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Quick Maths (2): How to diversify your funds with FSDH Asset Management

Money is a tool…Use it wisely! Welcome to the second part of our Quick Maths series. We’ll be sharing with you financial terms, tips, and tricks to get you ahead of your financial game. In the first part, we discussed various ways for you to generate capital to start your business. In this downloadable guide, we highlighted high-level options you can explore to get capital. Catch up on part one by downloading it here. Now, let’s talk about diversifying money. It’s important to keep tabs on your money, know where each penny is going, and how it will bring you more money because today’s economy is not smiling at all. In this guide brought to you by SLA, in partnership with FSDH Asset Management Ltd, we’ll be showing you different ways to save, protect your savings, and why you shouldn’t have all your eggs in one basket. If you’re wondering how to improve your finances, this guide will help you with some practical ways to get started. Topics this guide will cover: Diversification for low-income earners How to diversify within an asset class It doesn’t matter whether you are a salary earner or a business owner, as long as you have financial goals that you’re looking to achieve, diversifying can help you reach those goals. Roll up your sleeves, tie your hair in a ponytail, grab your pen and journal and get down to work! To keep getting your finances all the way to the top, make sure to follow up on the next guide.   FSDH ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD  – FSDH AM is a wholly owned subsidiary of FSDH Merchant Bank Limited. They are one of Nigeria’s leading asset management and financial advisory firm. FSDH AM is versatile in financial transactions and investment strategies that meet the need of investors in an emerging economy like Nigeria. They recognize that today’s investors need the services of dedicated and expert professionals to provide them with intelligent investment counsel. Therefore, their strategies are dedicated to preserving investors’ wealth while maximizing the value that they receive. Once you’re through with this guide, visit FSDH Asset Management Ltd to know more and get all your pressing questions answered. Getting access to this guide is easy: just fill out the form below to join our community and get access to this guide, remember this is only part 2, there’s more to come – so stay updated. By joining our community, you also get to enjoy our AWESOME weekly content as well.  

7 Lessons MotherlandMoguls can Learn From Meghan Markle

Well, she is no longer just Meghan Markle. She is now Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Sussex. I love weddings, but boy I love a royal wedding. They happen once in a while but they always linger for long. Nobody could distract me as I watched Prince Harry and Meghan tie the knot in May. From the carriage to her page boys and little brides, spectacular floral arrangements, and silk minimal dress, everything. Meghan Markle was fascinating! The more I read about her, the more inspired I am by her story. She reminds me of two powerful women in the Bible, Queen Esther, and Ruth. Like the two women, her life is far from perfect- yet she is now the embodiment of royalty, purpose, and confidence. Here are lessons every woman can learn from Meghan’s page. Your Past Doesn’t Define You If it was up to royal protocol, Meghan wouldn’t be ‘Her Royal Highness’ now. She broke all protocols –she is a divorcee, raised by divorced American parents; one being African American. Yet that didn’t in anyway stop Prince Harry from marrying her. The past has got nothing on you. It can’t stop God from blessing you, giving you a new title and changing the course of your destiny.   Stay Positive Meghan is the daughter of Doria Ragland, a social worker and yoga instructor and Thomas Markle, a daytime retired lighting director. Maybe she never thought that she would one day end up in the palace; not even as a distant relative. You can imagine how awful her parent’s divorce must have been for her. She was just six years old and the youngest of her two older paternal half-siblings. But that didn’t stop her. Surely she was remarkably positive and that mindset paved the way for a bright future. Don’t Laze Around Waiting For Prince Charming To Sweep You Off Your Feet Meg wasn’t sitting around waiting for a Prince to find her. Before meeting Prince Harry, she was a successful actress, UN ambassador, and blogger. It takes a lot of guts and hard work to reach certain heights where the world can’t help but identify with you. Meghan Markle was literally a chaser of knowledge in every aspect of her life. Meghan’s humanitarian work and passion for helping people especially women and children align perfectly with her husband’s charity work. That’s a power couple if you ask me! Don’t Fall For The Pressure The media hasn’t been nice to Doria Ragland, Meghan’s mother and only family member present on the wedding. Didn’t she have cousins, aunties, and uncles? In a world where numbers are deemed prestigious, Meghan only had her mum by her side. Sometimes all you need is that one person who has kept it real from day one. Don’t Give Up On Love   Meghan had been in a relationship with Hollywood actor and producer Trevor Engelson in 2004 which resulted in a marriage in 2011. The marriage lasted only two years after which their divorce was completed in 2013. Since June 2016, Meghan has been in a relationship with Prince Harry, after they met on a blind date set up by a mutual friend. Last month, they made it official. I’d bet on my chocolate (Trust me, chocolate is the next best thing after my son) that her ex-husband wishes he hadn’t let her go. If only he knew what life had in store for her! She didn’t let the divorce stop her from falling in love again. And look what a fairytale ending it is! Keep Smiling Go ahead and have a look at that sunny smile. You would think that after being officially crowned a member of the British Royal family and the Duchess of Sussex, that she would show less of her teeth. Not Meghan! She is giving us the whole shiny set. If you ask me, that is how you know a confident woman who is truly being herself, not caring if she’s royal or not. You don’t know how much good a smile can bring your way. Apart from keeping you young and radiantly beautiful, you just might attract a handsome prince! Keep It Simple It’s a wedding! A royal wedding but Meghan isn’t moved by the fact that the whole world stood still for her. She appeared in a low bun, with pieces of hair falling out of place and proudly rocking her freckles. You could hardly spot any make-up and a dress that was simple but gorgeous. Do I have to add that her dress was modest and that there were no boobs or other assets on display? She wasn’t seeking to impress anybody. Except for her Prince of course. If he thought she looked amazing, it doesn’t matter what the rest of us think.  Click here to share your story with us and get featured on our Facebook page.

