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You’ve got 6 More Months To Slay and Conquer this year

January through June have come and gone. Yes, these past months may have come with lots of setbacks, perhaps in achieving our personal goals and dreams or in advancing in the corporate world. It may have been six months of moving in circles. Six months of going below both personal and general standards. Six months of bewilderment crawling up in between high hopes and a positive stand. Here’s my own little story… Personally, I tasted the true meaning of depression. How or where it came from, who knows? But hey! The good thing is I’m out of it now! Like out for good! I never even remembered I had suffered from the disease of the mind (as I like to call it) until just a few weeks back, on different occasions, I encountered different individuals slowly sinking in the depth of this same ‘depression’. Indeed, it’s been a battle thriving beyond all odds these past months and for the first time, I was glad I went through what I went through to better understand the situation of those that came around with the same ailment and help them gradually scale through. [bctt tweet=”Your confidence is one of the main weapons of emerging as a conqueror at the end of the year – Eden Benibo” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Perhaps this is your own story… Maybe, just maybe, you had achieved a reasonable number of your goals and aspirations during the first half of the year. Awesome! Have all or majority of your inputs fallen in alignment with your expected result? Great!! Whichever category you had fallen into, just know there are six more months to slay and conquer. In duality, we would be looking at two categories in this article. Let’s say – Slayers 1 & 2. Slayers 1 are the people who went through a relative number of down times during the first half of the year. If you fall into this category, here are a few tips for you: Regain your confidence Your confidence is one of the main weapons of emerging as a conqueror at the end of the year. Without confidence, a soldier is nothing but a loser even before the war begins. Without confidence irrespective of the cash at hand or even your skills within, one will have a very low chance of succeeding. Face the phase Of course, it’s good to reflect on the past sometimes, to retrace your steps and know where to improve on, but what we do most times is that we get so engrossed with past failures and pain that we allow a replay of these negativities in the future. Have the failures of yesterday boxed you in? Or built a shell in which you have crawled into?  It’s time to come out! And face the now. This phase. Bill Newman rightly said “you must be willing to fail. Don’t fear other people or their opinions. Don’t just sit there and wonder, you should be doing. Act, start today, make it happen”. He is not trying to say we should set our minds on failure, no! All this is trying to convey is that we should not allow the mere fear of failure to be an obstacle to us succeeding in our business and life in general. [bctt tweet=”Stop agonizing and organize what you’re doing – Eden Benibo” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Newman further stated “stop agonizing and organize what you’re doing. Not to decide is to decide not to.” In other words, not making a decision is a decision on its own. Not acting is a move. A wrong move though. A move of stagnancy. Break free today! Slayers 2, on the other hand, are also known as the already Slaying Gang! It’s important to note that no one prays for a ‘bad beginning’, but it’s better to have a rough beginning and a smooth end than experiencing the reverse. Therefore, this is a call for unrelenting zeal to keep thriving. Thrive on! Ask yourself some questions. What did you do to get you to this point? Build on that. If possible, I advise you increase your general input, because it is very easy to remain in your comfort zone. Remember, never to be trapped within the confinement of living in past glory. Most importantly, learn something new every day. Now listen. If inexplicably you belong to the two categories, it’s all good. Here are some tips for you to explore. Breath Break free from the norm. There’s more to explore! Smile and say a warm hello to July and the next few months at your disposal. Remember your future is all in your hands: handle with care. Finally, here’s a piece of advice from an all-time scholar which applies to everyone, regardless of the level of such an individual at work) “If you are a senior executive, don’t take yourself too seriously. It is essential to hold on to our sense of humor throughout our lives if we want to remain sane, as has been shown by research into psychological cognition, and especially in the later years”. So go ahead and break free, slay and conquer it all, starting with your fears!    If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.

5 Powerful TED Talks every MotherlandMogul must watch

Getting addicted to TED is a habit that would not only spur you to greatness but would keep your mind bubbling with ideas. If you only watch TED videos once in a blue moon, it’s time to make a switch and come to the winning team. TED seeks to share great ideas with the entire world through storytelling and sharing insights.  With the many TED Talks I’ve watched, it’s been hard to choose my favorite. However, those I liked were by women who have ignited my passion and encouraged me to chase my dreams. The following videos have left me sprawling with laughter, and I must tell you, they are the top TED Talks that every Motherland Mogul should watch. 1. Natasha Case and Freya Estreller –Female and Millennial Entrepreneurship If you think you’ve reached the peak of your entrepreneurial journey, this video is definitely for you. In this TED Talk, two co-partner entrepreneurs talk about their journey starting a distinct ice cream brand – Cool Haus. With over four thousand stores in the United States alone, Natasha and Freya are making a huge impact and taking a fair slice of the market. In this talk, they talk about their experiences navigating the business world as female CEO’s and the changing trends of women in business. Though a lot of data shows that there is still work to be done in bringing more women to the top of the corporate ladder, some women such as Natasha and Freya are already slaying! 3. Sara Nuru  -Finding your Identity Do we get to choose what we do without existence? In this TED Talk, Sara presents a strong message of an identity of how we can make a choice on positive living. As a model and an Ethiopian activist, Sara has spent her life bringing impact to young children in Ethiopia. Her talk is both insightful and inspiring. She shows us that nothing stops us from being who we truly are if we dare to believe. [bctt tweet=”“Who you are right now might not be who you will be in the next five or ten years, sometimes all you need is a breathing space, to step back and look at your life” @therealsaranuru” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 3. Whitney Thore – Living without Shame No one can achieve much without a healthy self-esteem. Having self-confidence and loving yourself should be something we strive for every day. Whitney is bold, powerful and very unlike any other speaker you have heard before. She spares no ground in sharing her experience of Obesity and it’s grappling effect in her life. She dealt with shame, something we all have experience in one way or the other. Using emotional intelligence, Whitney keeps you captivated with her story of self-confidence. At the end of the Talk, you are left with one lesson: learn to love yourself because nothing changes until you do! 4. Yvonne  Orji – The Wait is Sexy You may not agree with everything Yvonne says but this girl knows how to work her space! She knows how to knead her dough. Yvonne is audacious in her choice of waiting until marriage and she explains her reasons for staying true to her stand. According to Yvonne, we all have to sacrifice short-term comfort to get a long-term quality relationship. This principle can be applied to everything including business and personality. When making decisions, we should consider principles such as compromise, purpose and taking a stand for what you believe in. Whatever you’re working towards will definitely be worth it. [bctt tweet=”“The wait is powerful, disciplined and focused. The wait keeps the main thing, the main thing.” @YvonneOrji ‏” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 5. Courtney Ferrell – Girl Up! The Secret to the Extraordinary Life This has to be my absolute best video! From the moment she walks on stage, Courtney keeps you wanting more. She cleverly engages the audience through picking one random person who she delivers her message through. Courtney’s intimate yet personal talk carried a strong message for women and girls. She believes these are the key to development in every society. Sometimes, all we need is to be who we are and say what we believe in. Though these are just a collection of some of my favorite talks. There are many more TED Talks that will inspire you, challenge you and expose you to many more great ideas. From Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie to film director Wanuri Kahiu, there are a lot of Motherland Moguls who will definitely set you on the path to slaying. If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.

