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5 enemies of success you need to be aware of

[bctt tweet=”What do you know about enemies of success? Learn how to overcome them here” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] As we know, success is not a destination but a journey. In our road to climbing up the corporate ladder or building our businesses we will face obstacles that try to discourage us from moving forward or to derail our success. Sometimes these challenges may catch us by surprise, but at other times they are of our own making. Here are 5 enemies of success you need to be aware of: Pride There is good pride, which is a consciousness of worth and a feeling of happiness about yourself or accomplishments. But there is also bad pride, which comes from thinking you are better than others and results in arrogance – many great men and women have fallen because of pride. As you climb up the ladder it is important to remain humble, never look down on others or reach a point where you begin to think of yourself more highly than those around you. Pride is a silent but powerful enemy that can hinder you or bring you to downfall. A #MotherlandMogul we can learn from in this area: Oprah Winfrey For two decades Oprah was the most watched daytime television host. It would be easy for such fame and success to get to anyone’s head; however, no matter how successful or famous she became Oprah remained grounded, as she still is today. Here is one of her most famous quotes on remaining humble: “I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes.” Losing focus Why do some people start well but sadly you wonder what ever happened to them? You must know of someone who was doing so well in their studies or career, and then suddenly their grades or career went downhill. In several cases that is as a result of losing focus. If you’re aiming for success, you can’t allow yourself to be distracted A #MotherlandMogul we can learn from in this area: Bonang Matheba On the topic of success Africa’s leading lady of entertainment has shared that one of the things that will help you remain focused. One is to remind yourself of why you started, on her blog she wrote this as one of her life lessons learned: “The most important rule for any person that’s passionate enough to see their dreams come to fruition is to BE FOCUSED!” Lack of preparation While there may be a few instances where you get away with sitting in a meeting with little or no preparation, the truth is no matter what you’re doing, if you fail to prepare then you sabotage your chance of success. There is a reason successful people put a lot of thought into planning and making preparations for what they want to achieve – it works. #MotherlandMogul Aminata Dumbuya said: “When preparation meets opportunity, success happens.” Lack of discipline Lack of discipline or self-control is an enemy that has led to many successful people’s downfall. In order to obtain what you want tomorrow, you need to be willing to suffer a little for a while and to sacrifice or delay what it is you want today. Athletes know this well. In order not to be taken out by the enemy called “lack of discipline”, write down a list of disciplines you need to keep and make a commitment to yourself to keep them. “Lots of guts and discipline are needed to increase patronage of your brand.” – Idonrenyen Enang dropped this wisdom at #SheHive Lagos Showing no gratitude If you kept on doing something for someone and they never once came back to say ‘thank you’, chances are you would think twice about doing something for them again. Without a grateful attitude, you may not go very far in life. Successful people have a sense of gratitude. You destroy this enemy by showing gratitude for everything you have and have accomplished. You know the saying “Count your blessings one by one”, you can fuel your career just by showing gratitude. A #MotherlandMogul we can learn from in this area: Oprah Winfrey She said: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Can you think of any other enemies to your success? Deal with them before they sabotage your progress in life.

