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Three Things To Tell Your 20 Year Old Self Before Hitting The Dredged 30

I turned 30 recently, and truth be told, it’s all been very anticlimactic. I don’t actually feel different, but there is a constant awareness that I am older and I should feel different. A big part of this is because I spent my 29th birthday having a pity party in anticipation of turning 30.     Silly, I know, especially considering the fact that tomorrow is not guaranteed, much less another year. My closest friends couldn’t understand why I was having a premature break-down, but 29 reminded me of all the things I promised my younger self that I would do by the old age of 30. In my mind, I had one year to get married, buy a house with a white picket fence, start a business, have 2.5 children, and get a doctoral degree. I’m all for miracles, but the realization that I was still so far from some of these things left me immobilized and in bed for most of my 29th birthday. In the months and days leading up to my 30th birthday, I expected much of the same. Thankfully, no matter how much I willed myself into a funk, my heart and mind just would not let me get there. Somewhere in the days between my 29th and 30th birthday, I’d finally accepted the following truths about life. [bctt tweet=”The tough lessons in my 20’s allowed me to know better – @Andrena_Sawyer” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   Ditch the Plan No one’s life ever goes as they planned. That truth alone should bring a sense of relief to everyone, especially if you’re a planner like me. Since my teenage years, I’ve had a 5-year, 10-year, and 20-year plan. Each plan has inevitably been met with opposition. Some plans, like my goal of becoming an internationally-known civil rights attorney, I’ve had to forego completely. One of the most difficult lessons life has taught me is that if despite my best efforts, something is not working out, it may be time to step back and assess the other opportunities that are coming my way. I’m not talking about quitting, but rather using wisdom. I spent three years in my mid-twenties in a place I was miserable in because I wanted one career path to work out so desperately. When I finally let that plan go, and opened my eyes and heart to new possibilities, I discovered hidden talents and a career that I thought I could only dream of. When I ditched the plan, I became free to try new things, meet new people, and gained the boldness to grow beyond my expectations. [bctt tweet=”The only way that aging can become a bad thing is if you are not fully living in the moment now- @Andrena_Sawyer” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   You are Getting Older. Embrace It. If no one else will admit it, I will. One of the reasons that 30 is scary, especially for some women, is because it seems…old. Culture has done a great job of getting us to believe that lie. As you approach 30, the time seems to go by much faster, and you become keenly aware that you cannot get away with the antics you used to get away with. Society now holds you responsible, and so does your body and your bills. Overall, you’re expected to have a level of stability that’s unprecedented in your life. I dreaded it. I didn’t so much mind looking older (some people still think I’m 23), but I dreaded having to relinquish my youthful fervor for the doom and gloom that I thought was coming my way. There’s good news, then bad news, then good news again. The good news is that I was wrong about the doom and gloom part. If you’re like I was, and you’re dreading what 30 represents, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. 30 is not old. In fact, I feel more calm and confident than I’ve ever felt before. A defeated attitude is your choice. However, it’s not a choice based on reality, and as with anything, your attitude will determine your actions. The bad news is that you are getting older. For those of us who take the lyrics to “Forever Young” literally, it’s an inescapable reality. We have to get over it, and continue to live in the moment…each moment. The only way that aging can become a bad thing is if you are not fully living in the moment now. I look back at my 20s, and I had a blast and formed relationships with people that are now more like family than friends, I started a business, I visited new places, and even wrote a couple of books. However, amidst the great things were some tough lessons, which brings me to the other good news.   There’s Freedom of Responsibility There’s an old saying that when you know better, you do better. The tough lessons in my 20s allowed me to know better, which will hopefully allow me to do better. There are certain situations that, if we adjust our perspective, can become our practice field for a game-time opportunity. I was reckless with my finances in my twenties, ate poorly and devalued relationships that should have had more value and gave way too much attention to people and things that should not have had any of my time. That realization comes with heartache. However, with heartache comes an opportunity to respond and adjust. While the recklessness and forever young attitude was great, there’s no greater peace and freedom than knowing that healthier decisions now mean less stress and more security. The Roaring 20’s is more than just a term to describe a decade in history. For many of us, it’s a decade in our individual lives that determines, more so than any other decade, the course of the rest of our lives. Use it wisely. Reject comparison, because circumstances are fleeting. Focus on your own journey, and you’ll be amazed by how much you accomplish.  

