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Caron Williams: The hip-hop maven behind The Plug Magazine

Caron Williams

[bctt tweet=”It’s a balancing act offering our audience what they want to read & what we feel is an important story” via=”no”] By now, everyone in the industry knows the lovely Caron Williams. Hailing from Cape Town, this beauty has been in the creative industry for years and has now added “Editor” to her resume. The Plug, the new and freshest hip-hop online magazine has really changed the game in such a short amount of time. The Plug gives you the need to know and the latest on all things hip-hop, fashion and urban culture –locally and abroad. This magazine has been an incredible platform, giving us in-depth insight into our favourite local and international artists in a fresh and innovative way. As a young Black woman, Caron is breaking the barriers of a male-dominated industry, paving the way for young creatives. Having turned her knack for hip-hop into an incredible publication, Caron has clearly become a powerhouse in the making, in her own right. In this short interview, Caron gives a sneak peek into how she grew the magazine, being a woman in the industry and what the future holds. What inspired you to start The Plug? I’ve always been incredibly passionate about hip hop, urban culture and fashion and becoming an Editor has always been my dream. The Plug Mag was the brainchild of 6th Avenue Group, they approached me regarding becoming the Editor of their online publication before it was founded and I agreed. Have you found that being a woman in the industry has proven to be difficult? If so, what kind of setbacks do you have? Being a black woman in any male-dominated industry definitely comes with immense challenges, but the truth is, the game is hard for everyone. You have to be tough to be in this industry and willing to put up a fight every day. Regardless of your gender, if you don’t know who you are, aren’t clear about your vision and aren’t willing to put in the work, the game will chew you up and spit you out. I’m not fazed by being a woman in this industry because I can hold my own against the best in the game and this is only the start. I want to be the best and I’m going to be the best, no stereotype about by gender will deter that. [bctt tweet=”The reception is inspiring & shows the SA hip hop community is hungry for powerful content” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] I know that you also have a knack for fashion, can we see a publication of the sort from you again soon? Anna Wintour and the late Franca Sozzani are my idols. Fashion has always been my first love and a passion I’d love to return to. Establishing my own fashion publication is something I definitely aspire to do one day and the success of The Plug Mag is essential for me to reach that point. South Africa has such incredible designers and fashion talent, which deserves to be celebrated. Speaking of fashion, what are your must-have items this season? Definitely my camo bomber, Army green overall, deep maroon lip colour and a great pair of boots. The publication has grown tremendously this past year – how has that been for you and your team? It’s been a thrilling experience. It started off as a passion project from a group of creatives who truly love hip-hop, fashion and the culture as a whole, so to see how much it has grown and resonated with people is truly incredible. We have so much we still plan to do with The Plug because we truly want to transform the local urban cultural landscape, so the response has been encouraging. On a personal level, it has been a challenging but fulfilling experience. How is the future looking for The Plug? Any chance you will switch to a print publication? We have so many exciting plans for The Plug Mag. We’re immensely ambitious with our plans. Watch this space… [bctt tweet=”Editor, @CaronWilliams_ chats with us about how The Plug is transforming the local urban cultural landscape” via=”no”] As a woman in a male-dominated industry (hip-hop), you have basically become the answer for consumers who want to know more about what’s happening in the industry, how does that feel for you? It’s an interesting position. It’s always a balancing act offering our audience what they want to read and what we feel is an important story that needs to be shared with the culture. The reception to the content we’ve put out has been very inspiring and demonstrated that the SA hip hop community is hungry for powerful and engrossing content. What advice do you have for people who want to start their own thing? Passion is the foundation of any great venture; it’s what drives you when things get challenging. You truly need to have a clear vision of what you’re trying to achieve and how you plan on doing so. You have to understand that great projects and brands take the time to build and that you have to be in it for the long haul. Over and above everything, you really just have to work hard and put in the hours. Outwork everyone, study the game, study your peers and become versed in the industry you’re trying to penetrate. You also have to surround yourself with people who are as passionate and driven as you are, and people who have been in the game longer than you have been so you can learn from them. Be realistic about what you want to achieve; people are often very idealistic about startups. Even if it’s what you’re passionate about, it’s still going to be hard work. Build a network, sell people on your vision and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. [bctt tweet=”Build a network, sell people on your vision and don’t be afraid to make mistakes” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Which songs do you currently have on repeat? I’ve had Mick

