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5 fashion tricks to boost your attraction level

It is no longer news that some people are usually attracted to others based on how well they appeal to their minds. The attraction can be physical, emotional, sapiosexual or sexual in nature. But I will like to talk to you about how well you can kit up physically and still attract the right partner. First, let me start by saying that there is no perfect person out there for you. But there are people who fit your ideal description of what you want in a man. MR Right is simply a high-value man who knows what he wants, takes responsibility for his life and is on a journey to building great relationships too. A lot of ladies are attracted to well-fitted men, with broad shoulders, and great fashion sense. If you want this type of man, it is not a bad idea, but you should understand that such men would want a classy attractive woman too. That means you should look as classy as he would look too. If you are not conscious about how you look, you may miss out on important opportunities in other areas of your life. Trust me, some people do not have the patience to know your content, they are merely moved by sight except they have an opportunity of being around you to see what else you can offer. So packaging matters a lot. First impression is good, but it doesn’t have to be the final say but what about making sure your first impression is likable? Let me share with you 5 areas to pay attention to look more attractive and classy to Mr. Right. 1. KNOW YOUR BODY TYPE Should I confess to you? I just found out about my body type last year in 2018. While growing up, someone once told me that I had a male figure and I felt bad about it. And then later, I began to compare my body with others. I wondered why I had broad shoulders and a small waist. Most jackets and tops I wanted never fit me and I wasn’t conscious of the style I could blend so I simply copied the trend and close friend’s style. I found out about body types in a learning class and I was like wow! I didn’t know that I had been buying the wrong dresses. That could be you too. You should not wear a dress because it fits another person, you should be more concerned about how well it will fit you too. Learn about your body type and wear what fits you. Other types of body types are the apple, pear, inverted triangle body types, and so much more. Now that I know, I buy my dresses strategically. So appreciate your body type, wear what fits you and flaunt well with a great style. 2. DO SKIN CARE ROUTINE Gone are the days where skincare used to be expensive. You can actually do some organic regimen by watching them on YOUTUBE. Not all skin care routine can fit your skin type so you may need to talk to a skin expert to know which suit your skin. A clear and bright skin adds more to your beauty plus eating good food, fruits, and plenty of water makes perfect sense to look good. 3. YOUR SMILE AND BODY POSTURE What is the point of having beautiful skin and body if you cannot smile and develop a good posture? A lot of times, men are attracted to your smile and that can be the signal they need to know you are approachable. If you are always keeping a straight face, you may have fewer people socializing with you. So put on some smile and carry yourself well. 4. ACCESSORIES Do you know there is power in using a touch of accessories? It can range from neck pieces, wristwatches, bangles, sunglasses, hats, scarf, statement bag, etc. it is all about adding a touch to your style and making a statement with it. How well do you invest in accessories? 5. MAKE UP There is something about adding a touch to your face. It makes you look more natural. It doesn’t mean you cannot be a team natural but lighten up your face and that may be the difference you need. When you start paying attention to how you look, you will be surprised at the kinds of attention you will get. I know work schedule can be tight and you have no time, but you can use your mobile phone to do the necessary research and update yourself. What will you start doing differently?

