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Basirat Razaq-Shuaib: You must be able to establish yourself as an authority in your chosen field

Basirat Razaq-Shuaib is a Chartered Accountant, Business Strategist and Social Entrepreneur. She started her career at Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, Nigeria, as an Executive Trainee in Financial Control back in 2004 and, until recently, was the Deputy CFO at UBL UK- A UK retail bank. She now runs her own firm – Actify Consulting Limited where she helps small businesses move from emerging to established, by developing their business and financial plans; and implementing business processes. Basirat Razaq-Shuaib is also the  founder of The Winford Centre for Children and Women- a charity supporting children with developmental challenges both in Nigeria and the UK. She shares on how to excel in a male dominated sector. How were you able to cope in a male-dominated sector? Firstly, I was assertive and very resolved about what I wanted to achieve by working in the first place. I was able to learn very early in my career to speak for myself, and speak to the ears that matter. This means you can’t afford to be intimidated by anything or anyone. Secondly, I supported my assertiveness with technical competence and that helped me to stand out. You have to be so good at what you do that your name precedes you. You must be able to establish yourself as an authority in your chosen field; but without sound knowledge or a genuine interest in the business, this is going to be very difficult. Thirdly, I ensured I was personable. It is important that people are able to connect with you emotionally and not just see you as a work machine with no feelings. You cannot do  all the work by yourself, and without the support of others, you will end up being frustrated. Lastly, I had female mentors at work. These are people who have walked the path before me and were positioned to guide me on my own journey. What do you think young women are doing wrong in this area? There are three things I see happening a lot: The first one is that young ladies just starting out tend to not have a definite goal, and therefore do not have a strategy. This makes it difficult to position yourself rightly so that your achievements can be noticed. The second one is underestimating the power of standing together with other women especially those who are higher up on the career ladder. The last one is not adding value to your life outside of the workplace.   What are your tips for them? Have a plan- a game plan, a strategic plan, whatever name you choose to give it, but have a plan- a realistic one. Never take your eyes off the ball. When you have a plan for your life and career, it will be easier to spot opportunities and take advantage of them. I always say to people, “You can’t get where you are going if you don’t know where you are going”. Be confident in yourself and in your abilities. Learn to speak clearly and dress appropriately. Your look also matters. Learn from other women who are senior to you. Women pull other women up. Don’t expect things to be handed to you on a platter of gold because you are a woman- NO. You will have to go and claim your spot in the limelight. Add value to yourself at all times. Always remember that your technical competence alone will not take you to the top. As you start to rise, your social and leadership skills will become important factors as well. What has been your most significant career achievement? My most significant achievement would be Heading and Managing an entire  finance department in a UK  bank successfully just 6 years into my career. The regulations are a lot stiffer in the UK and it was a huge responsibility. Besides, there were only a couple of us (women) holding senior positions.   A lot of focus seems to be on entrepreneurs these days. What would you advise a confused career woman? Don’t just join the bandwagon. First, know where your destination in life is and then assess your current journey. If where you are now is not on the way to where you ultimately want to be in life, then you don’t have any business being where you are now. There is a price to pay for everything in life, success inclusive, and when your current journey is not in sync with your final destination, you will never be able to justify the price you are paying. Remember that not everyone is going to be an entrepreneur and being an entrepreneur is not just a walk in the park. [bctt tweet=”Being an entrepreneur is not just a walk in the park” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What is your tip to live a balanced life as women in the workplace? You must always remember that if you pass away today, the business will run very well without you, so it is not a do or die affair. However, to ensure that you live as close to a balanced life as possible, you need to: 1. Prioritise the things that matter to you in life and assign your time accordingly. Family, friends, spirituality, health etc. are areas of our life that should not be neglected. 2. Be disciplined with your time. Plan your time and practice the art of sticking to your time allocation. It is not easy but with practice, it gets better. 3. Delegate tasks that are not critical for you to do by yourself. What would you like to be remembered for? I would like to be remembered as the person who overhauled the provisions for children with special needs in Nigeria. I think this is an area that is currently not receiving the right level of attention and I would love to change that story. Do you have any career tips for working in a male- dominated field? Let us know here.

