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7 Personal Productivity Tools for every woman

With so much to do in your daily lives, you need some productivity tools that can make you better organized, work smarter, become more effective, and achieve optimal results. Here are a few personal productivity tools that can help you do better in your personal life, work and business. Google Drive Google drive is a cloud storage service by google with which you can back up the files on your various devices in the cloud and access them on any other device across various locations using your gmail ID. You are also able to share files and collaborate with others on projects across different locations. Google drive also helps you create various folders for files to save your files.  When devices synced with the google drive app are low on storage space, you can easily save the files on the application and delete them from the device to free storage space. The google drive application gives 15GB free storage space, if you need to use more than this amount of storage space , you can upgrade to the paid plans. Evernote Evernote is an application that lets you collect your thoughts, track them, share them (when you want to) and organize your day to day activities and yearlong goals. With Evernote, you are able share notes with team mates as you brainstorm or work on a project, you can manage team access to your Evernote account. You can also access the app from any device connected to the internet and notes saved on it can be easily searched. The Evernote app has a scanning feature that can be used to capture and register business cards as well as search documents. This app comes with virtual post it notes which can be used to organize and set reminders. Moneyfy Monefy is a personal finance app that’s useful for money management. This app helps you track your spending habits and create charts that clearly show your spending pattern. You can even customize some features on the app to suit your lifestyle – expenses, currency and language. It is easy to create and update detailed transaction lists on this platform (daily, weekly, monthly). The app puts together reports of your transactions at intervals (decided by you); it lets you set monthly budgets, share access with others, back up and export data as required. The basic version of the app is free to use, however, there’s an upgraded version that comes with extra features and you can get access to it for as low as N500/month. Another personal finance app that can complement Monefy is Goodbudget – this app can be applied to help you save for big expenses. Quality Time App Quality Time App; this application lets you know how much time you spend on your phone (hourly, daily and weekly) and how you spend it. With this app, you can easily identify applications on your device that you are addicted to. You can use this app to curb/manage excessive phone usage. There are even features on this app you can activate to alert you (or someone else) when you are spending “too much” time on your phone.   A Vision Board A Vision board is built as a representation of where you are going (vision/goal) using images, picture, quotes. It is a goal setting tool on which defined vision/goals are illustrated visually .In a world where there’s so much fighting for your attention, there’s need to define your dreams and focus on them and a vision board can help with that. It is best to place this tool where it can be seen regularly; this lets you constantly feed your subconscious mind with what you want to achieve and how you want to feel. This tunes your mind in on your focus so that it constantly works to bring these dreams to life (whatever you focus on expands). Famous people like Ellen Degeneres and Katy Perry have spoken about how they used vision boards at one time or the other to bring their dreams to life. The process of creating a vision board is engaging; it connects you mentally to your dreams and there are no strict rules to it. You can inspire, motivate and affirm your way to your dreams using this tool. Post It Notes Post it notes are small sticky sheets of paper for taking notes and setting reminders; you can use it to track and organize thoughts by pasting these notes where they can be easily spotted for the required timely action, it comes in very handy when multitasking. These notes are easily pasted or detached from surfaces and leave no stains or residue. Post it notes are visually invasive when compared to software applications but they help direct attention to where it is needed. Virtual post it notes now exists, but I doubt they can take the place of the physical post it notes. Adult coloring Adult coloring is simply coloring for adults; sometimes we need to calm our young, active and energetic minds to prevent burnout and increase focus and concentration. Research shows that coloring has therapeutic benefits for adults; It is said to improve mindfulness and reduce anxiety. This can translate to reduced stress levels as well as better focus and concentration on work. Consider this a good way to manage stress and increase productivity. Adult coloring apps like ColorMe is a good place to start, you can also go for hard cover adult coloring books if that’s your preferred option. Now, go and live your best life! If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.  