Quick Maths (1): How to generate income to start a business with FDSH Asset Management

Smart moves early in life can pay BIG long-term….. Now, what’s the point in looking good and slaying when your bank account isn’t smiling back at you? Listen. This is the year to SLAY 100%, and we’re ready to show you how to make money moves the right way. So, are you ready to cash out like Cardi’s got nothing on you? We are partnering with FSDH Asset Management Ltd to share with you a 4 part downloadable guide to enable you to boost your finances. We want to make sure that every Motherland Mogul is prepared to master the money world.  [bctt tweet=”Learn how to generate funds to start your business with @FSDHCoralFunds. Click here for more:″ via=”no”] Topics this 4 part series will cover: Seed Money: How to generate income (capital) to start a business. Diversifying: Different ways to save and protect savings (for low and high-income earners). Bottom Line: How to use your business net income to your advantage Emergency Funds: Why you must have some investments. Now let’s talk about you. You’re about to start a business but you need capital to begin?  Girl, we’ve got you! In this first downloadable guide, we’ve done some Quick Maths for you, highlighting how you can generate capital for your business or launch your new project. First, you need to understand that money does not come for free, as a MotherlandMogul, you have to know what your options are, and work towards them. After reading this first downloadable guide, you’ll understand what moves to make to get closer to your money goals. But what’s next after you get that capital and the bills start rolling in? We have more juice coming your way. To continue learning basic principles that will lead to a happier and healthier financial you, get prepared for our next guide. Because girl, we’re going deeper. FSDH ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD  – FSDH AM is a wholly owned subsidiary of FSDH Merchant Bank Limited. They are one of Nigeria’s leading asset management and financial advisory firm. FSDH AM is versatile in financial transactions and investment strategies that meet the need of investors in an emerging economy like Nigeria. They recognize that today’s investors need the services of dedicated and expert professionals to provide them with intelligent investment counsel. Therefore, their strategies are dedicated to preserving investors’ wealth while maximizing the value that they receive. Once you’re through with this guide, visit FSDH Asset Management Ltd to know more and get all your pressing questions answered.  Getting access to this guide is easy: just fill out the form below to join our community and get access to this guide, remember this is only part 1, there’s more to come – so stay updated. By joining our community, you also get to enjoy our AWESOME weekly content as well.

