaza Global, a language translation service provider particularly focused on the language needs of businesses. Both sisters also work as translators at The Jeli, a literary publisher for black millenials. Here, they fill us in on why businesses need to use language as a tool and share what living in Cuba to perfect their Spanish taught them. What are the language needs of businesses? The language needs of businesses can be one of many things. There are untapped markets ready for products/services by businesses willing to operate across regions and markets. A language service provider like our Enlaza Global plays a pivotal role in helping businesses make that transition. Having international clients and business partners reveals the importance of having some level of communication in an international language. When working internationally, there will be a need to translate corporate and business documents to reflect in-country needs. Also, websites and social media sites can be translated in order to create diversity and reach a wider market online. According to the research survey, “Can’t Read, Won’t buy: Why Language Matters” by CommonsenseAdivsory, 52.4% of consumers buy only at websites when the information is presented in their language. [bctt tweet=”We create diversity by using the tool of translation to add value to technological products” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] We help to create diversity by using the tool of translation to add value to technological products such as apps, software and websites among others. Why do you think you were offered a language course? Why was it not considered prestigious? We believe we were offered a language course because of our academic background. We studied Literature, Christian Religious studies, Government and French at senior high school. These would have definitely played a role in the choice of course we were offered. The notion of prestige when it comes to academic courses in our societies, we believe stems from the belief that some courses map out a clear-cut career path for one whiles others do not. Another reason could be that most people have not come to appreciate and understand the tool called language and its role in a global village. I imagine you’ve received some odd questions for studying a language course. What are some of them? Some of the funniest questions we have received for studying a language course are : Is that a subject within your course or is it your main course of study? Will you gain immediate employment upon completing the university? Do you want to be a teacher? What are you going to do with it? What is the relevance of your course in an office (working environment)? [bctt tweet=”Living in Cuba fanned our desire to honour and celebrate people who have given us their time” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Tell us about living in Cuba. What led you two there? Our reason for living in Cuba was to study and improve upon our Spanish skills. We also wanted to acquire cultural knowledge and sensitivity. The experience was as fun as it was challenging. There are vital principles that we learnt to imbibe from Cuba such as patriotism and loyalty to ourselves as Africans, to our nation Ghana, to always be supportive and to push people forward. It also fanned our desire to always honour and celebrate people who have given their lives, time, effort or money in building us as individuals, organisations and Africans as a whole. On the other hand, living in a socialist state like Cuba, came along with its challenges. These include internet limitations, a lack of opportunities for foreigners, the daily low productivity, a lack of ingenuity on their part and the subtle racism that stares you in the face everyday. Want to see women you know featured on SLA? Tell us what amazing things women are doing in your communities here.