Mbali Zondo: Surround yourself with people who you admire

Mbali Zondo

[bctt tweet=”Do your homework before networking. Make sure you have introduced yourself to the host if you can” via=”no”] PR doyenne turned award-winning director Ava Duvernay famously said: “when you’re in your lane there’s no traffic”. Mbali Zondo’s remarkable career journey is a testament to this truth. She continues to cement her place in the world of public relations having worked on global brands such as Apple and Clinique. She does it all with the kind of poise, humility and grace attendant with royalty. Her enthusiasm for people and technology and how they all come together to direct meaningful conversations about brands through public relations is truly inspiring. She has walked the graduation stage 3 times for disciplines such as marketing and communications from prestigious institutions such as the University of Pretoria. Not even 30 yet, she continues to startle her peers with her forward thinking approach to creating lasting brand legacies in the digital space. She has the determination, grit, and power to continue to be a game changer in the PR world. Success is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ and Mbali defines this her own way, through her individual journey. In her work, she continues to remind us all that reputation matters, and that building big brands require long-term, strategic thinking, and a little PR magic. Why did you choose P.R as a career path? Growing up, I did not know what PR was, let alone that it could be done as a career choice. All I know was that I wanted to express my creativity and be amongst interesting people at events. I’m a visual person and I wanted to be featured in magazines or to work with people who worked for magazines. What are two of the most important lessons you’ve learnt about yourself through your career journey? Trust your skills but don’t be afraid to improve on them in order to be recognised as an expert in your field. Surround yourself with people who you admire because this forces you to raise the bar when it comes to excellence. Tell us about a professional situation when the odds were against you, and how you overcame this? Part of PR is organising media events. I remember organising an annual lifestyle event and the whole event was scheduled to be outside. This event was scheduled for the end of September and I didn’t take into account that the summer rains in Joburg start at that exact time of the month. As fate would have it, there was rain predicted for the whole day for the day of the event. I overcame this situation because, with my background with having had used many suppliers before, I was able to call a supplier who gave me a personal referral to a supplier who puts up stretch tents. Due to having that personal relationship, I was able to negotiate to have the stretch tent set up and ready a day before the rain hit Johannesburg. Needless to say, my team was very impressed that I could think on my feet and get a quick turnaround time with a new supplier. [bctt tweet=”Success is not a ‘one-size- fits-all’. Success is subjective” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] If your life were a movie title what would this be? Mad Max (with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron). This movie highlights determination, grit, and power in an unexpected and challenging situation. Although battered and bruised in the end, Charlize’s character comes out victorious and succeeded in her mission. What does sisterhood mean to you? To me, sisterhood means uplifting other women and sisters without feeling envious of the other woman’s gift or talent. It’s about supporting each other beyond our backgrounds and standing up for one another. What do you know now, that you wish you knew 5 years ago? I wish I had known 5 years ago that everyone has a unique path for a reason and that achieving success is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ shoe size. Success is subjective. I also wish I had known that financial literacy is important and that saving up to buy a house is a long process. For those who find networking daunting, what are 3 tips you can share? When it comes to networking if you can take a friend, do so because networking becomes easier when you do it with someone you know and feel comfortable with. When you are comfortable, networking becomes easier. Share your professional contact details with new connections and stay in touch with them when you can. They will appreciate your efforts of investing in the relationship. Do your homework before networking. Try and find out who will be on the guest list so you can initiate conversations with people who may have mutual interests with you. Also, familiarise yourself with the purpose of the event and make sure you have introduced yourself to the host if you can as [bctt tweet=”Trust your skills but don’t be afraid to improve on them” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What skills should every P.R professional have in their “bag of tricks”? Writing: Every PR Professional needs to be able to write as you will often find yourself in situations where you need to write content, messaging documents etc. Be prepared. Presentation skills: You need to be able to present ideas or host an event with media, therefore, learning how to present is crucial to PR. Adaptability: PR is an industry that changes often and as much as you can be organised, sometimes, not everything goes according to plan. A good PR professional needs to be able to adapt accordingly to any situation to remain relevant and resilient. What is your morning get up and go song? It has to be Nina Simone: Four Women. This song gives me the confidence to start the week. What are your plans for the next 5 years professionally? Over the next 5 years, I’d like to do the following: Be featured in the 40 under 40 Forbes list. Complete a Master’s degree in Creative Brand Leadership. Travel

Aileen Hlongoane: I didn’t envision that our organisation would have such a great impact on the country