Is your personal growth stunted? 5 signs that it might be


[bctt tweet=”Sometimes we get stuck because we haven’t learned anything new, these tips should help” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What to do when you’ve lost your mojo We all want to become the best we can be. But what happens when you’ve lost your mojo? There’s a chance that your personal growth might be stunted. There’s no shame in that, it happens to the best of us: sometimes you just get stuck and it feels gross. Here are some signs to help you tell, and some quick simple ways to overcome it. 1. You’re really comfortable right now Life is fine. Like, just fine. Everything is just okay. You’ve got a good steady rhythm at home, at work and in your relationships but it’s been steady like that for A WHILE… to the point of standing still. You look around you and feel the buzz around you, but you’re on the outside. While being in this position isn’t necessarily bad, it’s not amazing either. It’s just —you guessed it— fine. You’ve stopped growing. Ask yourself: When did I last get excited about creating something new and of real value? If you’re struggling to find an answer, it’s time to change. Why not take on a new challenge? Join a society at university, or a network at work. Volunteer at a local charity that your care about or look for opportunities to give your skills to budding entrepreneurs. All you have to do is reach out and ask —over the phone, in person or using social media. It’s all there ready and waiting for you.     2. You’re bored at work Even when we’re in our dream jobs, work can sometimes be less than glamorous. There’s always that one activity that you’d rather skip. When you face this boredom or frustration you need to…. Ask yourself: Is it time to move on, or do I just need to do something different where I am? Next, have a conversation. With your boss, your manager or your team (if you are the boss/manager) about new opportunities or projects that you can try out. Of course, the way you ask depends on your role at work, so take that into consideration. Once you’ve identified these new personal growth goals you can set monthly or weekly goals to drive your progress. Many of us make great 1-5 year plans but struggle to translate them into our daily hustles. 3. You don’t leave conversations feeling inspired, motivated or energized You can’t remember the last time you learned anything of value, every conversation feels the same. I get it, it’s happened to me before. But too many people blame others, they claim that there aren’t ‘enough people to have intelligent conversation’ with. Well, before you blame others for anything in life, always look at yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world. Ask yourself: What do I bring to the table? If you’ve followed personal growth steps 1 & 2 above, you may eventually have something new to bring to your conversations. Once you’ve done that, you can start planning how you expand your horizons and your network. The age-old saying goes, ‘your network is your networth’ and if you haven’t made any new friends lately, maybe it’s time to go to an event, #SheHive or conference to get the conversational juices flowing again. [bctt tweet=”Before you blame others for anything in life, always look at yourself” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 4. You know as much as you did yesterday, and the day before that… and the day before that Sometimes we get stuck because we haven’t learned anything new. Personal growth involves your body AND your brain. We all have our niche —whether it’s fashion, tech, finance, politics or anything in between. But we can all benefit from knowing a little bit of everything across the board. Some employers call this being a ‘t-shaped’ person, someone who has deep knowledge in a few areas and broad knowledge across many others. These types of people can work well in many situations and are typically more employable. Ask yourself: When was the last time I learned anything new? The good news is that in the age of Google, a lot of information is $free.99 – shout out to SLA for this free guide right here. You can learn most of the basics on a shoestring budget, or no budget at all. What have you got to lose?   5. You lack energy and feel sluggish Sluggish. What a word, sounds horrible right? You might feel chronically tired, or that you’re living life in slow motion. Sometimes this is because you’ve been working too damn hard, but other times it’s caused by the fact that you aren’t doing much at all. If it’s the latter, the final thing you can do to boost your personal growth is actually get moving. Ask yourself: How can I shake up my routine in some way? This might be something really small like changing the route you take to work or your night-time beauty routine. It could also mean becoming more active. YES, I do mean going to the gym, joining a sports team or doing a class. A little sweat never hurt anyone! It sounds kind of crazy, but the more you work out, the more energy you have for other areas in your life. So, no excuses. Try these recommendations out and let us know how they work for you. Doing something new is scary, but life begins outside of your comfort zone. So does personal growth. You’ll be challenged in a new way, and you’ll develop into a more well-rounded person in the process.  