Intercultural collaboration: The secret to unlocking innovation and growth

[bctt tweet=”Understand everyone’s goals and work together to achieve them” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] According to the Harvard Business Review, “diversity unlocks innovation and drives market growth. ”  Because of technology allows us to communicate instantly, everyone can access diversity. The world is becoming a global village, largely because we no longer need to spend hours, weeks, months or more transmitting messages. We can access information and people within seconds, allowing us to build companies, teams, and relationships with those that used to be unreachable.  This phenomenon is a game changer for social entrepreneurs and professionals. If one does not consider the interconnectivity of the world and the need for diverse teams, one will fall behind and miss economic and social opportunities.   For those who recognize this and seek to diversify partners and scale global businesses, it is crucial that we understand our ingrained mindsets surrounding our work habits, our communications skills and our overall view of success that come from the environment we grew up in. Often, we do not even realize that we are behaving in a way that hinders our success, even when we have the best intentions. I have done a lot of work promoting mutually beneficial relationships between Africans and Americans. During this time, I saw some of the major challenges that crop up in our intercultural relations stem from different communications habits. For example, certain cultures rely heavily on writing, whereas others communicate verbally. The frequency of communication can also be affected by the environment, tone, vocabulary or communication methods used. In certain contexts, different methods of communication are preferred- in an American office, email is the go-to, even when you could walk down the hall and ask a question in person. However, in the offices I worked at in Senegal, if I needed anything, I took a walk to my colleague’s desk, chatted about family, the weather, the latest wrestling match, and only then asked about my work needs.   In order to succeed in our globalizing world, the most important thing to do is increase your cultural knowledge of your collaborators. Certain aspects are relatively easy to learn- norms surrounding work attire, greetings in the local language, gestures/body language, or religious belief, for example. Others take more time to truly understand intricacies such as social classes/ethnicities, relationship with authority figures, gender/family roles, work ethic and office behavior.   Before my trip to Ghana last August, I made sure to do some basic research on culture, customs, and linguistics, but also knew I needed to continue to ask questions and joke respectfully with people during my stay to be better prepared to collaborate professionally and personally with Ghanaians. Increasing cultural knowledge and working on intercultural awareness are actions to take to ensure you are building the most successful, inclusive, financially solid and sustainable programs with the top talent the world can offer.      Furthermore, it is crucial to establish trust in any relationship.   A trust model dedicated to intercultural teams is based on ten dimensions; competence,  compatibility, goodwill, integrity, predictability, well-being, inclusion, openness with information, accessibility, and reciprocity. [bctt tweet=”Entrepreneurs will see true disruptive innovation by creating inclusive teams” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] There are many ways to build this trust, paying special attention to which methods to employ given the nature of the team, be it in person, remote or a hybrid. As I build Baobab Consulting, where most of our relationships are virtual, I mostly use WhatsApp, social media, Google Drive and email to share information and create team culture, but I take every opportunity to meet face to face to establish that physical connection, which in many cultures, plays a crucial role. Even with cultural awareness and trust, there still may be some lingering stereotypes or assumptions we carry that we are unaware of. Let us not presume that two North Americans or two Africans on a team understand each other. A woman from Senegal will have a completely different vantage point than a man from Zimbabwe, just as a woman from New York City’s will be different from a male colleague from Montreal. Even if there are some similarities between them that may help them bond faster, it is still necessary to follow the same procedures of intercultural awareness. At the end of the day, no matter where you fall on the intercultural awareness spectrum, how many languages you speak, or how many cultural events you have been to, you must remember that personality can also play a role. Sometimes, we work better with certain personality types and struggle with others, so this should not be discounted as you work together and build team dynamics. Take a free version of the Myers Briggs test to learn more about your personality and that of your teammates. By creating inclusive teams and encouraging them to fearlessly and meaningfully contribute, entrepreneurs will see true disruptive innovation. To do that, we must make sure the right steps are taken to ensure that everyone feels taken care of, considered, understood and respected. There will always be some level of tension and even conflict when we work together, but if we assume all parties have good intentions,  these snafus can be overlooked. Always remember the true mission of what you are doing. Understand everyone’s goals and work together to achieve them.  If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.