Vera Adu Amani: How I found creative ways to build my brand

Vera Adu Amani

Vera Adu Amani started her fashion company with no capital, no showroom and no PR services. All she had was a vision, talent and a voice which she used as a strong marketing tool on social media to build her brand. As the face of Adu Amani Klodin, she used her hairstyle (popularly described as Adomi bridge) to promote her brand at the 2015 Chalewote Arts Festival. This hairstyle went viral and led many clients to her company. After this great exposure, Vera’s brand story has been used as a case study in Professor Ato Quayson’s book “Globalization of Oxford Street”. She also won the 2015 urban designer of the year at the West African Fashion Awards; has gained recognition as influential designer in Africa and is currently a mentor/judge at the Ghana Coalition entrepreneurship leadership challenge. How did you discover social media as a great marketing tool? When I started the company, I had nothing! I had no money, no showroom, no team of marketers working for me. All I had was a vision, talent and a voice so I started sharing my work online just to showcase what I could do. As I connected with many people who reacted positively to my work, I became more active on the social media platforms. That was when I realized that social media is easy and a cheaper way to reach more people. After this realization, I equipped myself by reading and researching on digital marketing strategy and other social media materials to brand my company online. I then created my own style, my own platform to inspire, educate my followers and promote other brands. After your discovery, what steps did you take to use social media to build your brand? The only way your work speaks for itself is if someone is listening. When it comes to business you need to make some noise to get your message across so I started making so much noise about my work to get the attention needed. The steps I used to build my brand are as per below; I chose a memorable brand name which is easy to remember, pronounce and spell. I used the name on all of my social media networks. This makes it easy for followers to search and find my company. I repositioned myself, developed my voice and built my social media presence. I focused on one network (Facebook) which worked for my brand from the beginning since I didn’t have a team working for me. I adapted a social media marketing strategy plan. Thus a monthly calendar list where I created features like Facebook trade. I used visual marketing like videos and photos to promote my work. I engaged storytelling which has always been my number one key. It is one thing describing a product and another selling a product. I shared and commented on interesting articles, works by other people and trending issues. I asked questions; read and learnt from others especially brands/people I look up to. This was to help me distinguish myself from the others. I also engaged my followers, answered their questions, expressed my gratitude to them and sorted their opinions on things. I used their opinions to create content which they shared with their friends. I learnt to communicate with my followers effectively. For instance; I can’t use the same language and tone [contents] I use on Facebook /Instagram for Linkedin followers. What you say on social media will go a long way to affect you so I learnt to let certain comments roll off my back. You should know when to shut up. Which marketing tool skyrocketed your brand? I will say my hairstyle to the 2015 Chalewote Arts festival popularly described as Adomi bridge skyrocketed my brand. The plan was to look different, unique, to stand out, and have fun. As the face of my brand, I take every opportunity to promote my brand so the Chalewote Arts festival was a great place to showcase my work. I did not think the hairstyle will get such attention but it did and since then, my brand has been on the lips of many people.   How has social media affected your company’s growth? Everything that I am now and have now was gained through social media. Through social media, my brand has gained exposure, income, clients, jobs and followers. Social media boosted my brand visibility, and boosted my self-esteem personally. My brand was unknown but now I don’t have to introduce myself anymore, there is this phrase I usually use; ‘Google my name’. Social media has connected me to people that I wouldn’t have been able to meet in real in life. Now that your brand has gained the exposure you wanted, what is next? Well, my brand has gained digital exposure but not physical exposure so my team and I are working on traditional marketing and building relationships outside the internet. I also want to develop, expand and own a successful fashion design business. Not just a onetime wonder but a sustainable, profitable fashion design company. I am hoping to rewrite the African story. When a person thinks of Africa, it shouldn’t be a story of slaves, monkeys, ugliness or violence, it should be positive. Beautiful kente shoes/bags by Adu Amani should come in mind. So I will say I am working on making the brand a vehicle to communicate the beauty of Africa to the world through fashion. I want to leave positive digital footprints.   What is the most outrageous marketing tool you had to use to get your followers attention? I have used many funny strategies but the funniest was the one that skyrocketed my brand. This is the Adomi bridge hairstyle. I knew I would get some attention but did not expect the photos going viral. The hairstyle attracted both positive and negative reactions. I was made fun of when the photos went viral. Some comments were very mean and hurtful but I joined in