Effective Goal-Setting: Keeping Your new year Resolutions All Year Round

Each year in January, entrepreneurs, and moguls around the world make new year resolutions to help them reach their business goals. Common resolutions include personal and professional goals like starting a business, building financial capacity, and even improving health and wellness. As an entrepreneur, your first responsibility is to plan ahead. Not just for your personal agenda, but for the growth of your company. Your second responsibility is to avoid being a part of the status quo.  A recent study by the University of Scranton suggests that only 8% of people actually achieve their goals. To avoid being part of the 92%, here are four tips to help you achieve your goals in 2018. Create an accountability system Research shows that when it comes to health and wellness goals, having a partner could mean the difference between success and failure. The primary reason for this is that having a partner creates a built-in accountability and motivational system. The same is true for your business goals. Practical accountability systems may include creating visual reminders of your goals, scheduling check-ups on your progress throughout the year, and designating key team members that are responsible for monitoring your goals. Being intentional about holding yourself and your team members accountable using these tools will ensure that your resolutions will not be an afterthought by the middle of the year. [bctt tweet=”Be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Be S.M.A.R.T I often encourage entrepreneurs to use the S.M.A.R.T. method when setting professional goals. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Specific goals break down your general goals into manageable bite-size pieces. A great example of this might be to increase your annual revenue. “Increase revenue in 2018” is a decent general goal. An even better goal is to “increase revenue in 2018 by identifying profit leaks, and creating monthly marketing campaigns in order to obtain new clients.” Even that specific goal can be further developed as you think about other factors that will affect the outcome. By ensuring that your goals are S.M.A.R.T., you set yourself up to experience the thrill of achievement that will become motivation for future success. Be Flexible Life happens, which means that despite your best efforts, some things will still go awry. Part of good goal planning is recognizing that and planning accordingly. Having flexibility in your approach and expectations relieves everyone involved of the pressure that comes with perfectionism. By recognizing that things may not always go as planned, you open the door for creativity to flow, and for discussion about alternative approaches to the goal. [bctt tweet=”Achieving your goals is as much a matter of timing, as it is a matter of consistency.- @Andrena_Sawyer” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Create Rewards Rewards are good for morale, which is good for productivity. As you set your business goals, a rewards system is as important as any other piece of the process. Whether big or small, rewards that highlight performance, collaboration and other values that are important to you and any team members could be the extra motivation for your overall success. If you find that, in years past, you have been among the 92% of people that don’t achieve their goals, there’s no better time to change that pattern than now. Achieving your goals is as much a matter of timing, as it is a matter of consistency. No matter where you are in the process, continue to forge ahead using these tips for success in 2018, and in the years to come.