How to write a compelling cover letter

Ever wondered why some people land job interviews and others don’t ? While it is true that the company might not be hiring, it could also be that you did a poor job in catching their attention. How? I am glad you asked…The answer lies in your cover letter. I used to dread writing cover letters until I understood what it was all about and how to go about it. I remember applying for jobs that required no cover letter. Phew! It saved me a lot of stress. But then I figured out writing a compelling cover letter goes a long way. I might not be the best at drafting one, but I can say that “practice actually makes perfect”. There are different types of cover letters – application letter, referral cover letter, letter of interest, networking letter and value proposition letter. No matter the type, you need to know how to go about it. For all those struggling to get past the first sentence in your cover letter, or trying to figure out how to properly structure it, you will find some tips below on how to get it done.   Do your homework How much do you know about the company? Information can easily be found on the company’s newsletter or website. You can also look up the company and its employees on LinkedIn. Find out about the recruiter or hiring manager; know about the position you are applying for. By doing so you figure out what the company needs and know how to be of help.   Make a great first impression! This is an opportunity to sell yourself; to distinguish yourself from other applicants, so you should make it count. You want to catch the reader’s attention; make him/her have a lasting impression of you, so make sure you do it right.     Keep it short, simple and clear Don’t talk about things that are of no importance. Go straight to why you are applying for the job; throwing light on your key strengths, qualifications and what you have to offer. There is no need to write your life story in your cover letter; 3- 4 paragraphs is ideal. Use simple and clear language. This isn’t the time to wow the recruiter or hiring manager with your superb vocabulary or to prove that you excelled in your English classes. Unless of course, you’re applying for a job as an English tutor or something in line with that. Keep your language simple.   Address your cover letter correctly  This can be quite daunting especially when you don’t have a name or are clueless about the gender. Be sure to search online for the recruiter’s name and gender first. However, if all attempts prove futile, use a generic greeting or none at all. Examples of general cover letter salutations include Dear Hiring Manager, Dear Sir/Madam and Dear Human Resources Director. In cases where you have a name but are still uncertain about the gender, use the first and last name of the person without any title which might indicate gender. In addition, pay close attention to the title of the person – be sure you know when to use Dr, Mr or Ms.   Pay attention to grammar   In a bid to to complete the cover letter , you might fail to pay attention to your grammar. Take time to proofread before sending it. Anyone can make a mistake, but you don’t want to come across as careless and sloppy to the recruiting manager. Check out for typo, spelling and grammar mistakes. This is your one shot to impress the human resource manager. Don’t mess it up with endless grammar mistakes.   Be mindful of your closing Ensure that you have a great start and  a great ending end. Pay attention to how you wrap up your cover letter. End by stating how your qualification will help the company. You can also state that you look forward to having a meeting with them.   Have fun writing A bonus tip! Relax, take a deep breath and write. Do you have any tips for writing winning cover letter? Let us know more here.

3 Awesome tools that can transform your company culture

“Culture is the organization’s immune system.” — Michael Watkins Every entrepreneur’s dream is to grow a company that outlives them; every existing organisation’s hope is that their vision comes alive. One of the key factors in creating successful organisations, is that we must create an atmosphere that generates a love for what we do. Over time, as society, we have come to accept that people enjoy doing what they are passionate about, they will take risks for things that speak to their hearts. Understanding this innate desire in every human being is essential to stimulating welcomed behaviours. Our company culture is a way of doing things, what we do and how we do it repeatedly over time. We must first of all determine the essence of who we are as a company and why we do what we do. We must understand what our vision and mission represents and how we can play roles in sustaining both. A good work culture sets the standard for every occurrence, the way employees are hired, the daily interactions, incentives and opportunities that are offered. Our culture is reflected in how we treat ourselves internally and how we handle our customers, services and products. Our way of doing work successfully is the practice that we must maintain. Clever CEO’s and team leader’s factor in the 3 C’s into their company’s mantra, these are the building blocks needed to create and establish patterns that build successful brands. Communication From the first day of work employees must adopt your way of communicating, how you manage crisis, how to receive and give feedback; also, how you analyze information, and how you want to be perceived by your customers and the public. For example, you can be known for the best after- sales care; while practicing these traits needs to be deliberate, it sets into motion after some time.Culture does not have to be big or overly dramatic.   Clarity What makes the organisation? What drives your system? What attributes do you look for in an employee? How can you further develop those attributes? and how can employees be rewarded  when they adopt the attributes and values which help the organisation progress?   Consistency This word cannot be over emphasized; good management practice implores us that good practice makes perfect. The one recipe to injecting a new or an existing culture is by maintaining and repeating the processes over and over again. A good employee by default looks at the teammate that performs excellently and copies the behaviour of that person; humans desire to be the first. This awesome competitive streak can be beneficial to growth. It is more likely that people will emulate the ways of a high performing staff; especially the one who finds favour with customers or management.   [bctt tweet=”good management practice implores us that good practice makes perfect” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   Your company culture is your way of making best friends out of your processes and your people. According to Lazlo Bock, head of People Operations at Google: ”People operations are where science and human resources intersect. And it’s what keeps Google a top performing company”. After making the list of best companies to work for, in Fortune Magazine’s annual list, Dan Satterthwaite, Head of Human Resources at the company Dream Works Animation said “We’ve been at it for over a decade in terms of really trying to create a unique and special place for people to come and do work; Any creative enterprise needs an environment where people can explore and feel valued and you can’t create that in a dungeon.” Creating a winning organisational lifestyle involves a lot of work, finding the right people who add the finishing touch to what you want to establish, and providing the environment necessary for change. Cultures are not stagnant they are living beings who flow freely in time and space. ‘An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage’- Jack Welch Do you have tips on how to build an amazing company culture? Let us know more here.