Nomfanelo Magwentshu: How to shape #MotherlandMoguls into leaders #SheHiveJoburg

nomfanelo magwentshu shehive joburg she leads africa

[bctt tweet=”To be a leader, take a leap of faith, follow your dreams and add value to other people’s lives” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Nomfanelo Magwentshu is a partner at McKinsey and was the lead organiser for the SA Fifa World Cup. She was previously the GM for South Africa’s national carrier, South African Airways. Nomfanelo provided some tips on how to be leaders at #SheHiveJoburg. She also opened up about her upbringing and her reasons for leaving certain roles in her career that did not fulfil her. With that said, one saying we took from Nomfanelo and her journey and that can resonate with Motherland Moguls is this, Take a leap of faith and follow your dreams and add value to other people’s lives even in the smallest ways. Nomfanelo shared what has shaped the leader that she is today: Show up and take risks Always show up and take risks when you are given opportunities in your career or in business. Show up and be counted. People must know you, and acknowledge you. Ensure that you’re not just a number to an organisation, you need to make sure you leave your mark. [bctt tweet=”Nomfanelo Magwentshu advises leaders to find sponsors and mentors that will challenge them” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Find sponsors and mentors According to Nomfanelo, find sponsors and mentors that will challenge you. Someone that will challenge some of  your deepest issues and fears. One of her deepest fears is the fear of failure, especially the fear of not being good enough in a new environment. She pointed out that mentors will not make the decisions for you. It’s important to make yourself accountable for everyday decision, even if you have a mentor to help you navigate through your life. #MotherlandMogul tip: Find people to coach you —different people who can coach you on different aspects of your life and find those people that will challenge to get the best out of you. Think about the bigger picture When Nomfanelo joined the SA Fifa World Cup organising committee, it was not about being the best in football. She shied away from the media but her biggest goal was to think of the bigger picture, and that was to ensure that South Africa delivers the best World Cup. [bctt tweet=”Always listen to your head and your heart to become the leader you’ve always wanted to be” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Listen, follow your head but don’t neglect your heart At times where she lasted 5 months in an organisation, in her head Nomfanelo knew this MIGHT be the right place for her but her heart told her otherwise. Ensure that you listen to both to make the right decisions for yourself. Failure is a step towards success You need to learn from your failures as they are a step to your next success. When you go to your next step, learn from your failures and you are guaranteed to be successful. If you make another mistake, always get up and keep moving. #MotherlandMogul tip: Ensure that you reflect and you learn from the failures and make sure that you do not repeat them.

9 personality traits for guaranteed success

shehive london she leads africa success

Ever seen the look of surprise when certain men hear that you are the Managing Director or CEO? Most women are generally content and more likely to take a back-seat when it comes to leadership roles. However, being a woman shouldn’t hold you back or alter your chances of success. It all comes down to personality. You need to develop confidence and a fiercely independent attitude for determination to succeed. Read on to learn more about the important qualities that prosperous businesswomen possess and how to develop them. 1. Ambitious Being successful is not only about being an expert in your industry, but also having the desire to see the bigger picture, and play a greater role in society. A successful entrepreneur has a vision and can see the path ahead and be able to inspire others to help them turn a dream into a reality. 2. Entrepreneurial and hard-working Women can be extremely resourceful. We are able to identify opportunities and develop the relationships that are needed to get work done. Hard work is our secret to success and to be successful you has to learn to sacrifice most of your spare time to build up your business. 3. Passionate Successful female entrepreneurs have a passion for what they do because they tend to develop businesses through the things they enjoy doing. Women have been stereotyped as emotional leaders by men, but really we are just passionate about success and excellence. What you need to do is find your own passion and once you believe in it, turn it into something you can really be proud of. 4. Optimistic/Positive attitude In the face of adversity, you need to be bold enough to stand the test of time. The tendency to look on the positive side of events or conditions helps you maintain a hopeful outlook. With an optimistic perspective, one expects the most favourable outcome, and as such, is more likely to get that favourable outcome. The ability to analyse situations, see the good side of projects and the results showcases a person’s attitude and level of confidence. This trait is contagious. 5. Confidence One of the defining characteristics of being successful is confidence —the ability to understand what you are capable of. A confident personality is essential to win the hearts, respect and earn the trust of clients and build a profitable business with a solid reputation. There is no point in starting a business unless you are confident and believe that you are destined for success. To be a successful Motherland Mogul, you need to stand tall and hold your head up high. Whenever you are around and engaging with other people, smile, shake hands and always maintain eye contact. 6. Assertiveness You also need to be straightforward and confident in our communication with others to enable them to seize new opportunities. You’ll be greatly respected for this. In order to express your ideas, values and abilities you need to be assertive and confident. As a woman, when you are are self-assured, your peers will treat you with respect. Be fearless and learn to speak with authority and purpose. Remember though to also keep calm and deal with criticism rationally. 7. Aggressiveness Being aggressive doesn’t necessarily mean fighting all the time. It involves bringing constructive energy to projects to make sure that things get done. You can enhance this personality trait by developing a determined attitude to make sure you see things through until they are done. 8. Persistence We all get tested and life knocks us down now and again, the secret is in remembering to get back up when we fall. I have one motto, to always remind myself why I started even when I face challenges or opposition. Starting something is one thing, but keeping it going and making sure it’s a success is another. You need to learn the power of persistence and never give up. 9. Humility The business industry is always changing, so you will constantly need to keep up and remain innovative. Successful Motherland Moguls understand this and are willing to put in the extra work to learn and improve. Read books, attend workshops and learn from others. Remain humble and don’t ever be afraid to admit that you don’t know everything.  