In conversation with creative agency JamJar about their website relaunch

JamJar was created in 2013 out of frustration with the way corporate and creative events were organised in Ghana. Many events felt poorly organised and were identical. As a result JamJars’ founding partner, Frances Quarcoopome, found the need to put her skills to work and provide the industry with a creative alternative. JamJar continues to be recognised for its innovative and forward thinking design concepts and exceptional event planning services. Their vision is to be the top African creative agency, fueled with passion, innovation and the desire to make every client happy.   Tell us about Jam Jar JamJar is a creative agency dedicated to providing clients across Africa with innovative, affordable and locally relevant concepts in events, design and pr. You recently decided to rebrand and relaunch your website, why? Our website got hacked. Although this was unfortunate, we saw it as an opportunity to review the layout of our website and the elements which needed to improve; and making sure potential clients have all the information they need.   Key steps to rebranding and relaunching a website  Assess what you want to achieve/ goals Ensure that your website development team is on board and understands your vision Decide on your layout Create or gather all the relevant content Proof read it, and send it to your development team Launch a demo site to see how everything looks Eliminate any kinks Make any changes necessary and then you’re good to go.   Why do organisations need to rebrand or relaunch? I think it’s really important for organisations to rebrand or relaunch because it gives them an opportunity to reach a new audience; and to also look at how far they’ve come, and to ensure that this is reflected in the company branding and website. Our main goal was to make it much easier for potential clients and partners to look through our portfolio and understand who we are as an agency. Hopefully creating a good enough impression that they want to hire us.   What tips do you have for someone looking to relaunch their website? (1) Make sure you give yourself a deadline; (2) that your content is organized; (3) your images are high quality; (4) and remember to have fun.   You need a team that can provide you with all the support to make those things come to life. Our A-team is Ronin Africa. They’ve supported us from the beginning; they understand our vision as JamJar and allow us to be creative. They are flexible and open to new ideas; therefore we can create something truly unique to JamJar.   What goals do you aim to achieve through your website? With our new website we hope to reach new clients, particularly international clients. We also want to provide our existing clients with a reference point, and to use our blog to share knowledge and events.   How has your new website positively impacted business? So far the website has allowed us to confidently market our services, knowing our product is represented clearly. Our plans are to expand to the rest of Africa in the next 5 years, and the website provides a great launch pad for accessing these markets. It also ensures that we keep ourselves dynamic and fresh.   Website: Instagram: @jamjargh Do you have an insightful story to share about your company rebrand/relaunch? Let us know here.

Own your destiny and be your own boss

Entrepreneurs breathe life into ideas Entrepreneurs create their own future—they own it! Think of all the new technology and ideas that have come to life over the past few years. Those were all once just an idea but entrepreneurs brought those ideas to life. Yes entrepreneurship is Life. Entrepreneurship is a way to bring your passion to life as you help make people’s lives better. Sounds great right? Here are a few steps to becoming an entrepreneur! Action Start where you are with what you have! The distance between you and the greater you is: action! Part of starting a business is conducting thorough market and product/service offering research. Evaluate your idea; the more information you can gather about the potential demand for your product or service, about your competitors, and about the needs and wants of your prospective customers, the more successful you are likely to be. Remember: 80% structuring 20% implementation.   Love and believe in what you do Do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life,doing what you love is freedom and you will always do great. The biggest difference I’ve noticed between successful people and unsuccessful people isn’t intelligence or opportunity or resources. It’s the belief that they can make their goals happen. Believe in yourself  and become unstoppable- nothing will work if you don’t . The first step towards action is saying ‘I can’.   Adopt an all-or-nothing mentality Whatever you do, don’t give up, why go at all if you are not gonna go all the way?? It always feels better after every step because it means you are one step closer. The secret behind entrepreneurship is doing what others are not willing to do.   Take small steps toward your goal Be specific about what you want to achieve and devote your time to it; draw up an action plan and follow every step. Affirm with faith and feelings that your goal has already been achieved.   Check your direction, then learn from your mistakes “Life is like a compass. When you set your goals correctly it will take you to the right direction”. Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better, and experience is the best teacher. Admit it, learn from it and move forward “ The greater you awaits you” Are you an entrpreneur, let us know how you built your business? Share your story here  