Muthoni Maingi: Glass ceilings are the biggest problem that women face

Muthoni Maingi is a true renaissance woman.  She uses the power of digital innovation to transform lives. Being the Head of Digital Campaigns at Oxfam is just the latest place she is flexing her muscles. She is also the founding director of the Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE). Muthoni was also an integral team member in Safaricom projects like BLAZE and Little Cab.  In this insightful chat with SLA, she shares some insights on her career journey and growing with the new digital trends.   At what point in your life did you first learn about your field of work? What called you to it? As the Brand strategist at Creative Edge, the director would find my colleagues and me on Twitter fairly frequently. Instead of reprimanding us, she challenged us to think through how we could begin to sell digital as a service for the agency as it was traditionally lead at the time. From then I fell in love with digital as a marketing proposition and have never left since! As the Head of Digital Campaigns, what exactly do you do? My work at Oxfam really allows me to live true to my passion and purpose!  I stay up at night thinking of initiatives that use the power of digital to connect people and amplify voices to influence decision makers. With my team, we work to grow the brand to become a leading digital influencing organization. We use mobile, web and social media to drive, support, donations and offline participation of millions of people globally. Does Oxfam still consider traditional media and offline campaigns in this digital age? At Oxfam, I am constantly inspired by the amazing work that uses digital technology to influence and leverage the power of people to end poverty. The organization’s inspiration and drive to achieve change for millions of people is embedded in the values, mission, and vision. It is the exact same whether applied to campaign offline or online, there is no separation from the core objective. How has your current role changed your perception of how powerful technology can be in changing lives in Kenya & around the world? I don’t necessarily feel like I am just now seeing that technology can and does have the potential to create change. What I can say has changed is that my approach has always been very Kenya and Africa based. I think that it is great that organizations across the globe are increasingly making diversity a core strategic agenda and that means that varied expertise in the room allows for improved performance and efficiency. Consequently, this experience has allowed me to exhibit our regional ingenuity on a platform that is hungry for fresh perspectives from this part of the world. What advice can you give about personal growth and knowing when it’s time to leave a job even when it throws you out of your comfort zone?     Prior to working at Oxfam, I held major positions in the telecommunications sector. I have always had very specific objectives in terms of how I see my career going. I look at what my objective is in terms of my career goal and what space is available for me to explore that as well as to build something of value for myself and the organization. For example with Safaricom, I was really looking at how I could bring digitally lead segmented prepositions to life. Being secure in that knowledge, I began to look for spaces where I could grow from a digital perspective and lead a team that actually creates digital products.  The opportunity at Oxfam offered me that. [bctt tweet=”When you have solid relationships then everything else always figures itself out – @NonieMG” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How important are mentors to you? Do you have any? I try to avoid what can be termed as the ‘expert by proxy’ bias. Where we tend to listen to the loudest person in the room and assume that as a result, they are competent and capable. I genuinely look deeper to find people who are ‘true experts’ in the aspect I am looking to grow towards, even if they are the quieter or less visible ones in the room. Or even if they are not in the room at all. I consider different people mentors in different ways. Actually, I ensure that they are the actual people that I should be talking to. Having been so successful in the famed ‘Silicon Sahara’, one of the most competitive tech industries in Africa. Does this mean women are getting better recognition for their contributions in the tech world? It would not be accurate to look at my path and determine that the state of women is improved because of it. My success is not a beacon of change as a lot more should be done and a lot more can be done to ensure that no one is left behind. Women have a long way to go to get their dues in this industry, not because of their lack of talent or capability but simply because we operate in a world with restrictive, discriminatory and in many cases violent social norms. This applies to all women regardless of class, race, gender and sexual orientation. [bctt tweet=”I am my own cheerleader, and I am very comfortable with failure…  – @NonieMG” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What do you think is the biggest misconception women have about how to become successful? The fact that this question is only asked of women says it all. Women across the board put in the work, glass ceilings are the biggest problem that women face. These ceilings appear in overt, micro-aggressive or in hidden values and norms that keep women consistently not only fighting to deliver results in their day job but also having to work around harmful social norms as another layer of labor. The only work that women should be doing is working to deliver to the bottom line, the strategic objectives of an organization. In moments of