5 Tips To Make The Most Out Of A Job You Don’t Like

Let’s be real, sometimes you just hit a rut. You could be at a job for 1 year going on what feels likes a 100 years; or all of a sudden your boss is no longer easy to work with; or the dynamics are no longer favorable for your growth and bills still have to be paid. As a Motherland Mogul, this should not get you down for too long, there are creative ways to help you better manage a job you don’t like.   Focus on what you like Not everyone enjoys writing reports and paperwork. So instead of focusing on the areas of your job that do not interest you, put energy and focus on areas which do. It’s likely that your perspective is solely focused on parts of the job you hate, instead of the aspects of the work you enjoy. Make a list of the work tasks you actually like. This won’t be easy and your tendency will be to look at your work with negativity. However, you brain cannot think of the positive and negative at the same time, so commit to actually looking for positives and focusing on that instead. In doing this, you will bring a more positive out look to your work. Challenge yourself to have a gratitude mindset and in no time you will find more things to be grateful for.   Bring “you” to work We bring our Slay queen characters to other areas of our lives like fashion, our hair or clap backs on twitter. Bringing the same enthusiasm and energy to your work could help you do your work more creatively, and change the dynamic and approach you currently have. For example, if outside your 9-5 work you happen to be a blogger, you could add value to your work by working with the social media team and on the company website- with their blogging platform. These are ways you can bring yourself and character to your work, instead of separating yourself from your work.   Work towards your goal While waiting for the next big move, commit to actually working towards your ultimate goal. So you are not enjoying your job? When was the last time you worked on your CV, sent an application or took up a course? Nothing changes unless you apply your energy to it, and align yourself with the work you see yourself doing. If it means taking up classes, or reading up on what it takes to move up the career ladder, it takes effort and consistency. Look at at your job as a pit stop towards your final destination. SLA has amazing resources to get you started, so keep working at it until it manifests.   Invest in your relationships with your work peers Work can be stressful and your boss might be Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Your peers at work might be the wealth of support that you have been missing out on. Invest in your relationships, as these are the people you spend majority of your time at work with. Identify people you can learn from, who are not negative, and can encourage each other to do better at work whilst still sharing memes as well.   Your job does not complete you Just like when we realized that Tom Cruise saying “You complete me” might not have been as romantic as we thought, it’s also very likely that sometimes we put unreal expectations on our jobs. Whilst you are supposed to derive some happiness from your work, it is not the end all and be all of your joy. There are passions and interests outside of work which you might have neglected because you have put the pressure on your work. Go back to those interests outside of the 8 to 5; like, exercising, writing, art, dance, poetry or giving back to your community. Investing in those interests might give you the fuel to keep going at work, even on days when it feels like you can’t. Stay slaying, you are doing a great job! What tips do you have for making the most out of a job you don’t like? Let us know here.