Revealed: The Secret To Staying Motivated

The year is almost halfway done, and chances are, the energy you started with is most likely not as powerful as it is now. Being motivated for a whole year can be quite challenging when life is constantly throwing us different surprises. Even then, motivation can only take you so far when trying to achieve your goals.  So, how do you stay motivated amidst all? The secret is – drum rolls please – ‘Find your Vision’! Your vision will guide you and keep you going on your journey to success. Vision ensures that you don’t go around in circles and get frustrated when things go left.  But how do you find your vision? The following tips offer a few steps on how you can find your vision and stay motivated.  1. Listen to your inner voice To have a clear idea about your vision, you must look inside yourself. Vision comes from within, from the spirit or subconscious, whatever you choose to call it. Everyone has a vision that is unique to them, and you are no different. When searching inside, you should yourself questions such as what stirs you? What is your greatest desire? What kind of dreams do you have? Once, you ask yourself these questions, chances are your vision will start become clearer for you. 2. Prepare yourself mentally Your vision begins in your mind and heart. It is something that burns within your soul. it should be greater than your all of your past memories, mistakes, and accomplishments. If you know what your vision is, you will have a purpose and won’t get lost on your journey. Sometimes, when you don’t have a distinct vision, it is easy to become distracted. If you don’t know where you’re going or how to get there, the journey will seem a lot longer and harder. To avoid this, make surer you prepare your mind for challenges ahead. 3. Surround yourself with people who have a clear purpose Greatness breeds greatness, and it is for this reason that you should seek out the company of others who can appreciate and support your vision. Network with winners and it will keep your motivation high. 4. Develop your vision Do you want to be the next Bill Gates but because of the way your bank account is wired it may seem impossible? The truth is, there are times when it is hard to understand how to apply your vision to your life in order to reach your goals. Don’t worry, all visions start from scratch! Your vision will grow from your experiences, talents, dreams, and desires. So don’t worry if your bank account is not growing as fast as you would have wished. Great visions take time to develop and perfect. Allow your vision to slowly but surely reveal itself to you. 5. Keep a notebook and pen handy All too often, we come up with great ideas and thoughts and by the time we want to write them down, they are forgotten. With that in mind, you never know when your vision is going to come to you, you have to keep a small notepad with you at all times. Even on your nightstand when you sleep. Write down whatever comes to mind, no matter how silly it seems at the time. You may write down a hundred crazy ideas but number one hundred and one just might be the vision you were searching for. Don’t try to filter right now, just write down everything that comes to mind. 6. Follow your vision The vision you are seeking will most likely come to you in ways that you won’t fully understand at the moment. That’s okay. Even your friends or family might not understand it. That too is fine. Just follow as much of your vision as you can right now, and more will be revealed to you as time goes on. All truly successful people have a vision that they follow, no matter what challenges they may face. Begin following the above steps to seek your vision today and remember that true, lasting success will never come to you until you know what your vision is and how you will follow it. And you will be unstoppable if you combine your personal vision with a healthy dose of motivation. This article was originally written by Tariro. If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.

Jobs – Marketing Outreach Intern (Abuja)

She Leads Africa believes in the power of young African women to build amazing careers and businesses, serve as community leaders and influencers, and eventually take over the world. Our MotherlandMoguls, as we affectionately call them, are the reason we exist – to provide them with more inspiring and educational content to help them live their best lives. We’re looking for a Digital Marketing Growth Intern to ensure that all our MotherlandMoguls around the globe know about us, and have access to all our inspiring content and FREE resources. About the Marketing Outreach Intern Role: The Marketing Outreach intern will help grow the SLA community in both Abuja and Kaduna in preparation for our Lafiya Lifestyle Expo event on June 30, 2018. What Digital Marketing Growth Interns do: Manage Influencer and Organisation Outreach  Manage Participant Outreach Help to manage content creation alongside the Marketing Manager Responsibilities Curate a list of up to 50+ influencers in the Abuja and Kaduna; Create communications to send to influencers with proposals for post swaps, promotion and ticket giveaways – target at least 10+ post swaps; Curate a list of up to 20+ media companies in Abuja and Kaduna; Curate a list of up to 20+ relevant women’s organisations and universities in Abuja and Kaduna; Create communications to send to groups with proposals for sponsored social media and/or radio and television promotion and ticket giveaways – target at least 5+ giveaways/promotions Draft 20+ Facebook and twitter posts to promote Lafiya Lifestyle expo weekly; Coordinate with the content team to have posts about Lafiya Lifestyle scheduled across all social media platforms Draft, send and track WhatsApp messages and emails to interest leads; Perform other similar tasks to help the Marketing Manager for Lafiya Lifestyle Expo, and; Assist the Program Manager on the ground on the day of Lafiya Lifestyle Expo Requirements: Based in Abuja Research skills Written communication skills Reporting Structure The Marketing Outreach Intern will report directly to a Marketing Manager through a check-in and check-out process. Submit your application here: [typeform_embed type=”embed” url=””] Please note only those successful will be contacted for interviews.