[bctt tweet=”The lack of sanitary pads is a human rights issue. It infringes on the right to dignity, education, health & privacy” via=”no”] Founder and president of Pledge a Pad SA, 28-year-old Aileen Hlongoane was born in Kwa-Ndebele in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Upon completing her high school with a distinction, Aileen enrolled for an LLB degree at the University of Pretoria. It was whilst volunteering at the institution’s Centre of Sexualities, Aids, and Gender that she discovered that young girls from underprivileged communities are forced to miss 3–4 days of school every month because they do not have access to sanitary pads.  Aileen then established Pledge a Pad SA, a non-profit organisation that aims to educate young girls from lower income households about menstrual and reproductive health as well as provide them with sanitary towels in a bid to lower the high school- absenteeism rate of these young girls. SLA contributor Kutlwano Mokgojwa catches up with the 2015 Mail & Guardian top 200 young South Africans about challenging social myths and taboos surrounding menstruation, appealing to the Constitutional court to have provincial governments provide free sanitary pads to schoolgirls and increasing the access to sanitary pads across the country. [bctt tweet=”I figured that when faced with a decision between bread and sanitary pads, they’d always choose the former” via=”no”] Prior to Pledge a Pad SA, there were virtually no organisations founded for the sole purpose of affording schoolgirls from lower LSM communities to attend school during their periods. What triggered you to change that in South Africa? My tenure as a volunteer at the Centre for the Study of AIDS was my springboard. Whilst I was pursuing my LLB degree, I volunteered at the Centre for the Study of AIDS, at the University of Pretoria. We visited many orphanages and like places of safety, which houses many girls, yet have very little resources. I figured that when faced with a decision between bread and sanitary pads, they would always choose the former. Therefore, that “time of the month” would be a nightmare to the affected girls. The subject of menstruation is still very much a taboo what impediments, if any, did that cause for your organisation? Requesting donations from males and older women was difficult and sometimes impossible. Men think this is something that only women should talk about. The elder women feel disrespected when a young woman or a man speaks to them about anything that has to do with the menstrual cycle. [bctt tweet=”Requesting donations from males and older women was difficult and sometimes impossible” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Since the establishment of your organisation, other Non-Profit Organisations dealing with the same issue have been established. As of this year, the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government has started an initiative to supply schoolgirls from lower LSM schools with sanitary pads. Did you envision that your organisation would have such an impact? Why do you think the issue wasn’t tackled earlier? I really did not envision that our organisation would have such a great impact on the country. Not enough awareness was created on this issue and many people needed to be educated on the plight of young women and girls who cannot afford sanitary pads. The lack of sanitary pads is a human rights issue and it infringes on the right to dignity, education, health and privacy. Therefore there exist constitutional grounds to bring an application at the Constitutional Court to compel other Provincial Governments to provide free sanitary pads. There have been several petitions to have the South African government levy the tax on sanitary pads and tampons. What is your view on that? As Pledge a Pad, our main concern is the access to sanitary pad, therefore we support initiatives that will increase access to sanitary pads. You started the organisation whilst still studying, what effect did it have on what you initially wanted to do after school? How has running such an organisation affected your worldview and what has been the most gratifying experience you have had since the establishment of Pledge a Pad? I lost the interest in studying towards my LLB degree and I wanted to run Pledge a Pad full time and turn it into my career. I realised that the reasons we judge and discriminate against each other as people stems from ignorance and lack of education. Women suffer much prejudice just by virtue of being women; unless the status quo is dealt with, women will always lag behind compared to their male counterparts. What would you say is a skill that is essential in running a Non-Profit Organisation? A combination of business skills and care for people. [bctt tweet=”You need a combination of business schools and care for people to run a non-profit @Aileenhlongoane” via=”no”] What is the way forward for Pledge a Pad? Expand our operations and engage more state holders. Continue to advocate for women’s rights. What tasty food do you think would be disgusting over rice? Cake If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here. 