5 career development hacks you should know

Have you ever felt like you have been stuck in the same job or subjected to the same career circumstances with no progression? Perhaps you got your first job during the compulsory Nigerian National Youth Service and your Primary Place of Assignment (sponsoring institution) deemed you a good fit for the time-being. If you feel unfulfilled or have not encountered some excitement in your career, the next question to ask yourself is, “Do I really like where I am?” and “Do I have a career development plan?”. If you answered ‘no’ to both questions then this article is for you. Career development is an intentional plan to achieve successive milestones over the duration of your working years and applies to people in paid employment as well as business owners. Here are five career development hacks you should actively take advantage of: Join industry groups Joining industry or trade groups that provide opportunities to learn from people with years of experience will expose you to larger opportunities in the course of your career. Volunteering in such associations will inevitably cause you to liaise with the movers and shakers while receiving the inside scoop on industry happenings. Such groups often host member events or may have a website with limitless resources.Whether you are an accountant or media professional, no woman is an island so start networking! [bctt tweet=”Whether you are an accountant or media professional, no woman is an island so start networking!” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Attend seminars and conferences in your area of interest This may be in an area of specialisation or one you wish to be educated in while organically expanding your knowledge without investing too much on a more elaborate educational arrangement. For example, a business lawyer may regularly attend seminars organised by the Nigerian Bar Association’s Section on Business Law but may wish to attend Oil and Gas conferences organised by the key players in the Oil and Gas industry. This will enable the lawyer to obtain first-hand knowledge of current affairs. Most seminars and conferences may be strictly by invitation or will be accessible at a reduced cost for members of an association. Why pay full price for such an event when you can get it at a cheaper cost while milking the benefits of being part of a knowledgeable network? Fill those membership forms today! [bctt tweet=”“Being anti-social is good for your career” said no one ever.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Attend social gatherings “Being anti-social is good for your career,” said no one ever. There are no rules guiding where you can or should network; it’s possible to meet someone who may be the missing link to that big deal or even your future boss in the company you’ve been planning to make career moves to since Christmas 2016. Managers or career influencers also like to observe how “network savvy” you are in crowds and how well you act as the face of the company outside. If you are an introvert in a profession that requires a lot of networking, you may be faced with the dilemma of stepping outside your comfort zone or potentially jeopardising your career development. Speaking to people at weddings, at a Church social or even a jazz bar may unfold unlikely discoveries. Just take that plunge for your career! Develop mentoring relationships In the course of your working career, a few people will inevitably stand out because of their network and industry experience. Building key relationships with such people may steer your thoughts and influence your actions towards career growth and development. The presence of a mentor does not equate to having a personal therapist from whom you would seek advice for every unfortunate case of office politics. Rather, set career goals and ask these mentors for advice on your long-term plans and how they affect your progression. [bctt tweet=”It is possible to have a mentoring relationship with one or two other people” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]. Although many people identify with one mentor, it is possible to have a similarly beneficial relationship with one or two other people. For example, a wedding photographer and one who focuses on nature may have different techniques so it may be worth shadowing both photographers. Keep in touch Even if you do not develop a mentor-mentee relationship with senior colleagues or peers, it’s pertinent to keep in touch and maintain relationships with a few people. This doesn’t mean you should call them all the time but sending an email to find out how your fellow stockbroker is handling the latest Securities and Exchange Commission’s directive will fall within the scope of reasonable contact. It’s not very nice to reach out to people only when you need something as nobody wants to feel used; if you maintain a good relationship with people via email or phone calls, you may have a higher chance of getting ‘help’ when you ask for favours. The significance of these five hacks is that immersing yourself in one will ultimately lead to involvement in another which will allow you apply simultaneous effort to your career development. Developing your career amidst short courses, professional exams, attending seminars and being social is very tasking but is totally worth it once a mastery of time management is achieved.