Ladies, here are some health tests you need to do regularly

Life can get hectic so much so that it can start to neglect our health. You may find yourself canceling doctors’ appointments to meet deadlines. This is a bad idea. First of all, you need to be at your best physically, for you to be able to give your hustle the best possible version of yourself. But also because you could find yourself with serious medical problems that could have been detected early or avoided. Here are a few tests that you should never ever postpone: Breast Exam  You can do this at home at least once a week if you notice any lumps in your breast then you should go to the doctor for further tests. Ladies, let’s not even play. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. That is why it’s important to regularly check for any abnormalities in your breasts. Checking regularly allows you to learn what your breasts normally feel like so that should there be a change you can notice it immediately.     Cholesterol Test This test is done by a doctor, he/she will test your cholesterol level by taking blood. High cholesterol levels can stop blood in your arteries from flowing freely, causing heart problems. High cholesterol coupled with high stress is a recipe for disaster even for young people. Your doctor will assess your risk and advice you about how often you need to have this test. Pap Smear This test checks for cervical cancer, the doctor will take a sample from the vaginal walls. It’s best to do this every 3 years unless there are other health complications that would require you to get it done more often. HIV Test It’s always a good idea that you do an HIV test every 3 to 6 months especially if you engage in unprotected sex. But if you don’t, you can do it as often as you feel comfortable doing it. Eye test It’s advisable to have an eye test once a year especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Dental Checks This is the most neglected test but really you should visit your dentist at least once a year. Many dental issues can lead to bad breath and this can be a career killer. You should never only visit a doctor when you are due for a test but also when you are not feeling well. Listen to your body, it will tell you if something is wrong. Take care ladies, your health is one of your most valuable assets.  Interested in contributing for She Leads Africa? Click here.

The mind of a champion: Lessons from Blessing Okagbare and Serena Williams

Sport champions like Blessing Okagbare and Serena Williams are perfect examples of how each of us, as entrepreneurs and professionals, can attain greatness when we aim to improve our personal best. Blessing is a Nigerian track and field athlete, who is an Olympic and IAAF World Championships medalist in the long jump, and a world medalist in the 200 metres. Serena is undeniably one of the most dominating sports champions of our generation. She has won a title in all four International Grand Slam tournaments and is also an Olympic gold medalist. Blessing’s Olympic medal wins and Serena’s tennis successes serve as reminders of excellence to all of us. They have spent many years training to be champions. Along the way, they have achieved multiple milestones, actively taken part in smaller competitions and peaked at the right moment. When they put their hard-earned skills into practice and keep their eyes on the prize, it’s their time to shine. As entrepreneurs what lessons can we learn from these phenomenal women? Keep training Like every successful athlete, successful entrepreneurs must never stop training. That means keeping your skills fresh and your talents sharpened, so that you’re always one step ahead of the competition. Keep learning, networking and trying to improve yourself and your business. The process is continual but it is powerful and fun if you love what you are doing. Have a support system Every champion has a team behind them. You can’t do everything on your own. Especially when training is getting difficult or the competition is tough. Build a strong network that will support you and help you reach the top. If you do not have a mentor find one, or at the very least seek role models who will inspire you. Make sure those who are part of your team hold you accountable and keep you focused. Celebrate your achievements What moment are you seeking? As you strive to attain greatness, ask yourself at what point will you feel like you’ve won your Gold Medal or Trophy. Never forget that no matter how much competition is out there, or how long it takes to achieve YOUR own personal best, each and every one of us can get a medal. So go out there and get it! It is easy to discount all your achievements as you seek even better ones, but don’t overlook your moment. When your moment comes, make sure you celebrate! I’m really exciting. I smile a lot, I win a lot, and I’m really sexy.” – Serena Williams Do not fear competition Keep your eyes on the prize in your business and professional life. Have clearly defined strategies and goals that will make you a champion. In his book, The Winner’s Mind, Allen Fox explains, “Unconscious fear of failure saps the will to win by distorting perceptions and causing competitors to hesitate to compete, procrastinate, lie to themselves, blame others, fail to finish tasks, and panic on the verge of victory.”   Do not fear competition. As entrepreneurs competition is necessary and mandatory in the marketplace. It will help to motivate you to be better. Use it to empower yourself along the way and do not be afraid of winning! Learn from your mistakes Being in business isn’t about never failing, it’s about knowing what to do when failure strikes! You must not allow failure to block your path to excellence. When a sportswoman like Blessing loses a race, do you think she laments about her loss for so long that it stops her from running? No, she stays focused, perfects her skills and works harder. It’s the same with Serena. If she misses a serve or loses a match she does not let her mistakes consume her. She uses her mistakes as stepping stones to doing better the next time.