Mahlodi Legodi: I manage the business, God owns it

Mahlodi Legodi

Public relations is basically free advertising. The thing is, it is important to be able to relate with the people on which your business relies. It is those relationships that will make people support your vision by choosing your product or services over your competitors. As a client I’d want some transparency, I mean who supports a vision they don’t understand? Mahlodi Legodi will help you with that.  With 5 years experience in Public Relations, Mahlodi has managed and improved the media relations and reputation for prominent African and international brands. Notable among these are Carlson Rezidor (Radisson Blu Hotel group), LG Electronics, Bosch power tools, Ask Afrika and Subinite. With this extensive clientele base spanning corporate, consumer and retail sectors, Mahlodi has overseen and executed successful internal and external campaigns, exhibitions, product and service launches, media roundtables, internal and external communication strategies. SLA content fellow Rumbie had the opportunity to interview Mahlodi Legodi and this is what the PR guru had to share… Mahlodi Legodi, some of the readers would want to know what the few months before starting up your company were like. Starting a company isn’t an easy process! The first few months before I decided to embark on this entrepreneurship journey I spent in prayer, research, planning and preparation for the birth of FR Communications Pty Ltd. It is very important to gather as much information about your business venture. Speak with a few industry players about what worked for them and what didn’t in order to position yourself well in the industry. From the outset what was your mission? Our mission is to create and deliver award-winning services to our clients by providing modern strategic and creative ideas that are tailored to clients’ business objectives. We aim to be crucial creative partners to the brands that require effective and professionally executed PR and Communications solutions. Did you ever consider letting go and probably getting yourself a 9 -5? No, I have never considered getting another 9 to 5. The beauty of venturing into business for me came with the assurance that I had nothing to worry or stress about for greater is He that is in me (1 John 4:4) than he (challenges or struggles) that is in the world. I manage the business but God owns it! What gets you out of bed every morning? What gets me up in the morning is the reminder that my clients trusted me enough with their brands (dreams, aspirations and livelihood) accompanied with the love and passion for what I do. [bctt tweet=”When you lead your industry through communication, ensure it’s not just pretty but right” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] ‘FR Communications believes in the importance of not just having a great idea but to have the “right idea”.’ How do you know your idea is the right idea? We are committed to setting brands apart in a crowded marketplace by offering unique, innovative and media savvy PR services that don’t only focus on creating great ideas but delivering the right ideas. Ideas which produce proven results that have a direct and positive impact on our clients brands. The right idea is more than just something you’re excited about —it is an idea that is actually viable to ensure the overall success of the clients business and communication needs. The right idea will always solve a business problem and set your brand apart in the industry in a memorable way. It is extremely hard to consistently create content that’s truly unique and new. So when you do have the chance to lead your industry through your communication, you have to take it and ensure it’s not just great (pretty looking, sounds amazing) but it’s right (viable, educational, factual, and speaks to your target audience) It is extremely hard to consistently create content that’s truly unique and new. So when you do have the chance to lead your industry through your communication, you have to take it and ensure it’s not just great (pretty looking, sounds amazing) but it’s right (viable, educational, factual, and speaks to your target audience) What is the most gratifying part of your position as owner and senior consultant? In this role, I learned that if God puts authority and credibility in your life, the title (owner and senior consultant) is irrelevant. I do everything from filling, writing, recons, mentoring, and media monitoring. What does it take to be a co-owner of a company? Who do you need to be connected to and what does one need to bring to the table as a cofounder/ coowner? Being a co-founder of a company means that you are part of a team that came together to compliment each other and validate the plans concerning the company before implementing them. When you decide to get into partnership with someone in business (being a co-owner/co-founder), it is very important to have a mutual understanding and vision of the products and services that you want to provide to the market and how you will ensure the company continues to grow. A partnership agreement should contain the following: It needs to define who contributes what: You need to discuss with your business partner what you both will be bringing to the table in terms of labour, cash, clients, property etc. Who plans on working on the business full-time, part-time or just act as a silent partner?  It is very important to define who gets paid what: This consists of an outline of how profits will be distributed. Will each partner be paid a salary for his or her role in the business? If so, how much? And what about any extra profits for the year? You need to be able to define how decisions get made: What type of decisions require unanimous votes, and what type of daily decisions can be made by a single partner? Discussing these matters upfront and deciding what decision-making structure will let your business run the most effectively is important in a joint venture. If a co-founder doesn’t come to their part

Nthabiseng Mapela: Knowing that I made it happen makes all the hard work worth it

Nthabiseng Mapela

[bctt tweet=”Entrepreneurship was never something I dreamed of doing – Nthabiseng Mapela” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Entrepreneurship is about offering solution to problems. Nthabiseng Maphela, founder of Beyond Measure, an event company for growth is one of the few to say that money was always a motive to her. Even though it is not the primary motive. Nthabiseng certainly did not have sleepless night thinking about money but because she wanted to offer a better service for all. It is a passion for what she is doing for others that drives her. What does self employment mean to you? Self employment to me means building a legacy for the world, a legacy that will reflect who entrepreneurs are and change life of others. Self employment is a mean of giving back. What do you like most about your job? How do you stay motivated when things don’t go as planned? Despite all the stress and horrors, all the cancellations and technical difficulties, event planners wouldn’t have it any other way. What could be more rewarding than the end results? Seeing people enjoying themselves, seeing everyone connect and share an experience. Knowing that I made it happen makes all the hard work worth it and that’s why I love working in events. What are the most common/serious problems you have encountered as an event manager? We face three major problems; unexpected weather, technicaly failure 
and most importantly, guests not showing up The trick is to always have a backup plan. What is close to your heart? Entrepreneurship. It was never something I dreamed of doing but it’s important to the country. Entrepreneurship contribute to the economy and this made me want to be part of the team that changes the world. It is something that makes me feel very important and make me feel like i am contributing towards the economic growth. What do you enjoy more about you job
? The planning itself and putting it into action is exciting at all times. That’s because to me it is always an opportunity to explore new things, meet people and explore different environments. just love planning for my company because no matter how impossible it might look to people, I just love planning for my company because no matter how impossible it might look to people, I am going to put it into action as the owner of my company. Can you tell us about your services? Sure. Regarding our services, outside planning events, 
we supply promoters, hostesses, actors, brand ambassadors, dancers and extras. What is the first thing you do when you plan an event? Assemble a team. In union there is strength. What do you live by? Everything in this world began with a thought, respect your thoughts, value them and put them into action. Those thoughts comes from the world of possibilities. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here. 