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”21196″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The SheHiveTour is back and better than ever. Scroll down to see when we’re coming to your city. Look back at #SheHiveTour2016. What to expect: Expert led sessions that will teach you tangible business and career skills Networking opportunities Access to senior business leaders Turn up moments and explosions of #AfricanGirlMagic [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”16980″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”16979″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Our Joburg ladies gave us love as usual. Click on the image below to relive the fun from SheHiveJoburg (February 2017).[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”31805″ img_size=”500×400″ onclick=”custom_link” link=””][vc_column_text]Our sold out SheHive Kaduna (April 2017) was an incredible experience. Check it out by clicking below.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”33424″ img_size=”large” onclick=”custom_link” link=””][vc_column_text]We’re coming to Toronto July 2017 to enjoy the summer weather with you! Click the image below to join us.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”28413″ img_size=”500×400″ onclick=”custom_link” link=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Cape Town was fire!!! Reminisce on the fun from SheHive Cape Town by clicking the image below (February 2017).[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”31806″ img_size=”500×400″ onclick=”custom_link” link=””][vc_column_text]Of course we have to come to Washington DC to pay homage to the city of Olivia Pope. Click the image below to join us (June 2017.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”31823″ img_size=”500×400″ onclick=”custom_link” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Don’t see your city on the list? Then let us know that we’re crazy for skipping your hood. Sign up below and get your entire squad to do the same. We come where our community calls.[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][vc_column_text] Not sure if you should care about attending a SheHive? You must be crazy! But in any case, this is what you can expect from a She Leads Africa experience: Fun and engaging content: We aren’t boring and strive to deliver business content in a fun and relatable way. Young women like yourself looking to make an impact: Our community is full of smart and ambitious young women who want to live their best professional lives. Access to real business experts: At our events we always have exceptional speakers who have been there and can show you how to do that [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][instagram-feed type=hashtag hashtag=shehivetour2016 num=30 cols=5 height=1000][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Lessons we can learn from Lynette Ntuli’s success

Lynette Ntuli

Many women in Africa and the world are making great strides in their respective industries. It’s also common that when you have someone you look up to, it’s usually someone in the field that you are in. Whether you’re in tech, construction, or engineering. We tend to overlook other women in other industries because we have that perception that our role models should be within an industry we’re familiar with. This doesn’t have to be the case. As a woman in the tech industry, my admiration for Lynette’s work ethic and passion was welcomed. I was introduced to Lynette Ntuli when I was previously at an incubator and accelerator and looking into which successful women we would approach to be a speaker at a conference. I’ve followed her journey since then. Lynette is in property, asset management and infrastructure development. She is the CEO of Innate Investment Solutions based in Durban, South Africa. She also has a passion for youth development and leadership and is also the Founding Director and Chairman of She’s definitely a force to be reckoned with! Here are a few lessons we can learn from Lynette’s success and how she keeps making a difference: Be consistent For the past 11 years, Lynette has been a powerhouse in the making. One thing about her is that she does not stop achieving her dreams. From being the first black woman at the age of 24, to become the General Manager of one of Durban’s regional shopping centers to being the Co-Founder and CEO of a property, asset management and infrastructure solutions company. Tip: Lynette keeps consistent by focusing on not losing momentum. She believes that in anything you do, you will probably fall. Try and do things over again until you get it right. What is important is to keep your head high through all the trials. Help others grow In your pursuit of greatness and achieving your professional, personal and entrepreneurial goals, it is important to pay it forward. Some people make paying it forward their daily bread, and their passion. For others, you gain years of experience and want to share what you know. Sharing this knowledge will lead to making an impact in someone else’s life, whether the impact is big or small. At the age of 25, Lynette and 3 of her friends wanted to continue empowering others. This is where, a youth-oriented digital media and programme platform, grew. They had already grown their skills, and networks and wanted to share them with young South Africans from all sorts of backgrounds. From there onwards, they built an ecosystem in education, skills development and entrepreneurship. This initiative was to help change the future of South African youth. Work hard One may not work tirelessly, chase their goals and dreams, be successful and not have worked hard for it. Great work ethic and hard-work is what will get you where you want to be. This is evident in Lynette’s success and how she continuously pushes herself. Tip: When what you do on a day-to-day basis is your passion, it definitely is a bonus. It makes the hard work seem effortless so keep pushing #MotherlandMoguls! Stay true to yourself It’s important to also stay true to yourself when looking into grow into your career or business. This is one lesson that all women should keep in mind when on the road to success. Yes, we can look up to many people in our industries and in other industries. But staying true to who you are, and what YOU want to achieve will be key in continuing in your journey to success.  

