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5 Work-Life Balance Tips For New Entrepreneurs

You know that popular quote that says that the first year of business for any entrepreneur particularly a solopreneur is usually the hardest? Well, nothing can be further from the truth. What they also didn’t tell you is that in that first year, in order to get things rolling, you might lose yourself to your business. This also includes but is not limited to your family, friends, network and social life. Depending on your perspective, this might seem like an investment in the long run. After all, the first five years are the most pivotal point of any business. After that, it’s supposed to get easier. But does that mean you have to wait until your business has fully taken off to get your life and have a semblance of work-life balance?I think not. Here are five simple work-life balance tips that I have found works for new entrepreneurs. Separate your business from your personal life. This might seem like a walk in the park but believe me, it is easier said than done. In a bid to be always available, accessible and offer excellent customer service, the thin line between your business and your personal life might be blurred. So, it is key to separate them. This can be as simple as getting a different phone/WhatsApp number for your business. This way, you’re not tempted to respond to messages that are not urgent outside work hours. Determine your work hours. As much we live on the internet, it can be tough for internet-enabled businesses to switch off for the day but it’s important for work-life balance. Entrepreneurs are known to work around the clock but by determining your work hours you are giving your business structure and leaving out time for yourself and your life. Make plans ahead It’s one thing for you as an entrepreneur to not have a social life, it’s another thing entirely to not make plans outside your business. The great thing about making plans ahead and following through with your family and friends is that you’re completely distracted and not tempted to work. No matter how little it might seem initially, it means that out of your super busy schedule, you are making time for your loved ones and that is one of the keys to a balanced life. So, draw up a special calendar and slot in some dates and fun activities for the next three months. This gives your friends enough time ahead to prevent a clash of schedules. (SLA TIP: Google Calendar is your plug) Observe public holidays As an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to become a workaholic. But as much as strong work ethics are admirable, it’s important to know when to take a break to re-energize and avoid burning out. One of the most simple ways you can achieve this especially when you don’t have the luxury of taking vacations yet is by observing public holidays. Turn off your work phone and emails. If possible, stay off social media and cultivate a habit of resting. Learn how to rest Everyone has their definition of rest but one thing is certain, it does not involve work. One of the key things I learned over the Christmas holidays is the ability to sit down and do absolutely nothing. As difficult as it was initially particularly for someone that has worked all year, by the time I got into the state of inactivity and idleness, it was refreshing to truly rest. Try it and see! As a compliment, you can also find passive non-work related activities (such as listening to audiobooks) to pass the time. Got some advice for new business owners and entrepreneurs? Share your advice with us here.

Read this when you are ready to master adulting

As members of the SLA community, we normally feel like we have so much to do but so little time. From juggling days and side hustles to attending networking events to building our online presence, traveling the world… we want to SLA-Y. Phew! It can be daunting since we can not afford to drop the ball in our private everyday life which is supposed to bolster our public presence. Part of owning your life is adulting. Simply put, adulting is taking up responsibilities so that you can free your time and money to succeed in all facets of life.     Here are some of the basic things that every SLA sister should master in order to get her private act together: Managing your money Right off the bat, we have to address this issue because it is the root of everyone’s sanity. You may have heard that having a budget is the most important thing that you can do ad nauseam but it seriously is. A budget can be as simple as tracking your incomes and expenses on a specific notebook or an Excel for the math gurus. If you are into apps, you browse app stores and downloads like Mint. The most important thing is that you can regularly review where your money is going and where you are investing. How to feed yourself Regardless of your gender, cooking is that skill that you should have in your back pocket. Yes, delivery services are popping up, left, right and center but there is a sense of fulfillment that comes with making something from scratch. It saves you money and you can trust the food that you make at home more than someone else’s kitchen. It does not have to be rocket science since you can take time during your free time to do even the most basic-est of meal preps like boiling legumes and meats (for non-veggies) and then stew or sautee them during the week. Then have lunch or dinner ready in under 15 minutes during the week Launder your clothes This is one of my least favorite chores but it must be done. Decluttering does go a long way in reducing the amount of dirty laundry because you have fewer things to wash. Truth be told, you will prioritize the items that you REALLY need to wear to shine at that important presentation. 2017 was the year that I rediscovered the magic of reading care labels, especially when buying secondhand clothes. Try to avoid ‘dry clean only’  items like the plague to reduce your laundry bills. Plus you will be doing the environment a favor. DIY and embrace minimal living If there is ever a time to be more environmentally conscious, it is now. You can play your part by re-using things around your home. Simple ways that you can try out is like reusing glass jars in your kitchen to store your spices or cotton balls, which makes you look more organized without even trying. Those old towels and t-shirts can be great rags around the home. I have to mention that cleaning magic does happen when you use equal amounts of water and white vinegar. Scheduling your cleaning If you spend hours in traffic jam daily, you are probably thinking how is this even possible? I was like that too till I discovered how much you can achieve in between TV commercials or when you distract yourself with your favorite jams.  By breaking down, that long list of chores into chunks in the week, you can make deep cleaning less daunting. Hopefully, by tackling the above basics you will be able to reclaim your time and peace of mind so that you can other things outside your home.   Do you have a story to share with us? Share your story here.