Mphela Yelane: The agriculture sector should be the highest paying employer in the continent

mphele yelane

[bctt tweet=”We don’t think just being natural is enough. Products should deliver results – Mphela Yelane” via=”no”] “To me, it shifted from the mindset of being a policy maker to becoming an individual championing the comparative local development concept. Africa trades more in agriculture, the agriculture sector should be the highest paying employer in the continent I thought.” These were the thoughts of a 31-year-old Mphele Yelane while in Italy on a student exchange program that exposed her to the real context of local development. Born and raised in the African Eden (Limpopo province), “in our backyards you find plants for food and healing remedies. It’s natural for me to take advantage of the wealth in our soil. In Tzaneen my hometown, we produce oranges, lemon, nuts, avocadoes, litchis etc. I know in June I get avocado and orange for consumption and also apply as a face mask”. The cosmetic products started as a creative thing to do for Mphele, her sisters and friends started coming for more after trying her products. While doing her Masters it clicked to her that this should be a business, Mphele realised she could empower her neighbours by buying from them and producing organic products for profit. Hence Ezamazwe Skin Solution brand was conceived. Ezamazwe means “of the world” or “from the earth”. Tell me more about Ezamazwe Skin Solution. Ezamazwe Skin Solution is 100% organic skincare products. We source our ingredients from all over the African continent to ensure we only work with top quality products. A good example is our unrefined shea butter which comes from Ghana. Our passion is to source out pure products from local traders in order to produce products that are truly pure, environmentally friendly and have never been tested on animals for quality control. The fact that we do all our own research and development and produce all our products from start to finish in one location, ensures high quality every step of the way. Ezamazwe Skin Solution is proud to guarantee that we use the recommended dosages for all our actives. We don’t think just being natural is enough. Products should deliver results. Our product is completely organic, and healthy for the environment as it is for human skin. Starting its life as nuts, raw materials are carefully crafted into many useful products, including oil and butter. The beauty of shea butter is that it is infinitely recycled from plant to skin butter. Recycling nuts products therefore, contribute to the preservation of our planet. As a sustainable skin solution, it takes nothing away from the environment and leaves nothing behind. How did you get your idea or concept for the business? I am born in an entrepreneurial family, my parents own a tuck-shop, taxi business and are involved in community projects. I know more about business management than being an employee. When people started making regular orders I knew this must be formalized. What was your mission at the outset? My dream is to have Ezamazwe Skin Solution become one of the very few local organic skincare manufacturers in the South African cosmetic industry. When did you “charter” the business? The business started officially in 2007, now to celebrate 10 years I decided to register a formal business in 2017. The brand has grown and the market is ready to receive the Ezamazwe Skin Solution brand. [bctt tweet=”Mphele Yelane ran Ezamazwe Skin Solution for 10 years before formally registering it as a business” via=”no”] How do you advertise your business? I advertise my business mainly through word of mouth. I also utilise social media and am now ready to sponsor TV programs and beauty pageants. How long do you stick with an idea before giving up? I have a solid support system from my parents, my sisters (Olgah, Sharon and Lerato) and my husband. I run my ideas with them, if they buy it, I start doing research and officialise it. If they say it’s not viable I leave it there. Also, I never give up, I just postpone and re-focus my energy. Giving up is never an option if I am sold onto something. Describe/outline your typical day? I am still employed full-time and work on Ezamazwe Skin Solution as part-time. My husband is a hands-on father, a typical day starts with “morning ritual”; drop my son at school, off to work, during lunch I work on Ezamazwe Skin Solution. After work, driving back home I start planning my day as MD of Ezamazwe Concepts. Once I get home, I do house chores, then from 9pm to 2am I work on Ezamazwe Skin Solution; processing orders, delivery arrangement, and manufacturing process. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life? It doesn’t, my husband is a businessman too and my mentor, we don’t know anything besides working smart as parents. What motivates you? I am motivated by the desire to be financially fit so that even if I don’t work for a year, my lifestyle don’t change. How do you generate new ideas? Ideas are not generated, they just come when one is content. When you are at peace with self, your mind starts working right and ideas start popping up. [bctt tweet=”Ideas are not generated, they just come when one is content – Mphele Yelane” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How far are you willing to go to succeed? I won’t rest until Ezamazwe Skin Solution becomes a household brand and number one skincare solution in Africa. What is your favourite aspect of being an entrepreneur? Changing people’s lives through employment is something that brings me joy as an entrepreneur. I also enjoy exploring new markets and take pride in producing Proundly SA brand. To what do you most attribute your success? What would say are the five key elements for starting and running a successful business? Wow! If I had to limit it to five elements, they would be, Know yourself in Christ Commit and focus on your plan Believe in yourself and stick to the plan Do