5 R’S to recovering from a career setback

Have you recently experienced a career setback? You are in good company. I sincerely believe setbacks are proof that you are alive and working at achieving your goals. Think about it, if you had no goals, no end in sight, how could you suffer a setback? Everyone has suffered a setback(s) at some point in their lives, but the ability to move on positively, is what differentiates one person from the other. I have suffered a number of setbacks as a professional (which I have bounced back from) and I would like to share with you my five practical R’s to recovering from a career setback. Relax Relax emotionally and physically. Cut yourself some slack by relaxing mentally and emotionally. We are often our own worst critic. You might have made a wrong decision, but you still have all the skills, talents and strengths you possessed before the career setback. Relax physically. Do something you love or something that gets you excited. Read a book, watch a movie or go for a leisurely walk. Pamper yourself. Go for a pedicure in a nail salon that is equipped with a massage chair. Tres relaxing! While you are at it, get your nails painted. I am pretty sure you will leave the salon relaxed and in a better emotional state. Reach out You may also need to draw strength and encouragement from your support team, which typically consists of family, peers, friends, mentors and coaches. So my question for you is: what kinds of support do you need right now? Are you at a point where you feel all hope is lost? Reach out to someone that can lend a shoulder to cry on, but still encourage you to move on. A little comic relief won’t hurt either. Are you confused and uncertain about how to proceed? Reach out to someone that has an analytical mind and can offer suggestions on how you can bounce back. Reflect You also need to take time to reflect on and learn from the setback. Could you have done things differently? What can you do to prevent or reduce the chances of a reoccurrence? Do you need to improve your skills or take a course? Try listening to or watching a TedTalk or Tedx Talk for inspiration or seeking advice from a mentor or coach, if you are drawing a blank. Resolve Resolve to do all within your power and reach to bounce back. I am in love with the rubber band person concept by John Maxwell. According to him, a rubber band person is someone who no matter what happens to them, always seems to bounce back. They are resilient people. Deciding to move on from a setback is a conscious decision or a series of conscious decisions. Resolve to be a rubber band woman, a resilient woman! Re-imagine Re-imagine your future, positively.  Imagine sharing your story, after you have successfully bounced back, with start-ups, mentees or junior professionals in your community and inspiring them. Imagine giving a Tedx talk. Try to paint a positive mental picture of your desired future; it will inspire and strengthen you. Finally, remember, a setback is exactly what the term suggests; a temporary interruption or delay in progress. Don’t let a career setback define you, learn from it and move on stronger and wiser. Best of luck!

5 Types Of Accounts Every Woman Should Have Before 35

5 Types of Money Accounts Every Woman Should Have Before 35

Mo money, mo problems right? Maybe for Diddy, but definitely not for us. Definitely not in this economy and with the bills we need to pay and with the power moves we’re trying to make. More money equals more financial security for ourselves, our businesses and our families but how do we go about achieving that in the long run? The first thing you have to realize is that you can’t wait until you’re older to get started. In fact there are things you can do before you turn 35 which will go a long way in ensuring your financial independence for the rest of your life. We spoke to financial advisors from United Capital about what young women need to do to be better prepared for their future and they shared with us 5 important money accounts that every young woman should have before she turns 35 years old. Now 35 isn’t a hard and fast deadline but we can all probably agree that we better start to have our stuff together by the time we turn 35. Topics this guide will cover: – What are the 5 accounts you need to have before you turn 35 – Why each of these financial accounts matters for your future – How you can get free financial advice to help you reach your money goals So how do you download this free guide? Easy – just fill out the form below to join our community and get access to this guide and AWESOME weekly content.   [ninja_form id=29] If you already know you’re ready to speak with a financial advisor who can help you set up long term savings and investments options, then you should connect directly with the United Capital team by emailing them at