The new African woman likes sex on the beach

Is it me or is there is a huge rise of the cosmopolitan woman in Africa? I call her, the new African woman. The new African woman meets friends for cocktails like ‘sex on the beach’, after she gets off her 9-5 corporate job. She’s the woman who talks freely about sex, and enjoys it too. This woman takes vacation days and balances career and work life. This is a stark difference from our mother’s generation. For one thing, if I told my mom I was having sex on the beach…the furthest thing on her mind will be a drink in a glass. Sooo who is this new African woman? Here are 11 ways the new African woman is breaking the mold. [adsanity align=’alignnone’ id=144658] 1. We take care of ourselves first…without any apologies We have realized that the woman who does everything for others must first take care of herself. This could mean anything from quitting a job that we hate to starting our own business. It could also mean ignoring all the haters and going back to school for a second degree. 2. We choose family…and career Remember when there was a time where women had to choose between advancing in her career versus raising children and being a great wife? Well, who said a woman can’t do both. African women are finding ingenious ways of balancing the two. We can cook a mean jollof for dinner and defend a case in court the next morning. The new African woman does all. [mailerlite_form form_id=14] 3. We are girls who code and do everything else Did you know that there was a study that showed that black women are now the most educated group in the United States? Similarly, African women are excelling in subjects that where once thought to be dominated by men. We are killing it in math, science and technology. And we look good while doing it. 4. We are literally turning lemons into lemonade The African woman is the most industrious of all the species. Our work ethic and our ability to wring every drop out of a great opportunity is unmatched. Both these qualities are seen in my current favorite #MotherlandMogul, Olajumoke Orisaguna. Who else is able to wake up one day selling bread and go to bed at the end of the day with a modeling contract? 5. The love we seek is multi-dimensional You know how our mothers will tell us that there is only one way to a man’s heart and that is his stomach? Well, there are a thousand different ways to the new African women’s heart. She wants wit, adventure and staying up late with her love watching cartoons till 3am while eating ice cream. 6. We don’t pretend to be perfect  Have you ever cried at work? Or cried because you had a huge project coming up and you were so stressed out? I have (and I would love to hear your stories in the comments). Women have had to hide their emotions in the work place because of the fear of being judged as weak compared to the man. But we know we are not perfect, and neither are men. So dry your tears, listen to some Lil’ Kim and go be the most perfect imperfection ever. 7. We are breaking the glass ceiling in our careers Women are the biggest consumers of African movies. We single-handedly pump money into this industry. For a long time, men dominated in the directing and producing of African movies…but not any more. With the rise of Yvonne Nelson, Shirley Frimpong Manso and other female producers, times are a’ changing. 8. And our careers span past doctors and engineers….we are creatives Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is my personal hero. And to see her making the world stop and listen to what she has to say as a writer and a speaker is so inspiring. It puts our parents’, “only be a doctor, engineer or lawyer” talk to shame. While those careers are great, creative careers in the arts are also important. We need more African photographers, writers, artists, graphic designers, the list goes on. 9. We wear made in Africa Any fans of ‘African City’? How many times have you watched an episode and wanted to buy everything the girls wore. From the jewelry to the shoes and the clothes themselves. I had to stop watching because my retail lust was getting out of control…and get this? Everything is made in Africa! We are showing the world what African career wear, girls night out outfits and bathing suits can look like. 10. We are leading the front lines on African issues Everyone in Africa knows the inconsistent power struggles that we all suffer through. In Ghana, we call it dumsor meaning “light off, light on”. Well, guess who led the movement to tell the Ghanaian government enough is enough? Actress and producer, Yvonne Nelson. She led the cause and soon, others joined in droves. African women are no longer waiting to be told to speak, we are leading the force on issues that affect all of us. 11. We are intentional about changing Africa This point is captured perfectly by this quote by Elizabeth Blackwell; “For what is done or learned by one class of women becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women.” African women everywhere are doing their part for the next generation of women. From organizations like our very own SLA to movie producers writing more complex roles for women, or business owners who create scholarships for girls. We are all more aware of the role we play in changing Africa and the stories that are told about African women.