SheHive DC: June 22nd – 25th 2017

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1448373453827{margin-top: -30px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]The SheHive train came to Washington DC as part of a North America Tour! Check out the fun we had below and join our community to stay up to date on our next SheHive destinations.[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][vc_single_image image=”20179″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1448373453827{margin-top: -30px !important;}”][vc_column][timetable id=”7″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][instagram-feed type=hashtag hashtag=shehivedc][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”34515″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”35699″][vc_single_image image=”34516″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Thank you to our accommodation sponsor Westmont Hospitality Group and The University Inn DC!![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Olwethu Mabumbulu: We have everything we need

[bctt tweet=”If we can leverage from one another, we can do so much towards growing prosperity within our communities” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] While we all sang along to Solange Knowles’ A Seat at the Table album, Olwethu Mabumbulu was propelled to create something that is for us, by us. By day, Olwethu helps people trade derivative instruments as a Sales Executive at a listed global trading company. She has gained four years of experience within the financial services industry, particularly investments and trading.  The rest of the time, she nourishes her entrepreneurial appetite as founder of the subscription box startup, Heart of Brown (Pty) Ltd. Heart of Brown offers a bi-monthly lifestyle subscription box for women of colour, which features, natural and artisan products from local, black women-owned businesses. Olwethu’s subscription box aims to affirm young black women, and expose us to products that are great for our skin and hair, and helps us highlight the importance of self-care. Olwethu aims to make a difference in the lives of busy millennial women and lift up other fellow black entrepreneurs with great products and she shares how she plans to achieve this. Talk us through what Heart of Brown entails? Heart of Brown is a lifestyle subscription box for brown beauties. We curate lifestyle products spanning skin, hair, beauty, accessories and edibles based on our bi-monthly theme. Our purpose is to help busy young black women discover the best in local products. We have two boxes: a HOB box, which costs R400 plus shipping, and HOB mini box priced at R200 plus shipping. How do you choose the products for the subscription boxes? This is the part of the business that I thoroughly enjoy. I’m always on the lookout for good products. Firstly, I love visiting local markets and trying new products. I also spend an insane amount of time researching about local entrepreneurs. At any given time, I have a notebook with a running list of vendors and products I would like to feature in future. I then purchase and test the different products. If they meet the criteria in terms of the box’s vision and criteria then I will curate products that fit the theme and approach the vendors to purchase from them. Does innovation play a role in the course of running your business? Yes, in fact running a business successfully is a constant process of going back to the drawing board to come up with something new. In my experience, the quest for innovation has manifested in a new way to connect with local vendors, a new way to gain customers and frequently trying new products. Also, every second month, the box has a new theme. For example, the theme for the box running between April and May is ‘’Autumn Renewal”. [bctt tweet=”Running a successful business is a constant process of going back to the drawing board ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Are you looking to expand beyond the South African market? In the short term, my goal for HOB is to increase our customer base and dominate the subscription box market locally, while really showcasing and uplifting brilliant products made by independent entrepreneurs. In the medium term, I would love to expand our reach by collaborating with other African entrepreneurs and shipping our box to brown beauties across the continent. A friend of mine encouraged me with these wise words just the other day, “we have everything we need”, I believe this is true of us as Africans. If we can leverage from one another, we can do so much towards growing prosperity within our communities. So far, what happy days have encouraged you? The day I registered the company was a milestone for me. Heart of Brown really started its humble beginnings as a “Eureka moment” brainstorm I had while studying for my exams late last year. I had been researching the subscription box concept, particularly prominent in North America and the UK. I had a clear vision -to localise the concept and offer products to women who are like me. Once I actually registered the company, then got the logo done it really started to click that the vision was slowly becoming a reality. The real challenge that lay ahead though, was getting my first customers.  After much trial and error, when I got that first sale I felt happiness and validation all wrapped in one. This still encourages me to keep going on a daily basis. Tweet: when I got that first sale I felt happiness and validation all wrapped in one What tools and skills have played a vital role to support and grow your business? An array of online tools have proved to be time saving and invaluable to my business (the great news is that they all have free versions) -Evernote, MailChimp, Hubspot, Canva, Google Ads express, Reddit, and of course, social media platforms as well. Skills needed to survive include passion, voracious reading, keeping abreast of industry developments, adaptability and people skills. Tell us about the Solange Knowles song being inspiration for you I have been a Solange Knowles fan for a long time; what I love most about her is her ability to honour her own path and not conform. A Seat at the Table, to me, is actually the pinnacle of her following her truth and this paid off. The whole album was a meditation on being unapologetic and proudly black. Having this message on rotation became a catalyst for me to ask what I can do to express my own truth. My favourite songs on the album are “FUBU” and “Don’t Touch My Hair” these songs resonate because they empower the black community, especially black women. What has been the greatest challenge so far in the course of the business? As a bootstrapping business, the number one challenge is making the best possible use of a limited budget, but I’m quickly learning to be creative as I go and that is also the fun part. You learn to let go of perfectionist inhibitions