Jobs – SLAY Festival Business Development Intern

She Leads Africa believes in the power of young African women to build amazing careers and businesses, serve as community leaders and influencers, and eventually take over the world. Our MotherlandMoguls, as we affectionately call them, are the reason we exist – to provide them with more inspiring and educational content to help them live their best lives. We’re looking for a Business Development Intern to assist in the planning and liaising with clients and vendors for SLAY Festival Johannesburg. About the Business Development Intern Role: The Business Development intern will help build the business development pipeline for SLAY Festival Johannesburg. Responsibilities Researching brands to host activations Developing pitch documents Identifying small businesses to serve as vendors Manage the vendor application and selection process Requirements: Ability to be based in Johannesburg for the duration of the Internship Minimum four-month commitment 1-2 years experience in a relevant field is preferred Skills including, but not limited to: + Research + Graphic design and presentation skills + Written communication skills Reporting Structure The Digital Marketing Growth Intern will report directly to their manager through a check-in and check-out process. Submit your application here: [typeform_embed type=”embed” url=””] Submit the application by Thursday, May 31st 2018. Please note only those successful will be contacted for interviews.

Jobs – Digital Marketing Growth Intern

She Leads Africa believes in the power of young African women to build amazing careers and businesses, serve as community leaders and influencers, and eventually take over the world. Our MotherlandMoguls, as we affectionately call them, are the reason we exist – to provide them with more inspiring and educational content to help them live their best lives. We’re looking for a Digital Marketing Growth Intern to ensure that all our MotherlandMoguls around the globe know about us, and have access to all our inspiring content and FREE resources. About the Digital Marketing Growth Intern Role: The Digital Marketing Growth intern will help grow the SLA Instagram account in key target cities including Johannesburg, Nairobi, and Accra. What Digital Marketing Growth Interns do: Spread the word: Advertise and publicise SLA through conversation and interaction with our Instagram account. Act as a contact point between the SLA Team and our audience Give us feedback and new ideas. Connect with women and women groups in the target geographies and dominate their city. Responsibilities Engaging with our current followers in target cities Researching influencers and micro media outlets in target cities Developing creative concepts to boost engagement Running Instagram Lives and contests with local influencers Requirements: Minimum four-month commitment No specific job experience required No specific location requirement (i.e you can work remotely if you have a laptop and solid internet connection, however time zone aligned with WAT is preferred) Skills including, but not limited to: + Graphic design + Data analysis + Research + General understanding of social media trends Reporting Structure The Digital Marketing Growth Intern will report directly to one of the SLA co-founders through a check-in and check-out process. Submit your application here: [typeform_embed type=”embed” url=””] Submit the application by Thursday, May 31st 2018. Please note only those successful will be contacted for interviews.