Starting A PR Career And Finding The Right Fit

Graduating with a degree in Communications or Public Relations (PR) will indeed feel like a great accomplishment when you have your degree in hand. Many students, graduates or young professionals will agree that when it comes to a PR career, it really can be a tug of war scenario where you get pulled in different directions, until you finally find what works for you. There’s the option to work in agency or in-house, but without real knowledge of how it all works, how do you go about making the right decision? If you are an aspiring PR girl, or in the early stages of your career, but still haven’t found your silver lining, here are some pearls of wisdom to help navigate your PR career.     Don’t Take Anything Personally  Before you even begin the job hunting process write this down somewhere: “don’t take anything personally.” As with any creative role, you’ll be asked to come up with a whole bunch of out of the box ideas and work well in a team. This will often be epic campaigns, newsworthy story ideas, client management and working well under tight deadlines. With this, can come a great deal of internal conflict. You have to learn to manage yourself well when your ideas aren’t received well, or a journalist belittles the relevance of your hard work on a press release. In theory you might be thinking nothing can shake you, but until you are in this situation, you will find true meaning to these words. If you learn to brush it off quickly before it gets to you, you will develop a thick skin that will give you that Olivia Pope “gladiator status.”   [bctt tweet=”Don’t take anything personally” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   Seek Environments That Will Foster Your Growth There was a post on LinkedIn  that every young professional and hiring manager/trainer should read: If we want our juniors lawyers to be great then we need to see things for what they are. In terms of the somewhat unpredictable boss buffet, I was extremely lucky, I started out my legal career with the best possible boss a junior lawyer could have. I was always supported, never scapegoated or scared to ask questions or admit mistakes. I was given responsibility, lots of client contact and lots of coffee. I was allowed to be me and do things my way (to a reasonable degree and supervised, of course!) The poor man had to put up with me working Beastie Boys references into my first ever firm presentation (admittedly this was for the firm only not for clients). I’ll stir fry you in my wok! I once remember a client calling me and, after a brief discussion, demanding to be put through to my former boss. My boss took the call and said loudly (so that I could hear him) that everything I’d told the client was correct and he couldn’t have said it better himself. We all know some lawyers who aren’t good at managing people. But this isn’t good enough because junior lawyers can’t grow into something great unless the senior lawyers around them are willing to support and mentor them, especially in their early years. Eyes on them because their eyes are very likely on you. -Eleni P (Lawyer) Linking it all back to PR, this reflection from Eleni should serve as a reminder that when you place yourself in the right environment, you will flourish. But if you find yourself hard pressed for options, and in spaces that don’t allow you to grow, never stop searching; whether its through mentors, old college professors or anyone who knows and understands how the PR industry works. The Learning Never Stops Just because you have your shiny degree doesn’t make you an automatic PR expert. You have to keep pushing the boundaries and challenging even the very information that was fed down your throat by lecturers, stay hungry and don’t become complacent. Lerato Chiyangwa, an Account Executive for Djembe Communications and contributing writer for various platforms says: never stop asking questions. If you want to show how valuable you are, consistency and practice are key.     Have a go- to person Never underestimate the ability of having a go- to person who knows and understands the industry well. This might be a hard one because everyone is so time poor, so it might take a while to find someone who is willing to invest in you and serve as a guide from time to time. In the meantime, reading articles such as this one is a great place to start.  From here you start to unpack different elements of your career journey, take what works for you, leave what doesn’t and keep fighting the good fight.     These are just a few tips to be mindful of when stepping out into the real world and figuring things out for yourself early on in your PR career. Remember, there will be bitter failures along the way, but also success. Take the good with the bad. If PR is what sets your heart on fire every morning, you will find the right fit. Do you have career tips for an aspiring PR student? Let us know here.

Basirat Razaq-Shuaib: You must be able to establish yourself as an authority in your chosen field