Revealed: The Secret To Staying Motivated

The year is almost halfway done, and chances are, the energy you started with is most likely not as powerful as it is now. Being motivated for a whole year can be quite challenging when life is constantly throwing us different surprises. Even then, motivation can only take you so far when trying to achieve your goals.  So, how do you stay motivated amidst all? The secret is – drum rolls please – ‘Find your Vision’! Your vision will guide you and keep you going on your journey to success. Vision ensures that you don’t go around in circles and get frustrated when things go left.  But how do you find your vision? The following tips offer a few steps on how you can find your vision and stay motivated.  1. Listen to your inner voice To have a clear idea about your vision, you must look inside yourself. Vision comes from within, from the spirit or subconscious, whatever you choose to call it. Everyone has a vision that is unique to them, and you are no different. When searching inside, you should yourself questions such as what stirs you? What is your greatest desire? What kind of dreams do you have? Once, you ask yourself these questions, chances are your vision will start become clearer for you. 2. Prepare yourself mentally Your vision begins in your mind and heart. It is something that burns within your soul. it should be greater than your all of your past memories, mistakes, and accomplishments. If you know what your vision is, you will have a purpose and won’t get lost on your journey. Sometimes, when you don’t have a distinct vision, it is easy to become distracted. If you don’t know where you’re going or how to get there, the journey will seem a lot longer and harder. To avoid this, make surer you prepare your mind for challenges ahead. 3. Surround yourself with people who have a clear purpose Greatness breeds greatness, and it is for this reason that you should seek out the company of others who can appreciate and support your vision. Network with winners and it will keep your motivation high. 4. Develop your vision Do you want to be the next Bill Gates but because of the way your bank account is wired it may seem impossible? The truth is, there are times when it is hard to understand how to apply your vision to your life in order to reach your goals. Don’t worry, all visions start from scratch! Your vision will grow from your experiences, talents, dreams, and desires. So don’t worry if your bank account is not growing as fast as you would have wished. Great visions take time to develop and perfect. Allow your vision to slowly but surely reveal itself to you. 5. Keep a notebook and pen handy All too often, we come up with great ideas and thoughts and by the time we want to write them down, they are forgotten. With that in mind, you never know when your vision is going to come to you, you have to keep a small notepad with you at all times. Even on your nightstand when you sleep. Write down whatever comes to mind, no matter how silly it seems at the time. You may write down a hundred crazy ideas but number one hundred and one just might be the vision you were searching for. Don’t try to filter right now, just write down everything that comes to mind. 6. Follow your vision The vision you are seeking will most likely come to you in ways that you won’t fully understand at the moment. That’s okay. Even your friends or family might not understand it. That too is fine. Just follow as much of your vision as you can right now, and more will be revealed to you as time goes on. All truly successful people have a vision that they follow, no matter what challenges they may face. Begin following the above steps to seek your vision today and remember that true, lasting success will never come to you until you know what your vision is and how you will follow it. And you will be unstoppable if you combine your personal vision with a healthy dose of motivation. This article was originally written by Tariro. If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.


For as long as we’ve known, politics has been viewed as ‘a big boys thing’ and not for women. Well, guess what world? It’s time to take a step back because ladies wanna play too! From leading political organisations to being at the centre of political movements across the continent, women are increasingly taking charge of the political platform. Admirable examples of #MotherlandMoguls in politics include Bostwana’s 29- year old, Bogolo Joy Kenewendo, who was recently appointed as Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry and Nigeria’s Ms. Rinsola Abiola, President of the APC Young Women Forum (amongst other titles) – the list goes on! But let’s be honest! Even though there has been a rise in the number of women in legislatures across the continent, more work still needs to be done to integrate women into ‘political governance’. That being said, ladies get in formation…let’s talk about building a fulfilling political career!! To learn more, join us on Wednesday, May 30th for a webinar with Abosede George – Ogan, who is the Chief Facilitator of Women In Politics NG, as well as the Director, Strategy, Partnerships and Stakeholder Management at the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund. Abosede will be sharing useful nuggets on what it takes to build a successful career in politics. [bctt tweet=”Kick start your career in politics with @abosedea on May 30th at 11 AM WAT! Click here for more: #WomenInPolitics” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Some of the topics we’ll cover: Why you should be interested in politics The building blocks to pursuing a career in politics Types of jobs available in the field of politics Advice on how to build a successful political career Webinar Details: Date: Wednesday, May 30th, 2018 Time: 11AM Lagos // 12PM Johannesburg // 1PM Nairobi Location: Register below to get access to this opportunity Watch here: About Adebose Abosede George-Ogan is a tri-sector leader with over 14 years’ experience working across the non-profit, private and public sector as a development professional. She is the Chief Facilitator at Women In Politics NG, an online platform that seeks to engage, encourage, equip and empower women especially young women to get involved and participate in politics in Nigeria. In addition to this, Abosede is currently the Director, Strategy, Partnerships and Stakeholder Management at the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund. Abosede began her career in development over a decade ago with ActionAid International Nigeria. From here, she moved on to lead Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship for Keystone Bank, FirstBank and Samsung Electronics West Africa respectively. Likewise, Ms. George-Ogan has a degree in Political Science/Public Administration from Igbinedion University and an MSc in Communication for Innovation and Development from the University of Reading.   She is also the author of the recently launched book, “Building a Conscious Career: How to build a fulfilling and financially rewarding career”. For more information about the book, you can visit  