Job Opportunity: Aspen Management Partnership for Health in Sierra Leone

Public Health - Aspen Fellowship

Interested in global health and big systems change? Up for an entrepreneurial challenge and making things happen from within Ministries of Health? Believe that management and leadership are essential for lasting impact? Eager to apply your private sector experience to social problems? Join AMP Health for an exciting two years! An emerging consensus among global health leaders is that stronger health delivery systems are required to ensure preparedness against future epidemics like Ebola, to continue the fight against the top killers of children and mothers around the world, and to handle the growing burden of chronic, non-communicable diseases in low-and-middle-income countries. To strengthen health systems, governments need not only technical expertise, but also robust managerial and leadership skills, and a strategic understanding of the interplay between private and public sector roles. Aspen Management Partnership for Health (AMP Health) is a program of The Aspen Institute that was formally launched in September 2015 at the Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative. AMP Health offers managerial and strategic support to Ministries of Health (MoHs) in low-and-middle-income countries to facilitate community health system strengthening. The program features include (1) two-year placement of mid-career professionals with private sector experience (Management Partner, MP) within the MoH’s community health department, (2) leadership and management training for the MP and MoH counterparts, and (3) cross-country sharing of best practices and joint problem-solving. AMP Health currently operates in Kenya and Malawi (Sierra Leone to launch in fall 2016) in conjunction with a growing partnership network that includes USAID, Office of the UN Special Envoy for Health, GSK, Merck, the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, the Goldsmith Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Current AMP Health work: The inaugural cohort of MPs was selected in late 2015 and is embedded in the ministries of health in Kenya and Malawi. The MPs bring experience from working at McKinsey, the Clinton Health Access Initiative and other global private sector organizations. In Kenya, implementation began in February 2016 and the AMP Health country team is currently working on strengthening data use so that it can be used for analysis and advocacy to address the impact of Kenya’s recent devolution of government. In terms of engaging with partners, the team is collaborating with the local private sector and other donors as part of measures to strengthen investments in and implementation of community health. Part of this includes the creation of effective investment cases for the financing of community health. Implementation in Malawi kicked off in July 2016 where the team is working with the MoH to act on retention, productivity and performance issues – such as supportive supervision and mentoring – affecting their CHW program. In addition, the team will work to standardize services provided by CHWs, who deliver many of the interventions addressing preventable maternal and childhood diseases. The team will also develop investment cases for the Ministry of Finance and other partners to increase funding for community health. Management Partner Role: AMP Health seeks highly capable leaders to join MoHs as Management Partners. Each MP will serve as a problem-solving partner to national and regional leaders on high priority initiatives related to strengthening a country’s community health system. Based within the MoH, the MP will work closely with the head of the community health department and will report to a senior official in the MoH as well as to the AMP Health team. Specific MP work will be determined in collaboration with MoHs but could include, for example, industry analysis, program design, strategic planning, financial modeling/investment cases, operations, organizational development, marketing strategy, and/or stakeholder management. AMP Health believes in the power of strong leadership and management for systemic change. Accordingly, the MPs will benefit from personalized best-in-class leadership development training that will help them grow as leaders and effective change-makers within MoHs. MPs and their MoH counterparts will also participate in needs-based trainings and work closely with MPs from other countries and a network of local and global mentors from the public and private sectors. These events will serve as a collaborative platform to promote dialogue and best practices in leadership, management and community health systems strengthening. Qualifications: This role will require motivation, flexibility, patience, and a business-minded attitude. The right candidates will balance their proven business skills and results-driven approach with creativity, savvy, and humility. MPs should have an entrepreneurial spirit as well as a passionate interest in – and commitment to – the strengthening of health systems in low-and-middle-income countries. It is expected that the desired candidate will have the following qualifications: Advanced degree in business management (MBA) or other relevant field preferred; Fluency in English (speaking, reading, and writing); 5+ years of private sector experience, preferably with a top-tier management consulting firm; Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with an ability to use qualitative and quantitative data; Ability to work under pressure, respond to deadlines, prioritize competing deliverables, and be productive while working both independently and as part of a team; Demonstrated success in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships in a multi-stakeholder environment with varying levels of authority, experience in government and the NGO world would be an added advantage; Advanced skills in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, with experience in standard statistical or costing packages a plus; Positive attitude and sense of humor; Willingness and ability to live and work in a low-or-middle-income country for two years, with national and international travel up to 25% of the time; and African nationality preferred. Benefits: The MP role offers a direct, meaningful, and high visibility path to public or private sector healthcare leadership, along with structured support from AMP Health’s partners and mentorship networks. This is an outstanding opportunity to drive dramatic health system improvements and strengthen leadership and management capacity within MoHs. The MP will be paid a competitive all-inclusive stipend. To Apply: (1) Submit the short biographical questionnaire located at and (2) submit a cover letter and resume by email to Applications for the positions in Sierra Leone due by September 02nd, 2016.