Basirat Razaq-Shuaib is a Chartered Accountant, Business Strategist and Social Entrepreneur. She started her career at Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, Nigeria, as an Executive Trainee in Financial Control back in 2004 and, until recently, was the Deputy CFO at UBL UK- A UK retail bank. She now runs her own firm – Actify Consulting Limited where she helps small businesses move from emerging to established, by developing their business and financial plans; and implementing business processes. Basirat Razaq-Shuaib is also the  founder of The Winford Centre for Children and Women- a charity supporting children with developmental challenges both in Nigeria and the UK. She shares on how to excel in a male dominated sector. How were you able to cope in a male-dominated sector? Firstly, I was assertive and very resolved about what I wanted to achieve by working in the first place. I was able to learn very early in my career to speak for myself, and speak to the ears that matter. This means you can’t afford to be intimidated by anything or anyone. Secondly, I supported my assertiveness with technical competence and that helped me to stand out. You have to be so good at what you do that your name precedes you. You must be able to establish yourself as an authority in your chosen field; but without sound knowledge or a genuine interest in the business, this is going to be very difficult. Thirdly, I ensured I was personable. It is important that people are able to connect with you emotionally and not just see you as a work machine with no feelings. You cannot do  all the work by yourself, and without the support of others, you will end up being frustrated. Lastly, I had female mentors at work. These are people who have walked the path before me and were positioned to guide me on my own journey. What do you think young women are doing wrong in this area? There are three things I see happening a lot: The first one is that young ladies just starting out tend to not have a definite goal, and therefore do not have a strategy. This makes it difficult to position yourself rightly so that your achievements can be noticed. The second one is underestimating the power of standing together with other women especially those who are higher up on the career ladder. The last one is not adding value to your life outside of the workplace.   What are your tips for them? Have a plan- a game plan, a strategic plan, whatever name you choose to give it, but have a plan- a realistic one. Never take your eyes off the ball. When you have a plan for your life and career, it will be easier to spot opportunities and take advantage of them. I always say to people, “You can’t get where you are going if you don’t know where you are going”. Be confident in yourself and in your abilities. Learn to speak clearly and dress appropriately. Your look also matters. Learn from other women who are senior to you. Women pull other women up. Don’t expect things to be handed to you on a platter of gold because you are a woman- NO. You will have to go and claim your spot in the limelight. Add value to yourself at all times. Always remember that your technical competence alone will not take you to the top. As you start to rise, your social and leadership skills will become important factors as well. What has been your most significant career achievement? My most significant achievement would be Heading and Managing an entire  finance department in a UK  bank successfully just 6 years into my career. The regulations are a lot stiffer in the UK and it was a huge responsibility. Besides, there were only a couple of us (women) holding senior positions.   A lot of focus seems to be on entrepreneurs these days. What would you advise a confused career woman? Don’t just join the bandwagon. First, know where your destination in life is and then assess your current journey. If where you are now is not on the way to where you ultimately want to be in life, then you don’t have any business being where you are now. There is a price to pay for everything in life, success inclusive, and when your current journey is not in sync with your final destination, you will never be able to justify the price you are paying. Remember that not everyone is going to be an entrepreneur and being an entrepreneur is not just a walk in the park. [bctt tweet=”Being an entrepreneur is not just a walk in the park” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What is your tip to live a balanced life as women in the workplace? You must always remember that if you pass away today, the business will run very well without you, so it is not a do or die affair. However, to ensure that you live as close to a balanced life as possible, you need to: 1. Prioritise the things that matter to you in life and assign your time accordingly. Family, friends, spirituality, health etc. are areas of our life that should not be neglected. 2. Be disciplined with your time. Plan your time and practice the art of sticking to your time allocation. It is not easy but with practice, it gets better. 3. Delegate tasks that are not critical for you to do by yourself. What would you like to be remembered for? I would like to be remembered as the person who overhauled the provisions for children with special needs in Nigeria. I think this is an area that is currently not receiving the right level of attention and I would love to change that story. Do you have any career tips for working in a male- dominated field? Let us know here.

3 Awesome tools that can transform your company culture

“Culture is the organization’s immune system.” — Michael Watkins Every entrepreneur’s dream is to grow a company that outlives them; every existing organisation’s hope is that their vision comes alive. One of the key factors in creating successful organisations, is that we must create an atmosphere that generates a love for what we do. Over time, as society, we have come to accept that people enjoy doing what they are passionate about, they will take risks for things that speak to their hearts. Understanding this innate desire in every human being is essential to stimulating welcomed behaviours. Our company culture is a way of doing things, what we do and how we do it repeatedly over time. We must first of all determine the essence of who we are as a company and why we do what we do. We must understand what our vision and mission represents and how we can play roles in sustaining both. A good work culture sets the standard for every occurrence, the way employees are hired, the daily interactions, incentives and opportunities that are offered. Our culture is reflected in how we treat ourselves internally and how we handle our customers, services and products. Our way of doing work successfully is the practice that we must maintain. Clever CEO’s and team leader’s factor in the 3 C’s into their company’s mantra, these are the building blocks needed to create and establish patterns that build successful brands. Communication From the first day of work employees must adopt your way of communicating, how you manage crisis, how to receive and give feedback; also, how you analyze information, and how you want to be perceived by your customers and the public. For example, you can be known for the best after- sales care; while practicing these traits needs to be deliberate, it sets into motion after some time.Culture does not have to be big or overly dramatic.   Clarity What makes the organisation? What drives your system? What attributes do you look for in an employee? How can you further develop those attributes? and how can employees be rewarded  when they adopt the attributes and values which help the organisation progress?   Consistency This word cannot be over emphasized; good management practice implores us that good practice makes perfect. The one recipe to injecting a new or an existing culture is by maintaining and repeating the processes over and over again. A good employee by default looks at the teammate that performs excellently and copies the behaviour of that person; humans desire to be the first. This awesome competitive streak can be beneficial to growth. It is more likely that people will emulate the ways of a high performing staff; especially the one who finds favour with customers or management.   [bctt tweet=”good management practice implores us that good practice makes perfect” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   Your company culture is your way of making best friends out of your processes and your people. According to Lazlo Bock, head of People Operations at Google: ”People operations are where science and human resources intersect. And it’s what keeps Google a top performing company”. After making the list of best companies to work for, in Fortune Magazine’s annual list, Dan Satterthwaite, Head of Human Resources at the company Dream Works Animation said “We’ve been at it for over a decade in terms of really trying to create a unique and special place for people to come and do work; Any creative enterprise needs an environment where people can explore and feel valued and you can’t create that in a dungeon.” Creating a winning organisational lifestyle involves a lot of work, finding the right people who add the finishing touch to what you want to establish, and providing the environment necessary for change. Cultures are not stagnant they are living beings who flow freely in time and space. ‘An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage’- Jack Welch Do you have tips on how to build an amazing company culture? Let us know more here.