Puthumile Ngwenya: Using Film, TV and Radio to tell inspiring and uplifting stories

Puthumile Ngwenya is a film school graduate who has helped produce documentaries for the UN. She has worked in Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya and South Africa. Currently, she is on a Zambian morning talk show called Fresh In The Morning. She also owns a company Sole Source that organizes fun events for the modern African millennial. In addition, she has done radio, written TV scripts and freelance writes and also edits for digital magazines in Zambia. She is also the content creator for Wikreate Africa Limited. In short, Puthumile Ngwenya is a storyteller extraordinaire. She tells us in this interview about how she’s using everything from film, to TV, to radio to tell stories that uplift and inspire.  What did you want to be as a child? As a child, I wanted to be everything! A vet, an astronaut, Janet Jackson, an actress, a dancer! I mean is it any wonder I fell in love with theatre and film? Do you think formal education (having a degree) is really important when pursuing a career in media?  My major was Live Performance, which was divided into music, acting, and a sub-major in Scriptwriting. It was important for me because I really learned how to be an all-around production person through our practical’s and film shoots. I had to intern under departments unrelated to my degree so I learned so much. I would advise anyone to educate themselves or job shadow someone in the field they want to be in. It makes you better at what you do. How did you become a co-host on the Fresh In The Morning Zambian talk show and what is your mission with the show? One of my former co-hosts from radio started the Fresh TV station and he saw something in me. He knew my background, but I had given up on working in front of the camera until he persuaded me. My mission is to entertain but also talk about serious issues we Africans don’t always talk about and help further the conversation. We all want to make a change, share stories, shed light on others plight and elevate people…that’s the goal! They say women don’t support women. Have you experienced this with female colleagues in the industry? I have seen it with other women and I know a few who have tried to block my success. But more so, I feel the men are more insecure and have tried to cut me down because I am a no-nonsense person, I know my worth…I really do. So my experience, especially in TV production working with women, has been wonderful, we support each other, back each other and we laugh at the people who think they can pull us down! [bctt tweet=” I have big dreams and my goals are always changing – @leelabee ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] The media industry has a reputation for being somewhat turbulent work wise. How do you stay motivated during the less productive times?   In the past, I have been depressed over losing jobs or late payments. Trust me, it is not for the faint of heart. It has also taught me to draw up my own contracts because a lot of people just verbally hire and agree to pay you. Thankfully I have family support and people to lean on, I freelance but I recently started my own company Sole Source last year, with three partners, so I stay busy. I always find a way because I have faith, I know my talent and skill set, I won’t be defeated. What’s your proudest career moment so far? It is yet to come, I mean last year I pulled off coordinating Rocktober 17 a local music festival and that was challenging and exhausting. As I mentioned I have a new company, I also recently got back into Producing for TV and acting…so the best is yet to come. I have big dreams and my goals are always changing. You describe yourself as an Afro-feminist. What is that exactly? I am African…and proud. All it really means is that my feminism is aligned with that of continental African women. Others have been fighting their fight and intersectional feminism is something that came later, I have to fight for my people. For me being a feminist is what I am and who I am by virtue of being a woman, I want equality for all. I want black women to be safe, to stop being raped, murdered and killed…Africa is not a monolith we deal with things other women globally do not. Name some women whom you admire or look up to? My mother, she was strong and worked hard. I also really connect with the spirits, activism, and artwork of the likes of Nina Simone, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Esther Mahlangu. I also look up to my peers across all industries but locally in Zambia that’s Becky Ngoma and Seya Fundafunda two great filmmakers. What’s a piece of advice you are happy you ignored? You will never produce your own TV segment or documentary until you are 35. I did it at 26, so thanks to my former boss…you know who you are. You lit a fire within me that made me quit my job and move to East Africa where I fell in love with film again. Top five career tips? Network, I mean really get to know the people in your industry the ones you admire and the ones you don’t. Believe in yourself, nobody else will or has to. Do not take no for an answer and when you do get told no, ask why…you should know what you are doing wrong. Don’t knock other people down or get into industry beef. Just stay in your own lane and keep your nose to the grindstone. Listen to your gut every time! Trust me it always helped me avoid bad business deals, sticky situations and a lot of drama. Anything new you are working on that you want us to look out for?