5 tips on how to handle difficult clients as a startup business owner

As someone in the business of cloth making and operating a business which is barely a year old, I have had to deal with some clients who are the human versions of ‘bitter pills’. If I did not absolutely love my business, I would have closed shop the first time a client made me cry. Yes cry.  And I know that a lot of us as start-up business owners can actually relate (if you can’t, then I hail you). The good thing about having difficult clients, as a start-up business, is that they toughen you up. They teach you lessons and help you create boundaries and principles. Here are some tips that have helped me deal with difficult clients as a start-up business. 1. Understand your clients Your business will attract different personas with different values and backgrounds, and all of this will play a part in their business interaction with you. At your first meeting or consultation try getting a feel of your client, they are most likely there to try/ figure you out as well. Your first job for them might not turn out right, but the feeling they have around you might bring them back for a second try. 2. It is not worth the effort. I am talking about screaming. Sometimes I think the bane of the cloth making business is when styles are being referenced in pictures. When your client has made a request, which you then try your best to fulfill, it can be pretty frustrating when they begin to have an attitude. The worst is when the client says “this isn’t what I wanted”. Oh boy! There are so many sides to this particular story and so many ways this can go. But, despite the strong need to defend yourself and react in like manner, don’t. Yelling right back at them will solve nothing and frankly is not worth it.   3. An apology does not make you foolish Even if you are right, a riled up client is not going to listen to your explanation and definitely not to excuses. Apologise and apologise again. Eventually they will calm down (even if it takes days) and may realize their mistake. Don’t hold your breath though.   4. Agree to disagree.  Sometimes we come across clients who seem to block out all explanations and suggestions. Agreeing with them in the moment will save you the headache. You can drive your point home, later, with facts.   5. Be honest no matter what  It can be difficult sticking with the good side when your client acts like ‘the boss of the underworld’. But, I have had really annoying clients come back and say they appreciate my honesty. In spite of who your client is, compromising on morals is never the best route to take, for any business.   P.S: Remember: your client is your boss! What are your top tips on how to handle difficult clients? Let us know here.

How to build a team for your business

A lot of things compete for an entrepreneur’s time, especially during the early stage of business. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you have an ‘A- team’ working in your business. As such, as an entrepreneur knowing how to build a team for your business is of the utmost importance. Building a business with the wrong set of people can cause major setbacks for the business. You need to ensure that you select members of your team carefully; be thorough with the hiring process. Here are tips to guide entrepreneurs through the process of how to build a team for your business. Have a strategic vision for your business Have clear objectives on why you need a team and what you expect from each member of the team. This gives you a clear idea of what to look out for when building a team.   Startups are hardly ever the first choice for job applicants The pay and job security in startups is low compared to corporate institutions, this further narrows down the talent pool available for small businesses to hire from. Locate communities (online and offline) where potential members of your team hang out; social media, networking events or your personal network. This can help you easily find people with a passion for what you do, such people can be easily trained to get the job done.   Clearly communicate your vision to team members Get them to buy into it. This draws commitment and builds passion in them to drive the vision.   The aim should always be to build a single unit Each individual on the team should be dedicated to not only accomplishing their own tasks but that of their team mates. Team members should be able to wear multiple hats and adapt to the ever dynamic nature of startups. Introduce them to online tools for better organization and efficient communication internally and externally.   Team members should go beyond people on your payroll Build your team to include people that provide you with support – advisory, investment, emotional (family and friends), vendors and a customer network.   Put together trainings and team bonding sessions Create a work environment that rewards creativity and nurtures resourcefulness.   Do a thorough background check On social media as well as google. This gives you an insight on what kind of team player they will be. It lets you in on what their views on life might be, as well as their character and moral conduct. Take this seriously as character/attitude is an important factor to consider when hiring as a startup.   Show optimism The kind of positive energy members of your team can draw from.   Be an exemplary leader In character and excellence.   Trust your instincts If you don’t feel good about hiring a particular person on your team, don’t! If a candidate has all it takes for the role, but you feel off about him or her, let the person go. You always have to be on the same page with members of your team.   Do you have any tips on how to build an A- Team? Let us know here.