5 Things We Love About Shop & Ship!

We are all about the latest shipping solution from Aramex – Shop & Ship and here are 5 reasons why we can’t get over this new service. 1. Offers shoppers 23 physical addresses across the globe: With Shop & Ship you get 23 physical addresses across the globe making it easier for members to shop from websites that don’t normally ship to Nigeria! Shop and Ship provides physical addresses in 23 countries, that enables members to purchase goods and ship them from as many countries as desired. 2. Delivery within 3-6 days: Presently S&S has the fastest delivery time for shopping at international stores.   3. Cost saving – Pay for just what you order: S&S ensures that shoppers are only charged based on the actual weight of the item(s) bought and not by volumetric weight. What this means is that unlike other regular shipping companies, S&S will only charge for the weight of the product to be shipped, and not its dimensions. This is a sure way of reducing shipping costs. 4. S&S allows for tracking of goods to the point of delivery: Shoppers are able to track their goods from the first day until it arrives at your destination. This service guarantees peace of mind especially with customs bottlenecks and all.   5. Pay for your Shipping in Naira: For added ease, Shop & Ship offers you the option of paying for your shipping using your Naira card when your shipping arrives Nigeria.   Join us for a Twitter chat with Shop and Ship! [ninja_forms id=158] *Sponsored post by Aramex Aramex (DFM: ARMX) is the disruptive leader in the global logistics and transportation industry. Established in 1982 as an express operator, the company rapidly evolved into a global brand recognized for its customized services and innovative multi-product offering. Traded on the NASDAQ from 1997 to 2002, Aramex today is a publicly traded company on the Dubai Financial Market, employing more than 18,000 people in 567 locations across 69 countries and leads a strong alliance network providing global presence, and bringing together 40 independent express companies from around the world. The range of services offered by Aramex includes integrated logistics solutions, international and domestic express