Presence and Poise Web Series in collaboration with Dark and Lovely Africa

Have you ever wished that you had a fairy godmother that would come and bless your life with glitter, money and Versace? In the hyper competitive business world, we often only have 3-5 seconds to make a great first impression. Even if we don’t want it to be the case, the way we present ourselves can have a major impact on whether or not we get that job interview, business deal or media opportunity. Our mothers have blocked us from casting any spells (AMEN) but we have been able to pull together an amazing collaboration to help you upgrade your style, confidence and business in one quick swoop! We’re proud to introduce Presence and Poise, an exciting new makeover series to help improve the business skills and confidence of up and coming women in our community. In collaboration with global beauty giant Dark and Lovely in Africa, Presence and Poise will identify five women who are working hard to build a business but need coaching and support to get to that next level. Selected participants will win a complimentary trip to Johannesburg, South Africa, business coaching from a seasoned expert and a beauty and style makeover by Dark and Lovely Haircare Experts. After the makeover they will also be introduced to potential business partners, mentors or investors who can help support their business moving forward. To be considered for a makeover, follow these simple steps: Upload a video onto Instagram on why you deserve a business makeover and use the hashtag #PresencexPoise Include your City and Country in your caption Follow @DarkandLovelyAfrica and @SheLeadsAfrica Applications close on 14 April 2017 at 11:59pm WAT. After your makeover, you’ll be walking into your next meeting like this. Terms and Conditions INTRODUCTION: The Presence and Poise Makeover Web Series will provide young women with a business makeover including a new hairstyle, outfit and coaching to get their business to the next level. The goal of the show is to encourage young women to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. The Promoters for The Presence and Poise Makeover Web Series (“the competition”) are Devorent Nigeria Limited (“She Leads Africa “) and L’Oreal South Africa (Proprietary) Limited  (“Dark and Lovely Africa”)  (collectively, “the organisers”). APPLICATION PROCESS: Open to Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Ivory Coast and South Africa residents aged 18 or over only, who are in possession of a valid identity document except employees and directors of She Leads Africa & Dark and Lovely Africa, and their associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, their families, partners, agents or any other person(s) connected with the competition, including third party promotional partners. Competition opens at 12:00am WAT on 29 March and closes at 11.59pm WAT on 14 April 2017 (the Closing Date). Entries received after the Closing Date will not be counted. One entry per person. Bulk, automatically generated or third party entries are void. Each entrant must make a 60-second entry video uploaded on Instagram where they give a brief personal introduction and explain why they deserve to win the makeover. Each entrant must follow Dark and Lovely Africa on Instagram and use the hashtag #PresencexPoise for their submission to be valid. The Organisers reserve the right to publish entries (including parts of entries) other than the winning entry and publication does not necessarily mean the entrant has won a prize. Entrants will retain copyright in their submitted entries, however, by entering, all entrants give consent and provide the Organisers a worldwide royalty-free perpetual licence to edit, publish and use each entry in any and all media (including print and online) for publicity and news purposes. The Organisers reserve the right to publish entries (including parts of entries) although publication does not necessarily mean the entrant has won a prize. Applicants can opt out to this consent at any time by contacting the Organisers via written request at Up to five Selected Participants will be selected by the Organisers at its complete discretion based on the uniqueness of the entry, need for the makeover and the business. Selection decisions will be communicated publicly via Instagram on the She Leads Africa and Dark and Lovely Africa pages by 5 May 2017 The Organisers reserves the right not to select any Participants if there are insufficient entries or if the quality of the entries is poor. The Organisers selection decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. By entering, all eligible entrants agree to abide by each and all these terms and conditions. Misrepresentative or fraudulent entries will invalidate an entry. Where a competition involves a voting process:  offering or receiving any incentive for voting is not permitted and will invalidate the vote, and may disqualify the recipient of the vote. The Organisers reserve the right, with or without cause, to exclude entrants and withhold prizes for violating any of these terms and conditions. The Organisers reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions. Any amendments will be published on the Organiser’s website (the Website). THE PRIZE The Prize is a trip to Johannesburg, South Africa, a new hairstyle, a makeup session, a wardrobe styling session and a business mentorship session. Those outside of Johannesburg, South Africa will receive assistance with their visa application, an economy class round trip ticket, transportation within Johannesburg and feeding. Selected Participants within Johannesburg will receive complimentary transport from their homes to the filming location. The prize is non-transferable and there are no cash alternatives to the prize in whole or in part. Each Selected Participant must be available to travel to Johannesburg, South Africa for the makeover and video shoot between May 1 – May 30 2017. Each Selected Participant must have a valid passport. Each Selected Participant consents and agrees that they will, if requested by the Organisers, make themselves exclusively available for any publicity and promotion at venues, dates and times designated by the Organisers. The organisers will contact the Selected Participants telephonically by 28 April 2017 via the Instagram handle they have applied with. Should the winner not be contactable by the