Lifelong Learning: 5 Lies You Tell Yourself

What comes to mind when you think of “lifelong learning”? Oh, wait. Did you just roll your eyes and give a defeated sigh? Girl, we know the feeling. Some of your feelings might be valid but here are some thoughts you might have that are definitely wrong. Here are some of the lies you probably tell yourself all year round which eventually hinders your growth: I have a degree. What am I still learning? Big mistake, sister. When did you graduate? 2, 5, 10 years ago? The world is changing fast and we need to evolve.  Standing in one spot only means that others are going to overtake you and take opportunities that should’ve been yours. Look at Nokia. How long did it take for them to lose their position as Number 1 phone maker? To be a successful Motherland Mogul, you need to keep learning the new trends in your industry. I am an expert in my field It’s very easy for us to settle for what we think we know is best. But does learning ever stop? If you have plans to branch out and innovate your brand, you need to prepare yourself! Are there other things you learn from other industries that may be linked to yours? There is so much more to learn about your passions, hobbies, and interests. Ask yourself questions such as ‘how badass is my excel skills’? When was the last time I gave a presentation that was wowed my audience? Take the time to improve and build on what you already have and what you need to make yourself better. I don’t have money for courses. In this day and age, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to learn! With a stable internet connection and time, you can access so many free resources online. From Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, YouTube and the many blogs and articles out there; the options are endless. But once you choose to make this investment, you start the journey towards a successful and educated life. I don’t have time to learn. Let’s rephrase that as “I don’t make out time for learning new things because it’s not a priority.” Doesn’t sound nice, does it? Well, it’s true. We all make time for things that we consider priorities. Catching up on social media, binging on Netflix, attending owambe parties. But if we think about it, we spend many hours every week on things that aren’t really adding to our bottom line. If you’re one of those superwomen who resists all such temptations and still can’t find the time to learn, what about the time you spend in traffic? With the developments of education and technology, you can learn anywhere and everywhere! So, don’t make excuses for wanting to learn. If you believe in investing in yourself, then you will make the time to learn more. I’m too old to learn Lol! Did you know the oldest person to graduate college was 95 years old? We’re never too old to learn. Even if you have started a family and gotten 7 children, it’s never too late! It’s all about prioritizing. We can always learn new tricks! You’ve probably run out of excuses now. But don’t let this daunt you. The trick is to start small. Pick one skill and set yourself a target of one hour a week to develop it. If you don’t know where to start, Google resources and create a learning calendar.   Once you set milestones and give yourself small treats every now and then, you’ll be surprised by what you learn in a few months. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.