How to deal with that job you don’t like

So you managed to get through school. You aced that interview! The excitement of finally being part of the workforce and getting that paycheck is giving you a rush. But as you slide into your work routine you start to realize something awful,  you hate your job. As the initial excitement of winning the job search fades you may realize things aren’t what you expected or you are overwhelmed. How do you survive such a situation?    Breathe Becoming an adult is quite a daunting task, with so many things to balance and learn. When you add a job to this mix, it can feel overwhelming. The first thing you need to do it take a deep breath. Try to wrap your head around what’s happening it your life. Focus on the positive It’s easy to have a bad day when you’re only focused on the bad things. I hate to sound like your mother, but you need to begin counting your blessings one by one. What are the perks of your job? What do you enjoy? When you look at it this way, you will discover that perhaps your job is not all bad. Be Realistic There’s a long list of reasons why you might hate your job. Some common reasons are the salary, the hours and superiors. But sometimes, you really have to be realistic about your job. You can start by finding out what salaries are in your field. This will help you understand that you can’t expect to be earning top manager salary on your first day. Secondly, you may also feel as though your boss is out there to get you. But ask yourself, is he really up to that? Is there something that you perhaps need to do better? Consider other factors If you’re staying up late every night to catch up on daytime soaps or not eating properly, you’ll probably be constantly exhausted. Make sure you’re taking care of your body, your mind, and emotions. Feelings can heavily affect your system. If logistics is a problem try carpooling or taking alternative transport, or leaving home a bit earlier to avoid traffic. Wait it out They say time fixes all problems. Sometimes the best solution is to wait it out. Maybe you just need more time to adjust. On the hand, sometimes it may be time to move on from that job. While waiting it out, you can begin searching for other opportunities or perhaps even start that business you’ve been thinking of. Whatever you decide, you need to make concrete plans that will guide your next steps. This will ensure that you don’t end up in the same situation again. Communicate If something else is really bothering you, maybe it’s time to speak to whoever is in charge. Try explaining to them what the issues are without whining, be clear and concise. Be cautious about how much information you share though. Learn from it If you do decide to move on, make sure you take everything as a learning experience. Understand why things didn’t go so well. Know what you want from your next job. How would you negotiate your hours and pay? Finally, don’t let your current situation weigh you down. In order to grow, we need to go through rough patches that will help us fully grow. This article was written by Love Akinkunle. Love is an African writer, content creator and victim of wanderlust. She works in PR, event management, and tour management when there’s writer’s block. If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.

Lifelong Learning: 5 Lies You Tell Yourself

What comes to mind when you think of “lifelong learning”? Oh, wait. Did you just roll your eyes and give a defeated sigh? Girl, we know the feeling. Some of your feelings might be valid but here are some thoughts you might have that are definitely wrong. Here are some of the lies you probably tell yourself all year round which eventually hinders your growth: I have a degree. What am I still learning? Big mistake, sister. When did you graduate? 2, 5, 10 years ago? The world is changing fast and we need to evolve.  Standing in one spot only means that others are going to overtake you and take opportunities that should’ve been yours. Look at Nokia. How long did it take for them to lose their position as Number 1 phone maker? To be a successful Motherland Mogul, you need to keep learning the new trends in your industry. I am an expert in my field It’s very easy for us to settle for what we think we know is best. But does learning ever stop? If you have plans to branch out and innovate your brand, you need to prepare yourself! Are there other things you learn from other industries that may be linked to yours? There is so much more to learn about your passions, hobbies, and interests. Ask yourself questions such as ‘how badass is my excel skills’? When was the last time I gave a presentation that was wowed my audience? Take the time to improve and build on what you already have and what you need to make yourself better. I don’t have money for courses. In this day and age, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to learn! With a stable internet connection and time, you can access so many free resources online. From Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, YouTube and the many blogs and articles out there; the options are endless. But once you choose to make this investment, you start the journey towards a successful and educated life. I don’t have time to learn. Let’s rephrase that as “I don’t make out time for learning new things because it’s not a priority.” Doesn’t sound nice, does it? Well, it’s true. We all make time for things that we consider priorities. Catching up on social media, binging on Netflix, attending owambe parties. But if we think about it, we spend many hours every week on things that aren’t really adding to our bottom line. If you’re one of those superwomen who resists all such temptations and still can’t find the time to learn, what about the time you spend in traffic? With the developments of education and technology, you can learn anywhere and everywhere! So, don’t make excuses for wanting to learn. If you believe in investing in yourself, then you will make the time to learn more. I’m too old to learn Lol! Did you know the oldest person to graduate college was 95 years old? We’re never too old to learn. Even if you have started a family and gotten 7 children, it’s never too late! It’s all about prioritizing. We can always learn new tricks! You’ve probably run out of excuses now. But don’t let this daunt you. The trick is to start small. Pick one skill and set yourself a target of one hour a week to develop it. If you don’t know where to start, Google resources and create a learning calendar.   Once you set milestones and give yourself small treats every now and then, you’ll be surprised by what you learn in a few months. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.