Laurie Frempong: Why I self-manage my modeling career

When it comes to the modelling industry, Ghanaian model and fashion blogger Laurie Frempong is her own boss. She manages her career, finds her own jobs, negotiates payments and acts as her own PR. This model has been self–managing since she was discovered at a casting for Project Walkway Ghana nearly four years ago. Over the years, Laurie has secured editorial, swimwear, print, runway and commercial modelling contracts without a manager or an agency. She would be first to admit that balancing self-management and a modelling can be very tough but with determination, one can achieve anything. What led you to self-manage your modelling career? After being discovered and gaining exposure at the Project Walkway Ghana, I went into full-time modelling but in Ghana, there are no real modelling agencies and models signed under agencies had to go out and search for jobs. There was no need having a manager who would not assist me in anyway, yet expect to be paid. So I chose to manage my own career. This was not easy especially since I had to combine management with modelling. Both jobs are full-time so there are days my management skills would be lacking and there are days my modelling skills would be lacking. This was at the very beginning though, now I have developed a skill to balance both jobs so as to not lack in both areas. As a self-managed model, how do you find work? What jobs have you done over the years? Well in order to find work, I had to build a brand and that was what I did. I am identified with my natural hair and my colourfulness. After this, I found work through recommendations; attending castings —which are very few in the country, and via social media. I take my work very seriously and always give my best on the job so people contact me for a job knowing they are getting nothing but the best. I have worked many brands and shows like Afua Biney, Kiki Clothing, Woodin, Lema Press, Ernest Chemist, Zedi & Cross Alikoto Clothing, Nallem Clothing, Papa Oppong, Steve French, Wusuwa’s Diary, RIP Runway, Legon Fashion week, Catwalk for Orphans among others. What are the challenges you face as a self-managing model in the industry? How do you overcome these challenges? When I chose this path, I knew it was not going to be easy. Given the fact that Ghanaians are still warming up to modelling as a career, I knew I would face challenges. But I was still hopeful and determined to go through with my choices no matter what. Challenges I face include; – Non-payment for jobs well done. – Getting paid less than what was negotiated. – Missing out on castings because these opportunities are communicated directly to modelling agencies. For the payment challenges, I have rectified it by using a rate card. The rate card has details of how much a model charges depending on the type of job wanted. This card takes into consideration the number of hours involved, etc. This way when I am approached by a client, they know exactly what to expect. With the issue about the castings, there is nothing I can do about it other than investing in myself, updating my portfolio and branding myself so well that I will not depend on these castings. Would you say self-management is better than having another person manage you? Well, there is nothing like being your own boss but to some extent I will say having a manager has its pros. For instance, if I had a manager, I will have more time to focus on becoming the best model since I would not have to worry about the negotiating of contracts and payments. Are there many self-managing models in the industry? What advice would you give to a self-managing model? There are as many freelance models as there those who are under management in the industry. The advice I would give to a self-managing model like me is – self-management is not easy but nothing good comes easy. So stay focused; build your brand and portfolio, set goals and work towards them and most importantly learn to use social media to market your brand. Also when starting out, many people would try to take advantage of you so build your negotiation skills and be firm at all times. What do you enjoy most about what you do? Every single thing. This career allows me to express myself in so many ways and be true to myself. I also love seeing the product of my hard work. After all the stress, when I see the final work and it looks amazing, I am happy. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever done as a model? Recently, I had to do a runway for a fashion graduate, Steve French. The concept was to act like a mad person on the runway. It was one of the most creative shows ever. Which international brand would you like to model for and which concept would it be? Vlisco. An editorial spread and a fashion film. The fashion film will tell a story about the history of African Prints. And I would be the model styled in some iconic Vlisco designs since its inception. I also dream of being a Victoria’s Secret model. That will be a dream come true for me. Want to see women you know featured on SLA? Tell us what amazing things women are doing in your communities here.