Edirin Edewor: When failure gives you wings, fly higher

Edirin Edewor is a two-time Amazon Bestselling Author, a Mindset and Author’s Coach, and an Entrepreneur. She works with three types of entrepreneurs to help them publish their books and establish their brands.  Through Edirin’s Process Publishing System, entrepreneurs are helped to write their books with ease in record time get published on Amazon and become bestsellers.  She also caters to the AUTHORPRENUERS who want to sell their books profitably as well as create extra streams of income through their writing.  Finally, Edirin’s 5-Step Process Blueprint helps unknown and underpaid entrepreneurs in the service industry become highly influential and highly paid personal brands.    How do you think your past failures set you up for success? In 2011 when I was 20, I attempted suicide.  After that, I have had 502  of my job applications rejected in 4 years.  I failed in 9 out of 11 business in 5 years. I battled with depression and a diagnosis of Early Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 25. With all this suffering, I felt like a failure and thought my life was over. After much reflection, I began developing a growth mindset which helped me overcome all of these difficult times. I eventually wrote two books; The Productivity Checklist which became an Amazon Bestseller in 2016 and You and Your Mindset. Understanding that my failures were only learning processes, helped me eventually succeed in life and business. These lessons have helped me effectively start, scale and sustain my business in no time. So, now I help others too. [bctt tweet=”Understanding that my failures were only learning processes, helped me eventually succeed in life and business. – Edirin Edewor” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] You do a lot of great work with authors. How important is writing to establishing one’s authority in any given field? A lot of influential business people today have written books to establish themselves as authorities in their fields. From Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, to Steve Harris, Arese Ugwu, Nimi Akinkugbe and myself. Sharing your knowledge with the public shows that you know what you’re doing. It also helps you reach a lot more people with valuable information and grows your value perception.   What tips would you give our young Motherland Moguls who are trying to gain influence in business? Everyone has to start from the bottom. No one gets to the top of the mountain by falling there. Getting to the top of the mountain of success requires you to climb. It will take some time, dedication, commitment and keeping a positive attitude in the face of obstacles. One great way to growing influence is getting published and growing your own community. There are many skills and tools to help with this. Social media platforms have made it easy to grow your influence and build a community of a loyal following today. [bctt tweet=”I’d like people to understand that life is in processes and you need to master one level to get to the next one. – Edirin Edewor” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] From your experience what are the difficult aspects of being an entrepreneur in Africa? First of all, being an entrepreneur anywhere, male or female, is difficult. However, Africa presents some unique challenges. The continent is not as technologically and industrially advanced as first world nations. Therefore, there are limited opportunities available to us. This forces us Africans to be creative and create unique solutions to solve our challenges. Secondly, the African market is still not largely globalized and the ease of doing business on a global scale is still being stifled by the political and economic environment. What advice would you give other entrepreneurs on handling this?  As stated earlier, we have to create unique solutions to our challenges. While we wait for certain technologies to become available to us, we should maximize on what we have. This also includes constantly seeking opportunities to partner with global businesses to create more favorable conditions to do business. Here is where building trust and fostering good relationships become vitally important. From your past failures, what would you advise a young African woman getting set to start a business or career?   Being patient and intentional about learning the lessons even when you fail, helps you learn faster, fail less and fly higher. Today I have built a multi-million naira business sharing this message and helping entrepreneurs build influence so they can share their stories and impact others.  If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.

10 easy ways to maximize Valentine’s Day sales

Valentine season can be a really busy for retail businesses, it is therefore important that business owners maximize the opportunity to increase sales at times like this. If you have been in business for up to 2 years or more, you might want to refer to sales data from previous years. This sales data can be used to prepare and determine ways to increase sales volume. Having the right products is good but promoting what your business is offering just in time for valentines to build up sales is even better. To achieve this, use the right communication channels to reach your target audience. Get as much exposure as you can, reach out to past customers as well as potential ones. Here are general tips you can apply to drive up sales this coming Valentine. Curate gift combinations (gift baskets/boxes) Put related products together. Be creative with your ideas, make the combinations simple and appealing.  Make sure you consider your target audience and whom they will be buying the gift for. Create an experience with service combinations Valentine’s Day is mostly about pampering loved ones. Depending on your target audience, put together indulgent packages. If your business is in beauty and hospitality, this is something to consider. For instance, if you own a spa, you can combine various treatments and offer as one package for valentine. Create a bundle comprising the range of products you offer. Make sure the products are related and make them available as readymade options so buyers can simply grab and go. An example of such bundle is a Perfume gift set by Victoria’s secret containing a shower gel, body cream, and perfume. When you can, offer to wrap gifts for free or include it as a service to provide convenience to your customers. Partner up Collaboration during peak seasons can be at an advantage for you and your business. You can team up with reputable local businesses to create joint packages. For instance, if you’re a florist, team up with a baker to create a package for valentine. Create a buzz Hold a fun contest to engage your followers on social media and create a buzz around your business. Make sure you are well aware of rules/restrictions associated with putting up contests on various social media platforms. Make sure you time your promotions to capture early and late shoppers. Get the word out and announce your last minute gift deals. Make gift card options available Most last-minute shoppers are usually open to this, usually because most times they do not have a clear idea of what to buy. Design a gift card that’s appealing and gives a good impression of your business, be sure to include terms and conditions when issuing these gift cards. Think beyond valentine’s day Take advantage of valentine’s day rush to build a database your business can use in the future. You can present visiting customers an option to sign up / subscribe to your business website, app or whatever platform your business operates. [bctt tweet=”Prepare your staff to deal with the pressure of increased sales a peak seasons.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Most importantly, remember to have fun even as you help others express love this season.