Mpho Makhafola: You’ll look back on this time and be proud of the woman you became

[bctt tweet=”Mpho Makhafola greatest passion in life is inspiring young women through her writing” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Mpho Makofola is an inspired storyteller and creator of the Young Mothers Series, a platform that grew out of her very interesting and addictive blog, I Am My Own Gift. Through the blog, she has created a safe haven for young mothers to feel accepted and loved. Mpho’s blog in a way validates the worth of young mothers as valuable members of society. It creates a sense of community, belongingness, and sisterhood as well as a safe space for young mothers to share their stories about the joys and hurdles of existing in a world that largely discriminates against them. Tell us about yourself, who is Mpho? Mpho Makhafola is a linguist who studied at the University of Pretoria (South Africa). She is also a blogger and an educator at an all-girls school in Pretoria. Her greatest passions in life include writing and inspiring young women through her blog posts and being surrounded by strong women who in turn inspire and motivate her to be great. Mpho loves a good laugh and is absolutely a girly-girl who loves having her nails did and her face beat 🙂 What is that one tipping point that caused you to create the Young Mothers Series on your blog? And are you yourself a young mum? What inspired the Young Mothers Series was all the young mothers I have the privilege to have met and engaged with. Many if not all of us have a friend or family member who is/was a young mom and I noticed just how negative society is towards these young women and how falling pregnant young has been and is still such a taboo across all races and groups. This really broke my heart because I believe that being a young mom is a challenge in itself. Why add on to that by hiding your pregnancy and loathing oneself just because society is so negative? Why not accept of one of life’s greatest gifts to women, motherhood? So the continued judgement and ostracism of young mothers pushed me to seek these young women out, document their journeys to motherhood and give them a voice to say, “Yes world, I fell pregnant young, but I am still capable of achieving my goals and pushing myself to get my education and so much more. A baby doesn’t mean the end of my life and all that is good in it”. And no, I am not a young mom myself. I initially thought this would make it hard to capture the stories of these young mom’s realistically without watering them down because I “can’t relate”. I really tried by all means to treat each feature as a new experience and always remembering that these young women deserved their truth’s to be shared as raw and beautiful as they are. [bctt tweet=”The Young Mothers Series helps young moms with whatever they are struggling with at the moment” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What is your favourite thing about the blog? It has to be the impact that it has had on strangers, on the featured mommy’s and even on me. Some of the responses I got still get me emotional. I had no idea of the struggles and emotional trauma some of these young moms go through because the world is so unkind to them. I mean some even had family turn against them, partners desert them and literally had no support at all throughout their pregnancies. And I’ve always been so humbled to hear that my blog has resonated with someone or given them hope in knowing that they are not alone. Besides the young mother series, I was also lucky to feature a number of amazing personalities like Fareida Metsileng (pharoahfi), a young poet Thuto Gaasenwe and I also did a blog post for NUK and Artemis brands in relation to the young mother’s series. What obstacles have you overcome in order to be the kind of woman who’s capable of reaching out to uplift other women? I’ve always said that it’s hard being a woman, we go through mountains of struggles and obstacles are constantly put in our way to break us yet we still show unbelievable strength and manage somehow to put on that lipstick and fight on. I’ve had my fair share of challenges, struggled a lot with self-image and body issues, insecurities, relationships and all of that negativity seeped into all areas of my life. My blog started out as a place to vent about my relationship frustrations and how hurt I was at that point. But God had better plans for my hard times and I managed to still heal and share on myself whilst healing women out there who shared some if not all of my sentiments. I also was raised in an underprivileged area so I always felt the need to fit in with friends and be someone I wasn’t, especially in high school. I had to really dig deep to find myself and be comfortable with who I was and where I came from and not be ashamed of myself and blame myself for things I had no control over. So I saw the need for the upliftment of women especially in our personal lives, we are often so ashamed to speak about our hurts. I decided to basically tear myself apart and to share deeply into my life in order to piece other women together one blog post at a time. [bctt tweet=”I saw the need for the upliftment of women especially in our personal lives – Mpho Makhafola” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What inspires you to continue your work every day? It has to be my admiration for women. I am absolutely amazed when I see women pioneering in life and breaking down barriers to achieve and be phenomenal. I just light up inside when I see a fellow sister making waves. And of course, the thought that this blog post I