The art of dusting yourself off

zendaya dusting off shoulder

What’s the difference between successful business people, and those who are less so? I’ve always wondered about this and for a while, I thought it boiled down to factors such as innovation, technical know-how and networks. I have since found that while these factors play a large role, a lot depends on your ability to self-motivate during the down times. It is easy to be focused when things are going your way, but this is not always the case when the reverse occurs. This partly explains why a majority of small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs) do not get to year two of their existence. Running your own business means you are forgoing a predictable source of income for something that you have no guarantee will work. Yes, you go into it having done your homework and armed with a clear projection of your revenue. But, we know what they say about the best-laid plans. The reality is that business is tough. It is not for the faint of heart. I have come across a lot more ‘depressed’ business people than happy fulfilled ones. Hell, I have had more down moments in the space of a year and a half than I’d ever had in my entire professional career. When you are in the services business like some of us, the going can get a lot tougher than most. So, if the harshness of the entrepreneurship path is so prevalent, how come we hear very little about it? Human nature prohibits people from admitting that things aren’t what they thought they would be. It’s as if doing so makes you less human, better yet, less ‘entrepreneurial’. We walk around pretending the world of business is fine and all of us are making money and not spending sleepless nights wondering where payroll money will come from. You end up feeling discouraged and exhausted, sometimes even considering the attractiveness of a predictable income. When this moment hits, it’s easy to forget all the good things that attracted you into your business industry in the first place. You forget all about the well-laid strategies that you have developed over time and the urgency to generate cash becomes a dominant factor in your mind. At this point in the journey, it’s time to dig deep into your internal resources. No, I’m not talking about spirituality. Accessing your inner resources takes a clear understanding of the following: You are not unique Everyone goes through dips in every area of their lives. You are not unique. Don’t worry, you won’t die from it either. Understand that even the ones you admire today went through the struggles you are going through. It passes and it comes back again, get used to the cycle. If it comes easy, you’ll take it for granted I have learnt that when things are handed on a silver platter the amount of care we place on them is different to when you work for it yourself. Make sure success is important to you, that way you give things you work on all you’ve got. Dusting yourself off is a skill you learn Mental fitness does not just happen overnight, it is a skill that gets better with exercise. The more you use this skill, the better it becomes. All it takes is knowing what you want to achieve and knowing and believing that you have all you need to realise it. In addition, remembering that obstacles are part of the game and a chance sometimes to recalibrate. Get used to downtime We all go through down moments in every area of our lives, it’s even worse in the world of business. There are many businesses offering similar goods and services and it is always about reinventing yourself. Sometimes it goes your way, other times it doesn’t. Failure is also part of the journey and that is normal. How you move from the dips is what determines the level of impact you and your business will have for the next generation.