4 Steps To Get The Raise You Deserve

There is nothing like excelling at a job you love! This is the job you have always dreamed of, and this is a career which allows you to fulfill your purpose- Monday to Friday 9 to 5. There is just one problem, you feel undervalued, underappreciated and no one seems to notice how you go above and beyond for this company. You have been at this organisation for a number of years and you have worked your way up the ranks, however, your salary has not had the upliftment you feel you deserve. Well it’s high time you demand your value be addressed accordingly. Here’s a four-step process to help you get that get the raise you rightly deserve. Conduct thorough research Find out what other people in a similar role are earning. What is the current going rate in the market? Whilst you are it, find out what other people on a similar level to you in the company are also earning. You want to know what to ask for when you go in guns blazing. By doing your research, be sure to also find out what the role entails for other people at other organisations. The same role can be different at two different organisations, others might do more or less. I recall during my legal days. As I was working as a Paralegal, I met other Paralegals from other firms who were earning more than me. Now as they told me of their higher earning power I was infuriated, but it turns out their roles demanded more of them than mine did. Your research should expand to you as a person as well. What have you been doing that entitles you to a pay rise. If you have been turning up late, missing days, taking extended long breaks and not performing well, perhaps you need to go back to the drawing board and think about why the company should not deduct your pay instead. Napoleon Hill said, going the extra mile, “tends to make one indispensable, in many different human relationships and it therefore enables him to command more than average compensation for personal services.”.   Initiate  the conversation Schedule a meeting with the person at your company who has the authority to give you a raise ,or bring it up during one of your reviews. Put the issue out there/ on the table. Don’t be aggressive and don’t be emotional in your address. You’ve done your research, come armed with facts and data. Remember, you are worth something to them and if they don’t see that, that is their loss. You are in control of this.  Sometimes the company will not think about giving you a raise until you mention it. If you don’t ask don’t expect to receive. Stand firm in your worth If you have asked for a pay rise, be brave enough to stand up for yourself and tell the company what you think you are worth. If they fail to give you a raise, be brave enough to exude your worth, politely remind them elsewhere this is what they are offering, and you have no issues going elsewhere if need be. I would advise having a plan, if you decide to go down this route, just in case they call your bluff. This should not be too much of an issue. The only issue is as human beings we get complacent. I have worked in firms where some of my colleagues had been there for years, not earning much because they were comfortable at their work place. You may not be getting the pay rise you deserve because you are unwilling to explore. Have you considered moving to another city or even out of the country?   Execute Whatever the outcome of your pay rise meeting is, execute the results. If a pay rise has been agreed on continue working hard and go the extra mile. If one has not been agreed on and you still feel you deserve one, figure out your next step. Are the reasons for the pay rise being refused justified? i.e let’s review it in three months. Are you willing to wait around or are you ready to make a jump into the next role? You need to see the value in you before you expect anyone to. As human beings, we are sometimes oblivious to our faults. Evaluate yourself and be honest, would you give yourself a pay rise. If so get to working on it and show them why you deserve one. Do you have any tips on how to get a raise? Let us know here.  

Increasing your target audience

Although there are countless ways of achieving business success, I will focus on one specific element. The process  of increasing your target audience. This process requires regular and continuous management and review. Here are a few guidelines to grow your target audience as an organisation:   Studying- as a foundation for increasing your target audience Knowledge of the current audience is essential as it will serve as a starting point for where you intend to be. The success of growing your target audience will be determined by your knowledge of the current audience. I like the way Peter Drucker put it by saying “what gets measured, gets managed”. Once you know, in terms of the services or products you provide, which one most people are interested in, and which one resonates the least with people, you will be able to set a clear target market strategy. It is important to  find out why your audience does or does not have a specific preference.   Build relationships not clients On the basis of what is known about the current audience, the focus must be on building relationships rather than clients. Establishing a meaningful relationship with the current audience will build their trust. It will be of great benefit to you to if once in a while you have a small chat, to review. This can be achieved by follow-up informal interviews . It is import to be able  to show that you are not only concerned about what you receive from them, but also the quality you give to them.   Be SMART in order to achieve results The difference between people who say something and the one’s who actually DO IT is one word, “action”. SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic and time bound) goals are essential in increasing your target audience.   Position yourself for the intended targeted audience Look at what you are contributing now and ask yourself what will be needed, in order to achieve the intended target audience numbers? Like Serena Williams, you need to position yourself during the’ game’, in order to ensure that the intended target is achieved.   Summary, By taking the above steps, you will be able to assess where you stand with your current target audience and which direction you ought to take.   Do you have any tips on how to growing a target audience? Let us know here.