Adomaa Music: Dare to be different and unapologetically you


Adomaa is a Ghanaian fast rising afro-jazz singer  who is known for her distinctive style of singing, insightful messages, and creative video concepts. This sensational artiste who believes that music is her drug has chosen to pursue a genre which is totally different from what people are used to. Though she faces disapproval from people who do not relate to her style of music, Adomaa still holds on to what she loves and believes afro-jazz is the next big thing. Judging from the recent Vodafone Ghana Music Awards show where she won the 2016 Unsung Artiste of the year, we believe Adomaa is underway to success. Why did you choose the afro-jazz music genre? I wouldn’t exactly say I chose the genre. It’s who I am and how I know best to express myself. I grew up on a lot of jazz, blues, and soul till it became part of me. When the decision came to pursue music as a career, it’s what came instinctively. Still staying true to my love for jazz, I wanted my Africanism to be represented in my music as well. So, I decided to fuse the Jazz sound with African rhythm, hence the name: Afro-jazz! What makes you think this genre is here to stay? When I started, I was truly stunned by the overwhelming response from the public. I didn’t think anyone cared about the type of music I did because it isn’t mainstream. The feedback though made me realize that there’s a huge market for Afro-jazz here! It’s still in its beginning stages but it’s catching on. It will soon become a staple! What would you do if this genre does not get and hold the attention and crowd you expect? I don’t think that will happen because like I said so far, the feedback has been massive. It can only grow and it is growing. Nonetheless, even if no one was ever interested, it’s still where I will be because quite frankly, it’s who I am. I can’t change who I am. How is Afro-jazz different from the other music genres? Why should we look out for this genre? Afro-jazz is simply a unique blend of jazz, blues, soul (basically vintage music) with an African rhythm or flavor to it. Jazz is not a popular genre of music in these parts and even outside, it’s still somewhat low key. The fusion is very different from what we are used to hearing. It’s music like you haven’t heard before. It’s a refreshing, fresh and unique. Who doesn’t want all that? Which other musicians are taking or have already taken the Afro-jazz route? It’s still fairly early days to say any artiste, in particular, has taken this route. But there’s this super talented singer, Cina Soul that has released some music along those lines. Also, I haven’t heard of anyone before me doing what I do. It’s a new wave of music that I’m proud to say I’m pioneering. Tell us Adomaa, is your type of music for everybody? What’s your target audience? Music is universal and Afro-jazz is no different but for now, I think it boils down to preferences. It will take sometime for some people to warm up to it but it will catch on eventually. A classic example is dancehall. Who ever thought it would be the most popular genre in Ghana? My target is everyone! For now, though, I’d say the people who appreciate it the most are the middle class to elite groups of people. Since you started singing, what has been your major challenge and how did you handle it? My biggest challenge since I started has definitely got to be my stage fright. I used to dread live performances and would have panic attacks and meltdowns but the best way to overcome an obstacle is to face it. There’s been a tremendous improvement over the months and it can only get better in the years to come. I love being on stage now. What is the worst thing anybody has said about your type of music? It’s boring and for old people. Oh, but that’s about to change. There were some rumours about how you did not deserve to win the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards unsung artiste of the year, how did you handle this issue? What provoked this rumour? Ha! This issue… Well, you know I started out with doing covers and recreating other people’s songs. It’s what put the spotlight on me and probably what most people still know me for. In the category I was in, the other nominees (Feli Nuna, Wan-O, Ebony, Nii Funny and Perez) were more deserving because they have put out original content. I have original content out as well but I guess the covers are more popular. Some people didn’t even know I had my own songs out there so there were questions about why I was nominated in the first place. For me, negative comments fuel me. It made me want to challenge myself even more to sell the genre till it becomes a household name. It’s my main goal now. How do you react and respond to criticisms? I listen, sieve through to see if there’s anything to learn, take the constructive ones, discard the chaff and move on with my life. Why do you think your type of music is critiqued? It’s different. It’s a change from the normal. People don’t welcome change easily. That’s normal. It takes a while to embrace what you don’t understand. The criticisms are to be expected when you decide to break away from the norm. Have you ever considered switching to another genre? I’ve explored a little. My EP, Afraba was solely for that. I tried pop, rock, highlife, classical music, etc. but my heart still belongs to Afro-jazz. Of course moving forward, I’ll still venture out some more but at the core, Afro-jazz is who I am and who I’ll always be. For our readers who have never heard