If you want to achieve your goals, stop focusing on them

A lot of us have set out the goals that we want to achieve in 2018. Whether it’s business, family life, financial, career or social goals we have set them out and we expect to achieve them by 31st December 2018. How successful have you been in the past? Personally, at the end of the year, I find I have achieved 50% or less of what I set for myself to achieve. So what am I doing wrong?. I stumble across an interesting TED talk by Reggie Rivers, his first bold statement was that “IF YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE GOALS STOP FOCUSING ON THEM!”  This caught my interest as it goes against what I had learned so far, I listened to the entire presentation. [bctt tweet=”Break your goals into tasks that’ll bring you closer to the goal.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Reggie broke down that focusing on the goal makes you unable to use your energy on actually achieving the Goal. Moreover, more often than not you are not in control of the outcome and are only in control of your behavior and reactions. We all want to make money in our business by the end of the year, but you can’t force customers to buy from you, you can make the product as good as possible, yes, but you really can’t guarantee the outcome i.e. profits.  For instance, if you want to lose weight you end up weighing yourself every week. Of course, those who struggle with weight like I, realize that this does not lead anywhere fast. In fact, you end up frustrated and abandon the whole weight loss journey. You are focusing on the outcome. He suggests that you should focus on WHAT IS IN YOUR CONTROL, your behavior. Hmm… what does this mean? He says that you should focus on your behavior, which you are in control of, to achieve your goal. [bctt tweet=”Focus on what’s in your control – your behaviour” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Assume you are able to achieve the goal and perform the tasks to achieve it. In the weight loss scenario, you should focus on what you are eating, how much you exercise and what you drink. We need to break the goal into smaller tasks that we can perform easily and fast while working towards the main huge ambitious goal. Reggie suggests that you should have tasks that you can perform TODAY, TOMORROW and THIS WEEK. I like the idea that you break up your big goal into smaller manageable bits. What does this achieve? You remain motivated as you achieve something every day and week. Every small step moves you closer to the big goal. You can dream big and break the large goal into smaller action points and you end up achieving an ambitious goal. This works even when you need to save or invest. This I can testify to. You keep on revising your plan every so often and thereby are able to make necessary changes to move you closer to the goal. This is particularly helpful in business so that where you can change a strategy that does not work before you lose too much money. It helps you be disciplined on simple tasks and eventually bigger ones. This is a way to get rid of bad habits like procrastinating. If you are accountable on a daily and weekly basis you notice your weakness and work on it more often to improve yourself. It actually keeps you on track as you end up spending the necessary time, without getting distracted, to achieve your eventual goal. Normally when a task is huge we are quick to allow ourselves to be distracted away from it. In conclusion, I think this is a great concept to adopt in business and generally in life, deal with what you are in control of. Forget what is not in your control because you can’t change it anyway. Got an article you’d like to share with us? Share your story with us here.

Stop being busy achieving nothing

When I was much younger, I had the expert brain of never forgetting to do anything, numbers in my phonebook and even birthdays…but now…oh well!!! You can almost not get past a day without forgetting you had to return a call or deliver an extra work that didn’t make it to your to-do list. I know it’s not your fault, there’s just so much on the plate, and that’s why I’ve come to help you with cheat codes you can engage to help you be more productive with work time. Some home-made remedies like setting a reminder and creating/ticking off your to-do list, however, you can try these as well: Just do it NOW So, you see, most times our biggest problem is, we see that we have to do something, but we ignorantly shove it aside, forgetting that we are likely to forget.   One of the best ways to avoid forgetting a task is to just do it immediately. If possible, do it in bits, especially if it would take just a few seconds. Always have a notepad around   Whether as a hardcopy or soft one, always have something you can journal with. If your mind has a way of always magnetizing ideas from here and there, you need to always have something to scribble on. You ask me why? Because you might just get an idea that would take your business through the roof and if you miss it…well, you’ll never even know unless you tried it. Now pick up your notepad. Learn to say NO   Some of us have a default answer for taking on new tasks…YES!!! However, often times, we don’t really have to do everything because we can, we should just say no, rather than feel disappointed in ourselves when we forget just after saying yes to that extra task. Want to avoid forgetting that favor that you promised? If and only if you are overloaded with your own work, don’t agree to take on more.  Have a Human Reminder We all have that one person we can call an alarm clock. They just seem to remind us what we ask them to. So, don’t be shy, a great accountability partner might just be what you need to nail the day’s tasks. Ask for help, and be sure to humbly receive the push that comes with it. You’ll feel better about achieving your goals.Forgetting things is not so bad in itself, but when you do nothing about it, it could take a huge toll on your productivity level. The goal is to be an ACHIEVER, not to be BAN (Busy Achieving Nothing). Do you have a story you’d like to share with us? Share your story with us here.