How to build a team for your business

A lot of things compete for an entrepreneur’s time, especially during the early stage of business. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you have an ‘A- team’ working in your business. As such, as an entrepreneur knowing how to build a team for your business is of the utmost importance. Building a business with the wrong set of people can cause major setbacks for the business. You need to ensure that you select members of your team carefully; be thorough with the hiring process. Here are tips to guide entrepreneurs through the process of how to build a team for your business. Have a strategic vision for your business Have clear objectives on why you need a team and what you expect from each member of the team. This gives you a clear idea of what to look out for when building a team.   Startups are hardly ever the first choice for job applicants The pay and job security in startups is low compared to corporate institutions, this further narrows down the talent pool available for small businesses to hire from. Locate communities (online and offline) where potential members of your team hang out; social media, networking events or your personal network. This can help you easily find people with a passion for what you do, such people can be easily trained to get the job done.   Clearly communicate your vision to team members Get them to buy into it. This draws commitment and builds passion in them to drive the vision.   The aim should always be to build a single unit Each individual on the team should be dedicated to not only accomplishing their own tasks but that of their team mates. Team members should be able to wear multiple hats and adapt to the ever dynamic nature of startups. Introduce them to online tools for better organization and efficient communication internally and externally.   Team members should go beyond people on your payroll Build your team to include people that provide you with support – advisory, investment, emotional (family and friends), vendors and a customer network.   Put together trainings and team bonding sessions Create a work environment that rewards creativity and nurtures resourcefulness.   Do a thorough background check On social media as well as google. This gives you an insight on what kind of team player they will be. It lets you in on what their views on life might be, as well as their character and moral conduct. Take this seriously as character/attitude is an important factor to consider when hiring as a startup.   Show optimism The kind of positive energy members of your team can draw from.   Be an exemplary leader In character and excellence.   Trust your instincts If you don’t feel good about hiring a particular person on your team, don’t! If a candidate has all it takes for the role, but you feel off about him or her, let the person go. You always have to be on the same page with members of your team.   Do you have any tips on how to build an A- Team? Let us know here.

Passion: The key to thriving in your career


There is no career without challenges, regardless of who you are.  The only difference between a career that glows; radiating success at all ends and a career that blows; experiencing failures back- to- back, is the intensity of ‘fuel’ used for both the latter and the former.  Here, the ‘fuel’ needed is the passion, the zeal and the will to either glow or blow. It takes more! It’s not enough to only have dreams and visions for your career, it’s pertinent to also have a driving force which will lead you to those goals in the long run. In other words, It’s not enough to know what you want to do, you’ve got to know what makes you do what you do because this is what will keep you going when the heat gets hotter. According to Chika Akinwale, founder of Cambridge Leadership Academy, “A vision is fueled by a deep desire or conviction within”. This is where passion comes in.   Passion keeps you going… The fact is, challenges will come at every stage of one’s career, but, the truth is that, you have the power to either be burned by the heat or go through that heat and come out refined. Going through the heat is definitely not an easy task in any career; this is why you need to be constantly fueled by passion. The awesome truth about it is that it is not static. It drives you to thrive, even in stagnant times. Passion is like a stronghold, when the heat burns at whatever stage in your career, you will gradually rise above the ashes of your fears.   …the language of go-getters Look through the tunnel of time past, you’ll see stories of great men and women who failed countless times in their various careers, yet, in the long run; they became world champions. These achievers were definitely not of the same age, race or gender; they only spoke a common language; the language of passion. The fact is, they failed at one point or the other. But, the beautiful truth is that, they went through the heat from the kiln and came out stronger, with well baked triumphs!   The big picture Here’s the big picture: the same heat that makes gold out of a career; can fold that same career. People go through the same challenges and come out with different results. The big question here is: what makes the difference? Passion!The difference between those who come out with solid results and others who are left with melted goals. It takes passion to not just keep holding on, but to keep taking positive steps inspite of the heat, until you get your desired results.   It’s all on you! Despite popular belief, the main hindrance to career success is not necessarily financial setbacks or a lack of resources. The main hindrance is you. ‘The you’ with little or no passion for what you do. The driving force to your career goals can be achieved efficaciously when your ‘fuel tank’ is filled with passion. This will only come effortlessly when you love what you do. When you love what you do, failure won’t be an option. Your passion will keep your eyes on what lies beyond the heat.   Your passion may not prevent challenges, but it won’t let challenges stop you either. Even with passion, you’ll still ‘sweat’ (that’s why challenges can be synonymous with ‘heat’). It’s high time we understood that without passion, one will definitely be discouraged when the heat in any career starts to burn. You need not be afraid of challenges, only be alarmed when you have a dwindling passion. With passion, you may fall on your face, but you will have the energy to keep rising. At the end of it all, the choice is yours!  To either glow or blow, to either be refined or burnt; but, always remember, beyond the heat lies a stronger, more fulfilled and refined you! How do you keep the passion burning in your career? Let us know about you and your story here.