Chika Ilang: You Need A Clearly Defined Life Vision

Chika Ilang is a civil servant during the day and the founder of Chika Ilang International; a personal development hub, with an interest in helping women build a life and career they truly love.  A lot of young people feel dissatisfied when working with government agencies. What is your winning tip to stay motivated? Most young people may not like it here. But if you have a clearly defined life vision, I believe you can succeed in any type of job. For instance,some people might not like their current job, but cannot make the move as yet, for financial or other reasons. I would advise that, you have no choice but to try love that job, because it brings in the money ( resources), so you can use it to fund your dream. Now, not liking your job doesn’t mean that you should do shabby work, no, you should be your best at it, gather experience, and move when the time is right. So for me, I’d say my winning tip is, my clearly defined life vision. I don’t see my job as a setback, because through it, I’m moving forward to where I want to be in life.   [bctt tweet=”if you have a clearly defined life vision, I believe you can succeed in any type of job” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What would you suggest to a young woman who wants to build a viable business while still holding down this career path? Entrepreneurship isn’t a fashion trend. Don’t jump on it because everyone seems to be on it. Have a clearly defined vision.  Set a target for yourself; a business target you can meet, before you can comfortably take a bow out of your job, if you’d ever want to. It’s dangerous to get a business idea and “sack your boss” tomorrow, because of this idea. Test it, ensure it’s profitable, then create a game plan that you’ll follow through as you progress. Don’t move blindly.   There are certain perceived limitations about working in government agencies. How can young career women strive to get quality work done? I believe in giving my best wherever I am. If you’re there, be all there. I wouldn’t do this because of XYZ, I’d rather do it so it represents Chika, because that’s all that matters to me. So, be intentional about being an awesome employee.  What you wouldn’t want another to do with your own business, don’t do it to your boss as an employee.   [bctt tweet=”Be unforgettable. Be the light in that space. It is the era of woman rising.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What can women who want to work for government agencies do to stand out? Be unforgettable. Be the light in that space. It is the era of woman rising. Remember, you’re already expected to perform poorly at work because you’re a woman- disappoint everyone and be exceptional, just because you are a woman!     What would you like to be remembered for in your work? At work, I’d like to be remembered as that Chika that led others to do right. The one that shone her light on everyone. That one that led a good life, which inspired others directly or indirectly to do good. The game changer that always asks others the way forward. The bubbly foodie that doesn’t joke with her lunch. Are you a civil servant? We’d love to hear your story and career tips. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more  here.

5 tips to starting a side hustle whilst working at your 9-5

When people consider launching a new business, most imagine quitting their jobs and risking it all. However, aspiring entrepreneurs should stick with traditional jobs, rather than take a complete leap of faith by quitting their jobs. This is to ensure they can take the necessary time to grow their brands whilst earning multiple streams of income. A side hustle is a business you run in your free time, which allows you to pursue what you are most interested in. It is a chance to delve into different areas such as  fashion, food, hair ,the not- for- profit world  or whatever you are passionate about- whilst keeping your day job. Yes we love working our 9-5’s! But, extra cash from something we really love is vital. The good thing about having a side hustle is that you can make extra money and use talents that are dormant in your 9-5 day job. Starting a business whilst employed gives you the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the world, doing work that you love on your own terms. It is not easy as you’ll have to share and balance your time between your day job and business. However, it is possible. Here are some tips for starting a side hustle: Pinpoint your passion – choose something you are really enjoy, which people need and are willing to pay for. E.g. Event planning, logo illustrator etc. Use your network – don’t be afraid to let your contacts know that you are open for business. Post it on social media, send emails, make phone calls get the word out! Stick to the schedule – set time aside for your business periodically, like an appointment. Have a specific time during the day to work on your side hustle. It is important. Collaborate/Network – the bigger your community, the more potential opportunities you have. Also, always make time to meet with new people. Hire an assistant – remember, you have a day job, and most of the time you won’t be able to have meetings with clients or customers. Hire someone who can help with the work while you’re at your job. Starting a side hustle is not easy and you probably won’t get it right the first time. Just be patient, focus and plan and it will happen! Do you have side hustle? How do you balance your side hustle and 9-5? If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.